Translations by David Green

David Green has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

150 of 59 results
To get help on a specific command, run 'help COMMAND'.
To get help on a specific command, run 'help COMMAND'.
Here is a list of available commands:
Here is a list of available commands:
Prints the PID of the tagfm server. This command is intended for use by other programs and you shouldn't need to use this command.
Prints the PID of the tagfm server. This command is intended for use by other programs and you shouldn't need to use this command.
Causes the tagfm server to exit. After using this command, you can either run 'q' to quit the shell or 'start' to restart the tagfm server.
Causes the tagfm server to exit. After using this command, you can either run 'q' to quit the shell or 'start' to restart the tagfm server.
If argument file_path is given, this command checks if file_path is tagged with tag. Otherwise, it checks if the tag tag exists in the tag database. Prints 'true' if true, 'false' if false.
If argument file_path is given, this command checks if file_path is tagged with tag. Otherwise, it checks if the tag tag exists in the tag database. Prints 'true' if true, 'false' if false.
If argument file_path is given, this command checks if file_path is tagged with all of the given tags. Otherwise, it checks if all of the given tags exist in the tag database. Prints 'true' if true, 'false' if false.
If argument file_path is given, this command checks if file_path is tagged with all of the given tags. Otherwise, it checks if all of the given tags exist in the tag database. Prints 'true' if true, 'false' if false.
Prints a list of tags in common to all of the file paths given as arguments. If no arguments are given, it prints a list of all the tags in the tag database.
Prints a list of tags in common to all of the file paths given as arguments. If no arguments are given, it prints a list of all the tags in the tag database.
Adds the tag tag to the list of available tags in the tag database. Prints 'true' if the tag was added successfully and 'false' if the tag already existed.
Adds the tag tag to the list of available tags in the tag database. Prints 'true' if the tag was added successfully and 'false' if the tag already existed.
Adds each of the tags given as arguments to the list of available tags in the tag database. Prints 'true' if all of the tags were added successfully and 'false' if any of the tags already existed.
Adds each of the tags given as arguments to the list of available tags in the tag database. Prints 'true' if all of the tags were added successfully and 'false' if any of the tags already existed.
Prints 'true' if the file file_path exists in the tag database and 'false' if it does not.
Prints 'true' if the file file_path exists in the tag database and 'false' if it does not.
Adds the file file to the list of available files in the file database. Prints 'true' if the file was added successfully and 'false' if the file already existed.
Adds the file file to the list of available files in the file database. Prints 'true' if the file was added successfully and 'false' if the file already existed.
Adds each of the files given as arguments to the list of available files in the file database. Prints 'true' if all of the files were added successfully and 'false' if any of the files already existed.
Adds each of the files given as arguments to the list of available files in the file database. Prints 'true' if all of the files were added successfully and 'false' if any of the files already existed.
Removes the file file from the tag database. Prints 'true' if the file was removed successfully and 'false' if the file didn't exist'.
Removes the file file from the tag database. Prints 'true' if the file was removed successfully and 'false' if the file didn't exist'.
Removes each of the files given as arguments to the list of available files in the file database. Prints 'true' if all of the files were removed successfully and 'false' if any of the files didn't exist.
Removes each of the files given as arguments to the list of available files in the file database. Prints 'true' if all of the files were removed successfully and 'false' if any of the files didn't exist.
Tags all of the files given as arguments with all of the tags given as arguments.
Tags all of the files given as arguments with all of the tags given as arguments.
Removes all of the tags given as arguments from all of the files given as arguments.
Removes all of the tags given as arguments from all of the files given as arguments.
Prints a list of all files in the tag database.
Prints a list of all files in the tag database.
If arguments are given, sets the 'included tags' to the list of tags given as the arguments. Otherwise, prints the the current 'it' list. To set the included tags to an empty list, use 'it ""'.
If arguments are given, sets the 'included tags' to the list of tags given as the arguments. Otherwise, prints the the current 'it' list. To set the included tags to an empty list, use 'it ""'.
it and et are used instead in the tag based file management of TagFM instead of the working directory concept in traditional hierarchical file management. it and et are used to filter files by tags to give a list of files that are tagged with ALL of the 'it' tags and NONE of the 'et' tags. Use the 'ls' command to view this list.
it and et are used instead in the tag based file management of TagFM instead of the working directory concept in traditional hierarchical file management. it and et are used to filter files by tags to give a list of files that are tagged with ALL of the 'it' tags and NONE of the 'et' tags. Use the 'ls' command to view this list.
If arguments are given, sets the 'excluded tags' to the list of tags given as the arguments. Otherwise, prints the the current 'et' list. To set the excluded tags to an empty list, use 'et ""'.
If arguments are given, sets the 'excluded tags' to the list of tags given as the arguments. Otherwise, prints the the current 'et' list. To set the excluded tags to an empty list, use 'et ""'.
Removes the tag tag from the tag database and removes it from any files that are tagged with it.
Removes the tag tag from the tag database and removes it from any files that are tagged with it.
Removes each of the tags given as arguments from the tag database and removes them from any files that are tagged with them.
Removes each of the tags given as arguments from the tag database and removes them from any files that are tagged with them.
Prints a score representing the proportion of the tags given as arguments that the file file is tagged with. A score of 1.0 shows that the file is tagged with all of these tags. A score of 0.0 shows that the file is tagged with none of these tags.
Prints a score representing the proportion of the tags given as arguments that the file file is tagged with. A score of 1.0 shows that the file is tagged with all of these tags. A score of 0.0 shows that the file is tagged with none of these tags.
