Browsing Arabic translation

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Before translating, be sure to go through Ubuntu Translators instructions and Arabic guidelines.
110 of 39 results
%1 is locked
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu:
%1 موصد
Suggested by Ibrahim Saed
Located in ../src/imports/Ubuntu/Contacts/SIMCardImportPage.qml:122
+ Create New
TRANSLATORS: this refers to a new contact
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu:
+ إنشاء جديد
Suggested by Ibrahim Saed
Located in ../src/imports/Ubuntu/Contacts/ContactListView.qml:480
Add Google account
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu:
إضافة حساب جوجل
Suggested by Ibrahim Saed
Located in ../src/imports/Settings/SettingsPage.qml:87
Add number...
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu:
إضافة رقم...
Suggested by Ibrahim Saed
Located in ../src/imports/Ubuntu/Contacts/ContactDetailPickerPhoneNumberDelegate.qml:82
Are you sure that you want to remove all selected contacts?
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu:
هل أنت متأكد من رغبتك في إزالة كل الأشخاص المُختارين؟
Suggested by Ibrahim Saed
Located in ../src/imports/Ubuntu/AddressBook/Base/RemoveContactsDialog.qml:51
Are you sure that you want to remove this contact?
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu:
هل أنت متأكد من رغبتك في إزالة هذا الشخص؟
Suggested by Ibrahim Saed
Located in ../src/imports/Ubuntu/AddressBook/Base/RemoveContactsDialog.qml:49
Cancel selection
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu:
إلغاء الاختيار
Suggested by Ibrahim Saed
Located in ../src/imports/ABContactListPage.qml:539
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu:
Suggested by Ibrahim Saed
Located in ../src/imports/BusyImportingDialog.qml:40 ../src/imports/Ubuntu/AddressBook/ContactEditor/AlertMessageDialog.qml:48
Contact Editor
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu:
محرّر الأشخاص
Suggested by Ibrahim Saed
Located in ../src/imports/Ubuntu/AddressBook/ContactEditor/AlertMessageDialog.qml:29
Contacts Address Book
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu:
دفتر عناوين الأشخاص
Suggested by Ibrahim Saed
Located in ../data/
110 of 39 results

This translation is managed by Ubuntu Arabic Translators, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Ibrahim Saed.