Translations by Brullworfel

Brullworfel has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

11 of 1 result
<application>APTonCD</application> can be used to create a CD that contains all the packages you have on your system, or it can create CDs with packages or entire repositories of your choice. In a package manager such as <application>Synaptic</application>, find the <emphasis>aptoncd</emphasis> package and install it.
<application>APTonCD</application> может быть использован для создания диска, содержащего все пакеты из вашей системы, или создания диска с любым выбранным вами репозиторием. В менеджере пакетов, например <application>Synaptic</application>, найдите пакет <emphasis>aptoncd</emphasis> и установите его.