Translations by 王璟程

王璟程 has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

13 of 3 results
Settings data needed upgrading. Your old settings have<br>been wiped and a new set of defaults initialized. This<br>will happen regularly during development, so don't report a<br>bug. This simply means Enlightenment needs new settings<br>data by default for usable functionality that your old<br>settings simply lack. This new set of defaults will fix<br>that by adding it in. You can re-configure things now to your<br>liking. Sorry for the hiccup in your settings.<br>
设置数据需要升级。您的旧设置已被抹除并且新的一套默认的已载入。这个<br>在开发中会有规律地发生,所以不要回报一个<br>bug。这只是意味着 Enlightenment 需要新的默认设置<br>数据以可用您的旧的<br>设置所缺少的功能可用。这个新的一套默认的设置会通过加入它来解决<br>这个。您可以现在重配置东西成你<br>喜欢的。抱歉在您的设置中出现这个信息。
Your settings are NEWER than Enlightenment. This is very<br>strange. This should not happen unless you downgraded<br>Enlightenment or copied the settings from a place where<br>a newer version of Enlightenment was running. This is bad and<br>as a precaution your settings have been now restored to<br>defaults. Sorry for the inconvenience.<br>