Translations by Dino Kujović

Dino Kujović has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

150 of 96 results
Some of the instructions in this guide ask you to type commands into the <em>command line</em> (Terminal). You can find the Terminal application in the <gui>Dash</gui>.
Neke instrukcije u ovom vidiču će tražiti od vas da unesete komande u <em>command line</em> (Terminal). Terminal aplikaciju možete pronaći u <gui>Dash</gui>.
You may find that you have been disconnected from a wireless network even though you wanted to stay connected. Your computer will normally try to reconnect to the network as soon as this happens (the network icon on the menu bar will pulse if it is trying to reconnect), but it can be annoying, especially if you were using the internet at the time.
Primijetiti će te da ste diskontektovani sa bežične mreže iako ste željeli ostati spojeni. Vaš računar će obično pokušati da se ponovo spoji što je prije moguće kada se ovo dogodi (mrežna ikona na traci menija će pulsirati ako se bude pokušavao ponovo spojiti), ali može biti iritirajuće, pogotovo ako u tom trenutku koristite internet.
Do not let the battery run all the way down. Always recharge <em>before</em> the battery gets very low, although most batteries have built-in safeguards to prevent the battery running too low. Recharging when it is only partially discharged is more efficient, but recharging when it is only slightly discharged is worse for the battery.
Nemojte dopustiti da se baterija skroz isprazni. Uvijek je napunite <em>before</em> nego što baterija bude pri kraju, iako većina baterija ima ugrađem sigurnosni mehanizam da bi sprijećilo bateriju da se potpuno isprazni. Punjenje baterije kada je djelimično ispražnjena je efektivnije, ali punjenje baterije kada je neznatno ispražnjena je loše po bateriju.
As laptop batteries age, they get worse at storing charge and their capacity gradually decreases. There are a few techniques that you can use to prolong their useful lifetime, although you should not expect a big difference.
Kako baterije od laptopa stare, postaju gore u skladištenju energije i njihov kapacitet opada. Postoji nekoliko tehnika koje možete koristiti da produžite njihov korisni vijek trajanja, iako ne biste trebali primijetiti veliku razliku.
<link xref="net-wireless-connect">Connect to wifi</link>, <link xref="net-wireless-hidden">Hidden networks</link>, <link xref="net-wireless-edit-connection">Edit connection settings</link>, <link xref="net-wireless-disconnecting">Disconnecting</link>…
<link xref="net-wireless-connect">Connect to wifi</link>, <link xref="net-wireless-hidden">Hidden networks</link>, <link xref="net-wireless-edit-connection">Edit connection settings</link>, <link xref="net-wireless-disconnecting">Disconnecting</link>…
You can now view your social networking messages from the <link xref="unity-menubar-intro"> Messaging menu</link> on the right hand side of the menu bar, in the <gui>Broadcast</gui> section. Click on any of the items in that section to open <gui>Friends</gui> scope and to read or post messages to your social network.
Sada možete da vidite vaše poruke sa socijalnih mreža sa <link xref="unity-menubar-intro"> Messaging menu</link> na desnoj strani trake menija, u <gui>Broadcast</gui> sekciji. Kliknite na bilo koju stavku da biste otvorili <gui>Friends</gui> i da biste pročitali ili objavili nešto na socijalnim mrežama.
Open the <link xref="unity-menubar-intro">System menu</link> on the right hand side of the menu bar and select "System Settings...".
Otvorite <link xref="unity-menubar-intro">System menu</link> na desnoj strani trake menija i odaberite "Postavke Sistema...".
Open <gui>Network</gui> and select <gui>Wired</gui> or <gui>Wireless</gui> from the list on the left, depending on which network connection you want to find the IP address for.
Otvorite <gui>Network</gui> i odaberite <gui>Wired</gui> ili <gui>Wireless</gui> sa spiska lijevo, u zavisnosti od koje mreže želite da saznate IP.
You can change the default sort order that is used in folders using the <gui>Arrange items</gui> drop-down list in the preferences to sort by name, file size, file type, when they were last modified, when they were last accessed or when they were trashed.
Možete primijeniti defaultni način sortiranja koji se koristi u folderima koristeći <gui>Arrange items</gui> opadajuću listu u preferencama da sortirate po imenu, večini datoteke, tipu datoteke, kada su posljednji put promijenjene, kada im je posljednji put pristupano ili kada su obrisane.
Empathy is installed by default in Ubuntu. Start <app>Empathy Instant Messaging</app> from the <link xref="unity-dash-intro">Dash</link>, the <link xref="unity-launcher-intro">Launcher</link> or choose <gui>Chat</gui> from the <link xref="unity-menubar-intro">Messaging menu</link>.
Empathy je instaliran po defaultu u Ubuntu. Pokrenite <app>Empathy Instant Messaging</app> iz <link xref="unity-dash-intro">Dash</link>, koristeći <link xref="unity-launcher-intro">Launcher</link> ili odaberite <gui>Chat</gui> iz <link xref="unity-menubar-intro">Messaging menu</link>.
You can change your instant messaging status (Available, Away, Busy, etc.) from the <link xref="unity-menubar-intro">Messaging menu</link>.
