Translations by Gabriel
Gabriel has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
1 → 13 of 13 results | First • Previous • Next • Last |
21. |
2014-08-31 |
22. |
No data available
2014-08-31 |
Aucune donnée disponible.
23. |
Error: %s
2014-08-31 |
Erreur: %s
24. |
No data
2014-08-31 |
Aucune donnée
25. |
Click for the full forecast for %s
2014-08-31 |
Cliquez pour voir les prévisions complète de %s
26. |
2014-08-31 |
27. |
2014-08-31 |
28. |
2014-08-31 |
29. |
2014-08-31 |
30. |
2014-08-31 |
204. |
Current visibility
2014-09-26 |
205. |
Check to display the current visibility
2014-09-26 |
Cocher pour afficher la visibilité
238. |
2014-09-26 |