Browsing Polish translation

110 of 55 results
There are no bookable resource types registered.
Brak typu dających się rezerwować zasobów
Translated and reviewed by Wojciech Sachwanowicz
Located in reservation.js:NO_BRT_RESULTS
Could not find target div
Nie można znaleźć wybranego div
Translated and reviewed by Wojciech Sachwanowicz
Located in reservation.js:NO_TARG_DIV
Couldn't retrieve booking resource attributes.
Nie mogę wyszukać atrybutów zasobu do rezerwacji
Translated and reviewed by Wojciech Sachwanowicz
Located in reservation.js:NO_BRA_RESULTS
You have clicked 'Reserve Selected', but nothing is selected!

You must select a resource from the large box above.

*** If resources that you would select are highlighted in RED, ***
these items are not available during the requested time; if
possible, choose another resource or change the reservation time.
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Kliknąłeś 'Zarezerwuj wybrane', ale nic nie zostało wybrane!

Musisz wybrać zasób z dużego okienka powyżej.

*** Jeśli zasób, który chciałbyś wybrać jest zaznaczony na CZERWONO, ***
to te egzemplarze nie są dostępne w żądanym czasie; jeśli
to możliwe, wybierz inny zasób lub zmień czas rezerwacji.
Translated and reviewed by Wojciech Sachwanowicz
Located in reservation.js:SELECT_A_BRSRC_THEN
Exception trying to create reservation:
There are leading/trailing spaces here. Each one represents a space character. Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
Wyjątek w czasie próby utworzenia rezerwacji:
Translated and reviewed by Wojciech Sachwanowicz
Located in reservation.js:CREATE_BRESV_LOCAL_ERROR
Server error trying to create reservation:
There are leading/trailing spaces here. Each one represents a space character. Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
Błąd serwera w czasie próby utworzenia rezerwacji:
Translated and reviewed by Wojciech Sachwanowicz
Located in reservation.js:CREATE_BRESV_SERVER_ERROR
No response from server after trying to create reservation.
Brak odpowiedzi z serwera po próbie wykonania rezerwacji
Translated and reviewed by Wojciech Sachwanowicz
Located in reservation.js:CREATE_BRESV_SERVER_NO_RESPONSE
Created ${0} reservation(s), but ${1} of these could not target any resources.

This means that it won't be possible to fulfill some of these
reservations until a suitable resource becomes available.
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Utworzono ${0} rezerwacji, ale ${1} z tego nie mogło trafić na zasób.

To znaczy, że nie będzie można wypełnić niektórych
rezerwacji do czasu aż odpowiedni zasób nie będzie dostępny.
Translated and reviewed by Wojciech Sachwanowicz
Located in reservation.js:CREATE_BRESV_OK_MISSING_TARGET
The desired reservation(s) are blocked by circulation(s) with the following due date(s):
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Wybrana rezerwacje są blokowane przez wypożyczenie z następującymi datami zwrotu:
Translated and reviewed by Wojciech Sachwanowicz
Since the requested resource could not be targeted, this
reservation will now be canceled.
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Ponieważ nie można trafić na wymagany zasób, ta
rezerwacja będzie anulowana.
Translated and reviewed by Wojciech Sachwanowicz
110 of 55 results

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Contributors to this translation: Wojciech Sachwanowicz.