Prints a list of files that are tagged with ALL of tags (itags) listed before the '-e' and are tagged with NONE of the tags (etags) listed after the '-e'.
Prints a list of files that are tagged with ALL of tags (itags) listed before the '-e' and are tagged with NONE of the tags (etags) listed after the '-e'.
Prints a list of all of the files that are tagged with NONE of the tags (etags) listed after the '-e'. This list is of files is sorted by how much they match with the tags (itags) listed before the '-e' (see the 'match' command).
Prints a list of all of the files that are tagged with NONE of the tags (etags) listed after the '-e'. This list is of files is sorted by how much they match with the tags (itags) listed before the '-e' (see the 'match' command).
Adds the listed directories and all files/subdirectories inside to the tag database. By default, it does not add the files/subdirectories within the subdirectories. This behaviour can be changed using the '--recursive' option. Hidden files/folders are ignored unless the '--index-hidden' option is used.
Adds the listed directories and all files/subdirectories inside to the tag database. By default, it does not add the files/subdirectories within the subdirectories. This behaviour can be changed using the '--recursive' option. Hidden files/folders are ignored unless the '--index-hidden' option is used.
Causes all files and folders in the given directories to be indexed recursively.
Causes all files and folders in the given directories to be indexed recursively.
Allows hidden files and folders to be indexed.
Allows hidden files and folders to be indexed.
Stops the tagfm server from printing indexed files.
Stops the tagfm server from printing indexed files.
Stops the listed files/folders from being indexed.
Stops the listed files/folders from being indexed.
Creates a backup file of the files that are tagged with ALL of the tags (itags) before the '-e' and NONE of the tags (etags) after the '-e'. The tags of these files are also backed up. The backup file is written to the path given after the '-f'. If no path is given, the file is placed in the users home folder. It is given a name depending on the date and time and a file extension of '.backup'.
Creates a backup file of the files that are tagged with ALL of the tags (itags) before the '-e' and NONE of the tags (etags) after the '-e'. The tags of these files are also backed up. The backup file is written to the path given after the '-f'. If no path is given, the file is placed in the users home folder. It is given a name depending on the date and time and a file extension of '.backup'.
Restores a backup created by the 'create_backup' command from the given file. This restores the files to their original location and adds them to the tag database with the tags they had when they were backed up.
Restores a backup created by the 'create_backup' command from the given file. This restores the files to their original location and adds them to the tag database with the tags they had when they were backed up.
Automatically adds tags to the files listed before the '-e'. If none are given before the '-e', all of the files in the database are used. Files are not tagged if they appear after the '-e'. What the files are tagged with may depend on their file extension amongst other things. This depends on the autotag_file_extensions and the autotag_plugins.
Automatically adds tags to the files listed before the '-e'. If none are given before the '-e', all of the files in the database are used. Files are not tagged if they appear after the '-e'. What the files are tagged with may depend on their file extension amongst other things. This depends on the autotag_file_extensions and the autotag_plugins.
Prints a list of files that are tagged with all of the 'it' tags and none of the 'et' tags.
Prints a list of files that are tagged with all of the 'it' tags and none of the 'et' tags.
Prints a list of selected files.
Prints a list of selected files.
Adds the files represented by the given indices to the list of current selected files. These indices refer to the place in the list printed by ls.
Adds the files represented by the given indices to the list of current selected files. These indices refer to the place in the list printed by ls.
Adds the file file to the list of selected files.
Adds the file file to the list of selected files.
Adds the each of the given files to the list of selected files.
Adds each of the given files to the list of selected files.
Removes the files represented by the given indices from the list of current selected files. These indices refer to the place in the list printed by selected.
Removes the files represented by the given indices from the list of current selected files. These indices refer to the place in the list printed by selected.
Removes the file file from the list of selected files.
Removes the file file from the list of selected files.
Removes the each of the given files from the list of selected files.
Removes the each of the given files from the list of selected files.
Selects all files from 'ls'. See 'select_files', 'ls'.
Selects all files from 'ls'. See 'select_files', 'ls'.
Deselects all files from 'ls'. See 'deselect_files', 'ls'.
Deselects all files from 'ls'. See 'deselect_files', 'ls'.
Copies the selected files so that they can be pasted later. See 'selected', 'paste'.
Copies the selected files so that they can be pasted later. See 'selected', 'paste'.
Cuts the selected files so that they can be pasted later. See 'selected', 'paste'.
Cuts the selected files so that they can be pasted later. See 'selected', 'paste'.
Copies any files that were selected when the most recent 'cut' or 'copy' command was executed to the directory dir. If the 'cut' command was used, the files are deleted from the directory they were originally in. cut/copy and paste preserve all tags and there is no need to add/remove files or tags to/from the tag database. cut, copy and paste work in a similar way traditional file manager (eg. nautilus).
Copies any files that were selected when the most recent 'cut' or 'copy' command was executed to the directory dir. If the 'cut' command was used, the files are deleted from the directory they were originally in. cut/copy and paste preserve all tags and there is no need to add/remove files or tags to/from the tag database. cut, copy and paste work in a similar way traditional file manager (eg. nautilus).
Tags all of the selected files with the tag 'trash'. This replaces the trash folder concept of traditional file management.
Tags all of the selected files with the tag 'trash'. This replaces the trash folder concept of traditional file management.
Removes the 'trash' tag from the selected files.
Removes the 'trash' tag from the selected files.
Opens the selected files with the default application for that file type (uses xdg-open).
Opens the selected files with the default application for that file type (uses xdg-open).