Translations by digitalsatori(Shine IT)

digitalsatori(Shine IT) has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

12 of 2 results
You can use special operation by pressing +, - or =. Plus/minus adds/decrease the variable to the current selected date. Equals set part of selected date. Available variables: 12h = 12 hours, 8d = 8 days, 4w = 4 weeks, 1m = 1 month, 2y = 2 years. Some examples: * +21d : adds 21 days to selected year * =23w : set date to the 23th week of the year * -4m : decrease 4 months to the current date You can also use "=" to set the date to the current date/time and '-' to clear the field.
你可以使用+,-或=这些特殊含义的操作符。正/负符号在当前日期下增加/减少日期。等于号设置所选日期。操作符后的数据格式:12h表示12小时,8d表示8天,4w表示4周, 1m表示1个月,2y表示2年。应用举例: * +21d: 在所选日期上添加21天 * =23w: 设置日期为本年的第23周 * -4m: 从当前日期减4个月 你也可以使用“=”来设置日期为当前日期/时间,使用“-”来清除该字段。
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