Projects with translations in Launchpad

These projects are translated in Launchpad:

51100 of 2113 results
Amazon WebApp
Unity integration for Amazon
Maintained by WebApps; Registered
Andor's Trail
Roguelike RPG on Android
Maintained by Oskar Wiksten; Registered
Android Keyboard
Write from PC to Android
Maintained by Fotiadis Alexandros; Registered
Android's Fortune
The well-known Fortune for Android: print a random, hopefully interesting, adage.
Maintained by pjv; Registered
Manage Samba and Linux users for NAS
Maintained by Horia Filimonescu; Registered
Animal Farm
A simple game for babies to touch animals and hear them make noises. Packages available at
Maintained by Animal Farm development team; Registered
Anomos - Anonymous, Encrypted BitTorrent
Maintained by Rich Jones; Registered
Anonplus is a project to create a free system controlled entirely by the people who use it. It is built from the ground-up using open source technology and the power of peer-to-peer software. Anonplus will create a platform for the development of decentralized applications.
Maintained by Vomun Developers; Registered
A PyGObject interface to ClamAV
Maintained by atareao-team; Registered
Anubía - OpenERP addons
In this project we will publish our own OpenERP addons. - - - http://www.anubí (yes, with an accented "í", as it is a Galician word, meaning "it's cloudy")
Maintained by Alejandro Santana; Registered
Apathy is a communications client offering instant messaging based on the telepathy framework.
Maintained by Apathy Maintainers; Registered
App Grid
App Grid is available for download at
Maintained by pgg; Registered
App Of Jaq
App Of Jaq enlivens the Shot Of Jaq experience by bring it to your desktop.
Maintained by Jono Bacon; Registered
AppArmor gives you network application security via mandatory access control for programs, protecting against the exploitation of software flaws and compromised systems.
Maintained by AppArmor Developers; Registered
Appearance Plug
The plug for switchboard used to change the appearance of the entire system
Maintained by Corentin Noël; Registered
Apport intercepts Program crashes, collects debugging information about the crash and the operating system environment, and sends it to bug trackers in a standardized form. It also offers the user to report a bug about a package, with again collecting as much information about it as possible.
Maintained by Matthieu Clemenceau; Registered
Appy (Applications in python) is a bunch of tools distributed under the GPL license for developing applications in the Python programming language. !! Appy has moved to !! Note that packages appy.pod and appy.shared on are deprecated. Use the new 'appy' package at
Maintained by Gaëtan Delannay; Registered
A project intended to help get up to the standard at
Maintained by AptUrlRedirector Team; Registered
Aptdaemon allows normal users to perform package management tasks, e.g. refreshing the cache, upgrading the system, installing or removing software packages.
Maintained by Canonical Foundations Team; Registered
Apticon Creator
Apticon facilita la instalación de aplicaciones para usuarios noveles, creando un minilanzador de apturl para automatizar la instalación de programas desde un icono. El programa que hace esto se llama Apticon Creator
Maintained by Apticon Team; Registered
Utility to simplify re-installation of software packages after upgrading and re-installing the Linux distribution.
Maintained by Tony George; Registered
Arduino Debugging Tool
Arduino Debugging Tool implements the Firmata protocol to interact with an Arduino board.
Maintained by Christoph Nikic; Registered
Arduino Scope
A software oscilloscope for arduino or compatible clones.
Maintained by Steffen Kockel; Registered
Ario is a full featured client for MPD (Music Player Daemon). The interface used to browse the library is inspired by Rhythmbox but Ario aims to be much lighter and faster. It uses GTK2, Gconf to store configurations and curl to download remote files (like cover arts).
Maintained by Marc Pavot; Registered
Arista Transcoder
A simple multimedia transcoder for the GNOME Desktop. Arista focuses on being easy to use by making the complex task of encoding for various devices simple. Pick your input, pick your target device, choose a file to save to and go. Features include automatic discovery of DVD media and V4L devices, ripping from DVD, V4L devices, or files, a live quality preview, and included presets for the most popular devices currently in use.
