Translations by Gérard Duteil

Gérard Duteil has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

12 of 2 results
A fork of folks dummy backend to be used as standalone backend to test address-book-service.
Une autre branche qui peut être utilisé comme application autonome d'arrière plan pour tester un service de carnet d'adresse.
The following checks are currently implemented: * broken symlinks; * missing copyright file; * obsolete conffiles; * Python modules not byte-compiled; * /bin and /sbin binaries requiring /usr/lib libraries; * missing libraries, undefined symbols, symbol size mismatches; * license conflicts; * program name collisions; * missing alternatives; * missing binfmt interpreters and detectors.
Les vérifications suivantes sont couramment réalisées * liens symboliques cassés; * fichier de copyright oublié; * fichers conf obsolètes; * Python modules not byte-compiled; * /bin and /sbin binaries requiring /usr/lib libraries; * missing libraries, undefined symbols, symbol size mismatches; * conflits de licence; * program name collisions; * missing alternatives; * missing binfmt interpreters and detectors.