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1423 of 45 results
New Features
Nueves carauterístiques
Translated by Havi
Reviewed by Havi
Located in usr/share/linuxmint/mintwelcome/mintwelcome.ui.h:7
Click the button below to discover the new features introduced in this version of Linux Mint.
Calca'l botón d'abaxu p'asoleyar les nueves carauterístiques incluyíes n'esta versión de Linux Mint.
Translated by Havi
Reviewed by Havi
Located in usr/share/linuxmint/mintwelcome/mintwelcome.ui.h:8
Release Notes
Notes de la versión
Translated by Havi
Reviewed by Havi
Located in usr/share/linuxmint/mintwelcome/mintwelcome.ui.h:9
Click the button below to read about known bugs, limitations and workarounds for this version of Linux Mint.
Calca'l botón d'abaxu pa lleer al rodiu de fallos, llimitaciones ya soluciones alternatives n'esta versión de Linux Mint.
Translated by Havi
Reviewed by Havi
Located in usr/share/linuxmint/mintwelcome/mintwelcome.ui.h:10
Desktop Colors
Collores d'escritoriu
Translated by Havi
Reviewed by Havi
Located in usr/share/linuxmint/mintwelcome/mintwelcome.ui.h:11
First, make yourself at home. Choose your favorite color and whether you prefer a light or a dark desktop theme.
Pa entamar, sientite comu nel to llar. Escoye'l to collor preferíu ya si te presta más un tonu d'escritoriu claru o anegráu.
Translated by Havi
Reviewed by Havi
Located in usr/share/linuxmint/mintwelcome/mintwelcome.ui.h:12
System Snapshots
Semeyes del sistema
Translated by Havi
Reviewed by Havi
Located in usr/share/linuxmint/mintwelcome/mintwelcome.ui.h:13
Next, let's set automatic system snapshots. A minimum of two daily and two boot snapshots are recommended. If anything breaks, you can then restore your computer to its previous working state.
Pa siguir, vamos configurar les semeyes automátiques del sistema. Encomiéndase facer un mínimu de dos semeyes diaries ya dos semeyes d'arranque. Si se rompe daqué vas poder igualo tornando el to sistema a comu taba enantes.
Translated by Havi
Reviewed by Havi
Located in usr/share/linuxmint/mintwelcome/mintwelcome.ui.h:14
Driver Manager
Xestor de controladores
Translated by Havi
Reviewed by Havi
Located in usr/share/linuxmint/mintwelcome/mintwelcome.ui.h:15
Check the Driver Manager to see if it recommends any additional drivers for your computer. Most hardware components are recognized by the Linux kernel and work automatically without the need to install drivers. Some however require proprietary drivers to be recognized or to work better.
Avera'l xestor de controladores pa ver si encomienda dalgún controlador adicional pal to ordenador. El noyu de Linux ya reconoz automaticamente la mayoría del hardware y nun se suel precisar l'istalar más controladores. Delles vegaes puén riquise controladores propietarios pa que furrule o p'ameyorar el so furrulamientu.
Translated by Havi
Reviewed by Havi
Located in usr/share/linuxmint/mintwelcome/mintwelcome.ui.h:16
1423 of 45 results

This translation is managed by Asturian translation team for Linux Mint, assigned by Linux Mint.

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Contributors to this translation: Havi, Xuacu Saturio, ivarela.