Browsing Basque translation

110 of 440 results
==> print help, example
==> inprimatzeko laguntza, adibidez
Translated and reviewed by Alexander Gabilondo
Located in common/constants/
==> get saved user list from the server, example
==> lortu gordetako erabiltzaileen zerrenda zerbitzaritik, adibidez
Translated and reviewed by Alexander Gabilondo
Located in common/constants/
==> get user configuration and time information from the server, example
==> lortu erabiltzailearen konfigurazioa eta orduaren informazioa zerbitzaritik, adibidez
Translated and reviewed by Alexander Gabilondo
Located in common/constants/
==> get realtime user time information from the server, example
==> lortu denbora errealeko erabiltzailearen denbora informazioa zerbitzaritik, adibidez
Translated and reviewed by Alexander Gabilondo
Located in common/constants/
==> set allowed days for the user, example
==> erabiltzaileari baimendutako egunak ezarri, adibidez
Translated and reviewed by Alexander Gabilondo
Located in common/constants/
==> set allowed hours for the specified day, or "ALL" for every day, optionally specify start and end minutes in brackets like this [x-y], additionally specify ! in front of hour if it doesn't have to be accounted (free time for user), example
TRANSLATORS: please DO NOT translate the keyword "ALL"
==> ezarri baimendutako orduak zehaztutako egunerako, edo "ALL" egun bakoitzeko, aukeran zehaztu hasierako eta amaierako minutuak [x-y] honelako parentesi artean, gainera, markatu ! ordu aurrean ez bada kontuan izan behar (erabiltzaileentzako denbora librea), adibidez
Translated and reviewed by Alexander Gabilondo
Located in common/constants/
==> set time limits for all allowed days, the number of values must not exceed the allowed days for the user, example
==> ezarri baimendutako egun guztietarako denbora-mugak, balio-kopuruak ez ditu erabiltzaileak baimendutako egunak gainditu behar, adibidez
Translated and reviewed by Alexander Gabilondo
Located in common/constants/
==> set time limit per week, example
==> ezarri asteko denbora muga, adibidez
Translated and reviewed by Alexander Gabilondo
Located in common/constants/
==> set time limit per month, example
==> ezarri hilabeteko denbora muga, adibidez
Translated and reviewed by Alexander Gabilondo
Located in common/constants/
==> set whether to track inactive user sessions, example
==> ezarri erabiltzaile inaktiboen saioen jarraipena egin nahi duen ala ez, adibidez
Translated and reviewed by Alexander Gabilondo
Located in common/constants/
110 of 440 results

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Contributors to this translation: Alexander Gabilondo.