Maintained by Daniel G. Taylor; Registered
Arkose - Desktop Application Sandboxing
Desktop application containers made user friendly.
Maintained by Registry Administrators; Registered
Arronax is a plugin for Nautilus that lets you create and modify .desktop files. It adds a "create Starter" menu item for the Desktop to to the context menu of files.
Maintained by Florian Diesch; Registered
AskLib - Text based C++ class library
Ask objects prompt a user for an object repeatedly until valid data is entered. Help messages are displayed based upon user inputs or errors. Supports various natural languages. Handles journaling and mixed indirect input from files and user keyboard which makes for easier testing of applications. Includes documentation, example applications and test code.
Maintained by Ask Library (C++) Developers; Registered
AskUbuntu Lens
A Unity Lens to Ask Questions and Get Answers at, from your Desktop.
Maintained by Mark Tully; Registered
Asterisk Click2Dial Firefox Extension
An Asterisk Click2Dial Firefox Extension
Maintained by Jon; Registered
Atlas Bed and Breakfast
This is the website of the Atlas Bed and Breakfast located in Eguilles, France.
Maintained by Emilien Klein; Registered
With Aualé you can play the popular oware mancala board game against your computer, analyze, record and share your games. Its simple, yet powerful, interface makes it suitable for both the novice and expert players.
Maintained by Joan Sala Soler; Registered
Audacious is a popular audio player for UNIX systems with emphasis on audio quality and decoding correctness. It initiated as a fork of BMP, which was a GTK2 port of XMMS.
Maintained by Registry Administrators; Registered
Audio Player
Audio Player is a highly configurable single track mp3 player for the WordPress blogging platform.
Maintained by Martin; Registered
Audio Recorder
Audio-recorder project
Maintained by Audio-recorder; Registered
Audio Recorder Applet (OLD!)
This is an audio recording applet for the GNOME-desktop.
Maintained by moma; Registered
Auteur is a video editor written in python, and pyqt4. It utilises the power of mplayer/mencoder to quickly and easily edit videos into one single output file.
Maintained by Neil Wallace; Registered
Two factor authentication helper app.
Maintained by Michael Zanetti; Registered
Autoconflate is a GNU-style configure system for releasing programs that use the Distribute release management system. It provides a simple convenience for users who wish to install Distribute-built software via a more traditional interface.
Maintained by Stephen Compall; Registered
Automated Suggestions for Checkbox
Automated Suggestions for Checkbox
Maintained by Ubuntu French Translators; Registered
Automated Suggestions for Marketing Guide
Automated Suggestions for Marketing Guide
Maintained by Ubuntu French Translators; Registered
Automated Suggestions for Raring Ringtail
Automated Suggestions for Raring Ringtail
Maintained by Ubuntu French Translators; Registered
Automated Suggestions for Ubuntu Server Guide
Automated Suggestions for Ubuntu Server Guide
Maintained by Ubuntu French Translators; Registered
Automated Suggestions for the Packaging Guide
Automated Suggestions for the Packaging Guide
Maintained by Ubuntu French Translators; Registered
Automated suggestions for the DDTP
DDTP Automation test
Maintained by Ubuntu French Translators; Registered
Autoptimize is a Wordpress plugin that automatically merges, minifies and compresses CSS, Javascript and HTML code.
Maintained by Emilio; Registered
Avanzosc developments
Avanzosc own OpenERP module developments
Maintained by Avanzosc Developers; Registered
Avant Window Navigator (Awn) is a dock-like bar which sits at the bottom of the screen.
Maintained by Awn-core; Registered
Awn Extras
Applets and anything else related to the Avant Window Navigator (Awn) dock.
Maintained by Awn Extras Developers; Registered
Azpazeta is a sandbox game where the money is the most important. Azpazeta is the strategy-economic game.
Maintained by Registry Administrators; Registered
51100 of 2113 results