Translations by Fernando Zarazua

Fernando Zarazua has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

15 of 5 results
Tool for performing actions on an Active Directory domain
Herramienta para realizar acciones en un dominio de directorio activo
This tool allows the administrator to join the local machine to an Active Directory (AD) domain. It's taking care of creating the computer account on the domain and adjusting the kerberos (keytab) configuration.
Esta herramienta permite al administrador unir la máquina local a un dominio de directorio activo. Se encarga de crear la cuenta de la computadora en el dominio y ajustar la configuración kerberos.
It also allows the domain administrator to manage the users or the groups and the computer accounts in Active Directory (AD) domains.
También permite al administrador del dominio gestionar usuarios o grupos y cuentas de computadora en los dominios de directorio activo.
The following main services are included: NickServ, ChanServ, MemoServ, OperServ, BotServ, and HostServ.
Se incluyen los siguientes servicios principales: NickServ, ChanServ, MemoServ, OperServ, BotServ y HostServ.
The following IRC servers are supported:
Se soportan los siguientes servidores IRC: