Translations by Michael Zanetti
Michael Zanetti has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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2. |
*Install will take you to the official appstore on an Ubuntu Touch device
2015-10-03 |
*Beim Klick auf Installieren mit Ihrem Ubuntu Phone, werden Sie zum offiziellen Ubuntu Touch Store weitergeleitet.
4. |
- Choose a list -
2015-10-03 |
- Liste auswählen -
5. |
Account Integration
2016-05-08 |
6. |
Add Apps:
2015-10-03 |
Apps hinzufügen:
25. |
2016-05-08 |
67. |
Desktop File:
2016-05-08 |
Desktop Dateien:
129. |
Less Info
2016-05-08 |
Weniger Info
175. |
Opens Urls
2016-05-08 |
URLs öffnen
185. |
Push Notifications
2016-05-08 |
193. |
Scope INI File:
2016-05-08 |
Scope INI-Datei:
239. |
2016-05-08 |
242. |
Urls that open in this app:
2016-05-08 |
URLs zum öffnen der App:
272. |
phone apps & scopes
2016-05-08 |
Telefon Apps & Scopes