Value doesn't match format.
note: "The text displayed in the status column when a policy value doesn't match the expected format."
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_POLICY_VALUE_FORMAT_ERROR
in: upstream/cr-29.0.1547.55/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_POLICY_VALUE_FORMAT_ERROR
Az érték nem egyezik a formátummal.
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
grdsid2704283930420550640; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
Switch between open tabs
UNUSED: (is_android) OR (pp_ifdef('android')) == False
note: 'The message displayed on tabs bubble on the welcome page'
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_WELCOME_PAGE_TABS_BUBBLE
in: upstream/cr-29.0.1547.55/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_WELCOME_PAGE_TABS_BUBBLE
Váltás a megnyitott lapok között
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
grdsid2706131822305474920; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
note: 'Form Autofill items, one of the data types that we allow syncing.'
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_SYNC_DATATYPE_AUTOFILL
in: upstream/cr-29.0.1547.55/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_SYNC_DATATYPE_AUTOFILL
Automatikus kitöltés
Translated by
Fabien Tassin
Located in
grdsid2709516037105925701; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
Overrides the device display density to force the use of high DPI mode and assets.
note: "Description of the 'Force high DPI mode' lab."
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_FLAGS_FORCE_HIGH_DPI_DESCRIPTION
in: upstream/cr-29.0.1547.55/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_FLAGS_FORCE_HIGH_DPI_DESCRIPTION
Felülírja az eszköz képernyősűrűségét a magas DPI mód és -tartalmak használatának kényszerítése érdekében.
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
grdsid2710582058364740604; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
Anti-virus software detected a virus.
note: 'Download page message: Virus.'
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_DOWNLOAD_INTERRUPTED_DESCRIPTION_VIRUS
in: upstream/cr-29.0.1547.55/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_DOWNLOAD_INTERRUPTED_DESCRIPTION_VIRUS
A vírusirtó program vírust észlelt.
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
grdsid2718998670920917754; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
Request succeeded
note: 'Message indicating a successful device management server call.'
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_POLICY_DM_STATUS_SUCCESS
in: upstream/cr-29.0.1547.55/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_POLICY_DM_STATUS_SUCCESS
Sikeres kérés
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
grdsid2721148159707890343; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
All data was encrypted with your Google password as of
note: 'Text of the radio that when selected enables full encryption.'
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_SYNC_FULL_ENCRYPTION_BODY_GOOGLE_WITH_DATE
in: upstream/cr-29.0.1547.55/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_SYNC_FULL_ENCRYPTION_BODY_GOOGLE_WITH_DATE
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
represents a space character.
Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
Az összes adat titkosítva lett a Google-jelszavával ekkor:
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
grdsid272144938731358525; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
On Mac, passwords are saved to your Keychain and may be accessed or synced by other Chrome users sharing this OS X account.
note: 'The warning for OS X that passwords are shared across profiles in the keychain.'
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_OPTIONS_PASSWORDS_MAC_WARNING
in: upstream/cr-29.0.1547.55/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_OPTIONS_PASSWORDS_MAC_WARNING
Mac számítógépen a rendszer a Keychain alkalmazásba menti a jelszavakat, amelyek hozzáférhetők vagy szinkronizálhatók lesznek azon Chrome-felhasználók számára, akik ugyanezzel az OS X-fiókkal rendelkeznek.
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
grdsid2721687379934343312; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
(%{COUNT} total)
note: 'Message to show how many print destinations the user has.'
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_PRINT_PREVIEW_DESTINATION_COUNT
in: upstream/cr-29.0.1547.55/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_PRINT_PREVIEW_DESTINATION_COUNT
(összesen %{COUNT})
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
grdsid2726934403674109201; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
Actual Size
UNUSED: (is_macosx) == False
note: 'The Mac menu item to make the page actual size in the view menu.'
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_TEXT_DEFAULT_MAC
in: upstream/cr-29.0.1547.55/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_TEXT_DEFAULT_MAC
Valós méret
Translated by
Fabien Tassin
Located in
grdsid2727712005121231835; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2