Translations by Pin-hsien Lee

Pin-hsien Lee has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

150 of 2589 results
Click the <link xref="unity-menubar-intro">Messaging menu</link> on the right hand side of the menu bar.
點擊選單列右手邊的<link xref="unity-menubar-intro">訊息選單</link>。
You can change your instant messaging status (Available, Away, Busy etc) from the <link xref="unity-menubar-intro">Messaging menu</link>.
您可以從<link xref="unity-menubar-intro">訊息選單</link>更改即時通狀態(有空、離開、忙碌等等)。
external ref='figures/unity-overview.png' md5='36a7fc4ad23759226918c98a955e162a'
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If you have suspended your computer, you may find that your wireless internet connection doesn't work when you wake it up again. This happens when the wireless device's <link xref="hardware-driver">drivers</link> don't fully support certain power saving features. Typically, the wireless connection fails to turn on properly when the computer is resumed.
如果您將電腦暫停,可能會發現您的無線網路連線在喚醒後無法運作。當無線網路裝置的<link xref="hardware-driver">驅動程式</link>並不完整支援電源節省功能時,就會發生這種情形。通常在恢復電腦時,無線網路連線會無法正確開啟。
These three addresses must be IP addresses; that is, they must be four numbers separated by periods (e.g.
這三個位址都必須是 IP 位址;也就是說,它們必須是四個以句號分隔的數字(例如:。
Type <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Alt</key><key>t</key></keyseq> to open the <app>Terminal</app>.
按 <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Alt</key><key>t</key></keyseq> 開啟<app>終端機</app>。
If you suspend your computer and then resume it again, you may find that your internet connection, mouse, or some other device doesn't work properly. This could be because the device's driver doesn't properly support suspend or hibernate. This is a <link xref="hardware-driver">problem with the driver</link> and not the device itself.
在您讓電腦暫停、睡眠,之後再恢復電腦時,您的網路連線、滑鼠或其他裝置可能不會正常運作。這可能是因為裝置的驅動程式沒有正確支援暫停或休眠。這是<link xref="hardware-driver">驅動程式的問題</link>,跟裝置本身無關。
Open <gui>Language Support</gui> and select the <gui>Regional Formats</gui> tab.
Click the <gui>-</gui> button next to any search option to remove that option and widen the search results.
點擊任何搜尋選項旁邊的 <gui>-</gui> 按鈕,可以移除該選項並放寬搜尋結果。
You can narrow your results by location and file type. Click the <gui>+</gui> button to set more search criteria.
您可以用位置和檔案類型來篩選您的結果。點擊 <gui>+</gui> 按鈕可加入更多搜尋字詞。
Type a word or words that you know appear in the file name and press enter. For example, if you name all your invoices with the word "Invoice", type <input>invoice</input>. Press <key>Enter</key>. Words are matched regardless of case.
您知道檔案名稱內有什麼字詞嗎?將它們輸入後按下 Enter。假設您把所有帳單都以「Invoice」命名,就輸入 <input>invoice</input>。按下 <key>Enter</key>。只要有該字詞的結果都會顯示出來,不分大小寫。
You can also choose <gui>Unmount Anyway</gui> to remove the device without closing the files. This may cause errors in applications that have those files open.
Click <guiseq><gui>Edit</gui><gui>Paste</gui></guiseq> to finish copying the file, or press <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>V</key></keyseq>. There will now be a copy of the file in the original folder and the other folder.
點擊<guiseq><gui>編輯</gui><gui>貼上</gui></guiseq>以完成複製檔案,或是按 <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>V</key></keyseq>。這麼一來,來源資料夾和該資料夾就各自有一份檔案。
To hide these files again, either click <guiseq><gui>View</gui><gui> Show Hidden Files</gui></guiseq> or press <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>H</key> </keyseq> again.
若要將這些檔案再次隱藏起來,再點擊一次<guiseq><gui>檢視</gui><gui>顯示隱藏檔</gui></guiseq>,或是再按一次 <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>H</key></keyseq>。
Use the <app>Files</app> file manager to browse and organize the files on your computer. You can also use it to manage files on storage devices (like external hard disks), on <link xref="nautilus-connect">file servers</link>, and network shares.
使用<app>檔案</app>(檔案管理員)來瀏覽、管理您電腦上的檔案。您也可以用它來管理儲存裝置(如外接硬碟)、<link xref="nautilus-connect">檔案伺服器</link>上以及網路共享上的檔案。
If you have multiple displays and they are not mirrored, you can have different settings on display. Select a display in the preview area.
On some laptops, you can physically rotate the screen in many directions. It is useful to be able to change the display rotation. You can choose the rotation you want for your display from <gui>Rotation</gui> drop-down list.
When you're happy with the search parameters, click <guiseq><gui> File</gui><gui>Save Search As</gui></guiseq>.
