Browsing Ukrainian translation

These translations are shared with nova in Ubuntu Plucky template nova.

110 of 1499 results
Filename of root CA
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu:
Назва файла кореневого сертифіката CA
Suggested by yurchor
Located in nova/
Filename of root Certificate Revocation List
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu:
Ім’я файлу кореневого списку відклику сертифікатів
Suggested by Mykola Tkach
Located in nova/
Where we keep our root CA
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu:
Місце зберігання кореневого сертифіката CA
Suggested by yurchor
Located in nova/
Should we use a CA for each project?
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu:
Чи слід використовувати сертифікат CA для усіх проектів?
Suggested by yurchor
Located in nova/
Subject for certificate for users, %s for project, user, timestamp
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu:
Тема для сертифікатів користувачів, %s для проекту, користувача, часової мітки
Suggested by Mykola Tkach
Located in nova/
Subject for certificate for projects, %s for project, timestamp
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu:
Тема для сертифікатів проектів, %s для проекту, часова мітка
Suggested by Mykola Tkach
Located in nova/
Flags path: %s
(no translation yet)
Located in nova/
Command: %(cmd)s
Exit code: %(exit_code)s
Stdout: %(stdout)r
Stderr: %(stderr)r
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu:
Команда: %(cmd)s
Код виходу: %(exit_code)s
Stdout: %(stdout)r
Stderr: %(stderr)r
Suggested by Mykola Tkach
Located in nova/openstack/common/
DB exception wrapped.
(no translation yet)
Located in nova/openstack/common/db/sqlalchemy/
An unknown exception occurred.
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu:
Сталося невідоме виключення.
Suggested by yurchor
Located in nova/
110 of 1499 results

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Contributors to this translation: Mykola Tkach, mwp, yurchor.