note: 'Label for button that opens a full calendar picker so the user can choose dates other than the ones in the list.'
note: 'Label for button that opens a full color chooser so the user can choose colors other than the ones in the list.'
note: 'Label for button that opens a full month picker so the user can choose dates other than the ones in the list.'
note: 'Label for button that opens a full time picker so the user can choose dates other than the ones in the list.'
note: 'Label for button that opens a full week picker so the user can choose dates other than the ones in the list.'
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/webkit/glue/webkit_strings.grd, as IDS_FORM_OTHER_COLOR_LABEL
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/webkit/glue/webkit_strings.grd, as IDS_FORM_OTHER_DATE_LABEL
(no translation yet)
Located in
grdsid668171684555832681; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
note: 'Accessible description of the day of month field in a date/time control'
note: "Short word to indicate which is the day-in-month part in a date format. e.g. 'Day' in 'Month/Day/Year'"
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/webkit/glue/webkit_strings.grd, as IDS_FORM_DATE_FORMAT_DAY_IN_MONTH
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/webkit/glue/webkit_strings.grd, as IDS_AX_DAY_OF_MONTH_FIELD_TEXT
(no translation yet)
Located in
grdsid248395913932153421; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
note: 'Default label for Submit buttons in forms on webpages.'
note: 'alt text for <input> elements with no alt, title, or value'
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/webkit/glue/webkit_strings.grd, as IDS_FORM_SUBMIT_LABEL
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/webkit/glue/webkit_strings.grd, as IDS_FORM_INPUT_ALT
(no translation yet)
Located in
grdsid2653659639078652383; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
note: 'Accessible description of video'
note: 'Accessible help of video'
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/webkit/glue/webkit_strings.grd, as IDS_AX_MEDIA_VIDEO_ELEMENT
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/webkit/glue/webkit_strings.grd, as IDS_AX_MEDIA_VIDEO_ELEMENT_HELP
(no translation yet)
Located in
grdsid4763480195061959176; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
note: 'Accessible description of the week of year field in a date/time control'
note: 'Label for week number column in a calendar.'
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/webkit/glue/webkit_strings.grd, as IDS_FORM_WEEK_NUMBER_LABEL
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/webkit/glue/webkit_strings.grd, as IDS_AX_WEEK_OF_YEAR_FIELD_TEXT
(no translation yet)
Located in
grdsid5966707198760109579; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
note: 'Accessible description of the year field in a date/time control'
note: "Short word to indicate which is the year part in a date format. e.g. 'Year' in 'Month/Day/Year'"
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/webkit/glue/webkit_strings.grd, as IDS_FORM_DATE_FORMAT_YEAR
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/webkit/glue/webkit_strings.grd, as IDS_AX_YEAR_FIELD_TEXT
(no translation yet)
Located in
grdsid6015796118275082299; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
note: 'Accessible description of the month field in a date/time control'
note: "Short word to indicate which is the month part in a date format. e.g. 'Month' in 'Month/Day/Year'"
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/webkit/glue/webkit_strings.grd, as IDS_FORM_DATE_FORMAT_MONTH
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/webkit/glue/webkit_strings.grd, as IDS_AX_MONTH_FIELD_TEXT
(no translation yet)
Located in
grdsid8987927404178983737; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
note: 'A message displayed on the progress control over PDF page during document loading.'
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/webkit/glue/webkit_strings.grd, as IDS_PDF_PROGRESS_LOADING
in: upstream/cr-29.0.1547.55/webkit/glue/webkit_strings.grd, as IDS_PDF_PROGRESS_LOADING
(no translation yet)
Located in
grdsid1639239467298939599; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
note: 'Text for denoting day of month field position in date format. Short text is prefered. See http://crbug.com/152632 for samples.'
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/webkit/glue/webkit_strings.grd, as IDS_FORM_PLACEHOLDER_FOR_DAY_OF_MONTH_FIELD
in: upstream/cr-29.0.1547.55/webkit/glue/webkit_strings.grd, as IDS_FORM_PLACEHOLDER_FOR_DAY_OF_MONTH_FIELD
(no translation yet)
Located in
grdsid1921819250265091946; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
note: 'accessibility role description for movie status'
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/webkit/glue/webkit_strings.grd, as IDS_AX_MEDIA_STATUS_DISPLAY
in: upstream/cr-29.0.1547.55/webkit/glue/webkit_strings.grd, as IDS_AX_MEDIA_STATUS_DISPLAY
(no translation yet)
Located in
grdsid1930711995431081526; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2