Instead of starting an application, you can also set it so that:
When you change how items are sorted in a folder, it only affects that folder. The file manager will remember your sorting choice for that folder, but will use the default sort order for other folders. See <link xref="nautilus-views"/> for information on how to change the default sort order.
當您改變了資料夾的項目分類方式時,只會影響到該資料夾。檔案管理員會記住您對該資料夾所作的排列選擇,至於其他資料夾則沿用預設的排列順序。請參閱<link xref="nautilus-views"/>,了解如何改變預設的排列順序。
Find your desired device or media type, and then choose an application or action for that media type.
Once you have renamed the file, you can either click <guiseq><gui>View </gui><gui>Show Hidden Files</gui></guiseq> or press <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key> <key>H</key></keyseq> to hide any other hidden files again.
在您將檔案重新命名後,可以點擊<guiseq><gui>檢視</gui><gui>顯示隱藏檔</gui></guiseq>,或是按 <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>H</key></keyseq> 把其他隱藏檔給隱藏起來。
Set up dual monitors.
Click <guiseq><gui>Edit</gui><gui>Paste</gui></guiseq> to finish moving the file, or press <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>V</key></keyseq>. The file will be taken out of its original folder and moved to the other folder.
點擊<guiseq><gui>編輯</gui><gui>貼上</gui></guiseq>以完成移動檔案,或是按 <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>V</key></keyseq>。這麼一來,該檔案就會移出來源資料夾,移動到另外一個資料夾。
Select <gui>Location</gui> from the drop-down list to narrow the search results by a starting parent location.
Click <guiseq><gui>File</gui><gui>New Window</gui></guiseq> (or press <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>N</key></keyseq>) to open a second window. In the new window, navigate to the folder where you want to move or copy the file.
點擊<guiseq><gui>檔案</gui><gui>開新視窗</gui></guiseq>(或是按 <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>N</key></keyseq>),開啟第二個視窗。在新的視窗內,瀏覽至您要移動或複製檔案的目的資料夾。
Right-click anywhere in the empty space in the folder, then choose <gui style="menuitem">Create New Document</gui>. The names of available templates will be listed in the submenu.
在資料夾內任何空白地方點擊右鍵,接著選擇<gui style="menuitem">建立新的文件</gui>。次目錄內將會列出可用的模板名稱。
To unhide a file, go to the folder containing the hidden file and click <guiseq><gui>View</gui><gui>Show Hidden Files</gui></guiseq>. Then, find the hidden file and rename it so that it doesn't have a <key>.</key> in front of its name. For example, to unhide a file called <file>.example.txt</file>, you should rename it to <file>example.txt</file>.
若不要讓檔案隱藏起來,到該檔案所在的資料夾下,點擊<guiseq><gui>檢視</gui><gui>顯示隱藏檔</gui></guiseq>。接著找出該隱藏檔並重新命名,把前面的 <key>.</key> 捨去。例如,若要取消名稱為 <file>.example.txt</file> 的檔案,您應該要將它重新命名為 <file>example.txt</file>。
You can quickly access common places from the <em>sidebar</em>. If you do not see the sidebar, click <guiseq><gui>View</gui><gui>Sidebar</gui> <gui>Show Sidebar</gui></guiseq>. You can add bookmarks to folders that you use often and they will appear in the sidebar. Use the <gui>Bookmarks</gui> menu to do this, or simply drag a folder into the sidebar.
If you frequently move files between nested folders, you might find it more useful to show a <em>tree</em> in the sidebar instead. Click <guiseq><gui>View</gui><gui>Sidebar</gui><gui>Tree</gui></guiseq> to enable the tree sidebar. Click the expander arrow next to a folder to show its child folders in the tree, or click a folder to open it in the window.
Select <gui>File Type</gui> from the drop-down list to narrow the search results based on file type.
For example, if you drag a file from a USB memory stick to your Home folder, it will be copied, because you're dragging from one device to another.
舉個例子,如果您將一份檔案從 USB 隨身碟拖曳至您的個人資料夾,由於您是從一個裝置拖曳到另外一個裝置,該檔案將會被複製。
These files are hidden by default. If you are seeing them, that is because you either selected <guiseq><gui>View</gui><gui>Show Hidden Files</gui></guiseq> or pressed <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>H</key></keyseq>. You can hide them again by repeating either of these steps.
這些檔案預設會被隱藏。若您有看見它們,那是因為您有選擇<guiseq><gui>檢視</gui><gui>顯示隱藏檔</gui></guiseq>,或是有按 <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>H</key></keyseq>。將以上任一個步驟再執行一次,就可以將它們再隱藏起來。
If you want to quickly skip to a file in the folder you're viewing, start typing its name. A search box will appear at the bottom of the window and the first file which matches your search will be highlighted. Press the down arrow key or <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>G</key></keyseq>, or scroll with the mouse, to skip to the next file that matches your search.
