Translations by Pablo Rubianes

Pablo Rubianes has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

14 of 4 results
This package contains the client helper application that works in tandem with the ExternalEditor Zope product on the Zope server.
Este paquete contiene la aplicación cliente de ayuda que funciona en tandem con el editor externo Zope en el servidor Zope
This is the SQLite 3 internal driver for AOLserver 4.
Driver interno de SQLite 3 para AOLserver 4.
Configurable suexec program for Apache 2 mod_suexec
Programa suexec configurable para Apache 2 mod_suexec
"Zoph Organizes PHotos" is a web based photo management system written using PHP and backed by MySQL, not just yet-another-web-album.
"Zoph Organizes PHotos" es un sistema web de administración fotográfica escrito en PHP y MySql. No es solo otro álbum fotográfico web mas.