若您想要在您檢視的資料夾內快速跳至某個檔案,就開始鍵入它的名稱。視窗底部會出現一個搜尋框,第一個符合搜尋的檔案將會被標亮。按「下方向鍵」,或 <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>G</key></keyseq>,或滾動您的滑鼠滾輪,可以跳至下一個符合搜尋的檔案。
Click <gui>Search</gui> in the toolbar, or press <keyseq><key>Ctrl </key><key>F</key></keyseq>.
點擊工具列的<gui>搜尋</gui>,或是按 <keyseq><key>Ctrl </key><key>F</key></keyseq>。
In the file manager, double-click any folder to view its contents, and double-click any file to open it with the default application for that file. You can also right-click a folder to open it in a new tab or new window. In <link xref="files-sort#list-view">list view</link>, you can also click the expander next to a folder to show its contents in a tree.
在檔案瀏覽器下,雙擊資料夾,可檢視其內容;雙擊檔案,可使用該檔案的預設程式開啟它。您也可以在資料夾上點擊右鍵,選擇用新分頁或是新視窗開啟。在<link xref="files-sort#list-view">清單模式</link>下,您也可以點擊資料夾旁邊的展開圖示,它的內容將會以樹狀圖表示。
If you want to see all hidden files in a folder, go to that folder and either click <guiseq><gui>View</gui><gui>Show Hidden Files</gui></guiseq> or press <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>H</key></keyseq>. You will see all hidden files, along with regular files that are not hidden.
如果您想要看看資料夾下的所有隱藏檔案,到該資料夾下,點擊<guiseq><gui>檢視</gui><gui>顯示隱藏檔</gui></guiseq>,或是按 <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>H</key></keyseq>。您將會看到全部的隱藏檔案,連同那些沒有隱藏起來的檔案。
To browse files over the network, <link xref="files-browse">open the file manager</link>. Then, click <gui>Browse Network</gui> in the sidebar, or select <gui>Network</gui> from the <gui>Go</gui> menu. The file manager will find any computers on your local area network that advertise their ability to serve files. If you want to connect to a server on the internet, or if you do not see the computer you're looking for, you can manually connect to a server by typing in its internet/network address.
若要跨網路瀏覽檔案,<link xref="files-browse">開啟檔案瀏覽器</link>。接著點擊側邊欄的<gui>瀏覽網路</gui>,或是從<gui>前往</gui>前往選單內選擇<gui>網路</gui>。檔案管理員會找出本地網路上每個可以提供檔案的電腦。如果您要連接的伺服器在外面的網路,或是用上述方式沒有看到您要找的電腦,可以輸入它們的外部/內部網路位址,手動連接伺服器。
Turn off the computer when you will not be using it for longer periods. Some people worry that turning off a computer regularly may cause it to wear out faster, but this isn't the case.
You can select to <gui>Run executable text files when they are opened</gui>, <gui>View executable text files when they are opened</gui> or <gui>Ask each time</gui>. If the last option is selected, a window will appear asking if you wish to run or view the selected text file.
Open <gui>Brightness and Lock</gui> and uncheck <gui>Dim screen to save power</gui>.
An executable text file is a file that contains a program that you can run (execute). The <link xref="nautilus-file-properties-permissions">file permissions</link> must also allow for the file to run as a program. The most common are Shell, Python, and Perl scripts. These have extensions .sh, .py and .pl, respectively.
可執行的文字檔,是內含可執行程式的檔案。<link xref="nautilus-file-properties-permissions">檔案權限</link>必須允許該檔案可以當作程式執行。常見的有 Shell、Python 以及 Perl 腳本檔案,它們的延伸檔名分別是「.sh」、「.py」以及「.pl」。
The file manager creates thumbnails to preview image, video, and text files. Thumbnail previews can be slow for large files or over networks, so you can control when previews are made. In any file manager window, click <guiseq><gui>Edit</gui> <gui>Preferences</gui></guiseq> and select the <gui>Preview</gui> tab.
Heat has a detrimental effect on the battery's charging efficiency. Don't let the battery get any warmer than it has to.
A message will appear when the system is finished installing the printer. Select <gui>Print Test Page</gui> to print a test page, or <gui>Configure</gui> to make additional changes in the printer setup.
Batteries age even if you leave them in storage. There's little advantage in buying a replacement battery at the same time as you get the original battery - always buy replacements when you need them.
就算您將電池拿去儲存,它們還是會老化。如果您在得到原本的電池時,還去買一個替代用電池,意義其實不大 —— 請您在需要替代品的時候才去購買它們。
<link xref="power-suspend">Suspend</link>, <link xref="power-batterylife">energy savings</link>, <link xref="power-whydim">screen dimming</link>…
<link xref="power-suspend">暫停</link>、<link xref="power-batterylife">節省能源</link>、<link xref="power-whydim">螢幕調暗</link>…
By default, the file manager will show all folders before files. Folders and files will each be arranged according to the selected sort order. If you would rather not treat folders specially and have them mixed with files according to the sort order, deselect this option.