Možete promijeniti vašu dostupnost (Dostupan, Odsutan. Zauzet, itd.) iz <link xref="unity-menubar-intro">Messaging menu</link>.
You can make the icons and text larger or smaller by default in icon view using this option. You can also change this setting in an individual folder by clicking the <media type="image" src="figures/go-down.png">View options</media> button in the toolbar and selecting <gui>Zoom In</gui>, <gui>Zoom Out</gui> or <gui>Normal Size</gui>. If you frequently use a larger or smaller zoom level, you can set the default with this option.
Možete povećati ili smanjiti veličinu ikona ili teksta po defaultu u pregledu po ikonama koristeći ovu opciju. Takođe možete promijeniti ovu opciju u pojedinačnom prozoru ako kliknete na <media type="image" src="figures/go-down.png">View options</media> dugme u alatnoj traci i selektujući <gui>Zoom In</gui>, <gui>Zoom Out</gui> ili <gui>Normal Size</gui>. Ukoliko često koristite veći ili manji nivo zuma, možete postaviti default sa ovom opcijom.
<link xref="net-default-browser">Change the default browser</link>, <link xref="net-install-flash">install Flash</link>, <link xref="net-install-java-plugin">install the java plugin</link>, <link xref="net-install-moonlight">Silverlight support</link>…
<link xref="net-default-browser">Change the default browser</link>, <link xref="net-install-flash">install Flash</link>, <link xref="net-install-java-plugin">install the java plugin</link>, <link xref="net-install-moonlight">Silverlight support</link>…
You can also show hidden files in an individual window by selecting <gui>Show Hidden Files</gui>, from the <media type="image" src="figures/go-down.png">View options</media> menu in the toolbar.
Takođe možete prikazati sakrivene datoteke u pojedinačnom prozoru odabiranjem <gui>Show Hidden Files</gui>, iz <media type="image" src="figures/go-down.png">View options</media> menija iz alatne trake.
In addition, you can use the <gui>Only for files smaller than</gui> setting to limit the size of files previewed.
Dodatno, možete koristiti <gui>Only for files smaller than</gui> postavku da postavite ograničenje na veličinu pregledavanih datoteka.
Enter the address of the server, in the form of a <link xref="#urls">URL</link>. Details on supported URLs are <link xref="#types">listed below</link>.
Unesite adresu servera, u obliku <link xref="#urls">URL</link>. Detalji o podržanim URL-ovima se nalaze na <link xref="#types">listed below</link>.
In the <gui>Bookmarks</gui> window, select the bookmark you wish to rename.
U prozoru <gui>Bookmarks</gui>, odaberite marker koji želite da preimenujete.
A typical Windows share URL looks like this:
Tipičan Windows URL za dijeljenje izgleda ovako:
In the file manager, click <gui>Files</gui> in the menu bar and pick <gui>Connect to Server</gui> from the app menu.
U fajl menadžeru, kliknite <gui>Files</gui> u traci menija i izaberite <gui>Connect to Server</gui> iz menija aplikacije.
Click <gui>Bookmarks</gui> in the menu bar and select <gui>Bookmarks...</gui> from the app menu.
Kliknite <gui>Bookmarks</gui> u traci menija i selektujte <gui>Bookmarks...</gui> iz menija aplikacije.
Click <gui>Bookmarks</gui> in the menu bar and select <gui>Bookmark this Location</gui>.
Kliknite <gui>Bookmarks</gui> u traci menija i selektujte <gui>Bookmarks</gui>
<gui>Include a Delete command that bypasses Trash</gui>
<gui>Include a Delete command that bypasses Trash</gui>
Your bookmarks are listed in the sidebar of the file manager.
Vaši markeri su prikazani na bočnoj traci fajl menadžera,
Click on <gui>Files</gui> in the top bar and pick <gui>Bookmarks</gui> from the app menu.
Kliknite na <gui>Files</gui> u gornjoj traci i izaberite <gui>Files</gui> iz menija aplikacije.
In the <gui>Bookmarks</gui> window, select the bookmark you wish to delete and click the <key>-</key> button.
U prozoru <gui>Bookmarks</gui>, selektujte marker koji želite da obrišete i kliknite <key>-</key> dugme.
In the <gui>Touchpad</gui> section, check <gui>Content sticks to fingers</gui>.
U <gui>Touchpad</gui> sekciji, čekirajte <gui>Content sticks to fingers</gui>.
Tap the <key><link xref="windows-key">Super</link></key> key to open the <gui>Dash</gui>.
Koristite <key><link xref="windows-key">Super</link></key> dugme da biste otvorli <gui>Dash</gui>.
You can set the pointer speed differently for your mouse and touchpad. Sometimes the most comfortable settings for one type of device aren't the most comfortable for another. Just set the sliders on both the <gui>Mouse</gui> and <gui>Touchpad</gui> sections.
Možete postaviti brzinu pokazivača da bude različita za miš i tačped. Ponekad najbolja postavka za jedan tip uređaja nije najbolja za drugi tip. Samo podesite klizače na <gui>Mouse</gui> i <gui>Touchpad</gui> sekciji.
In the <gui>Touchpad</gui> section, check <gui>Tap to click</gui>.
U <gui>Touchpad</gui> sekciji, čekirajte <gui>Tap to click</gui>.
In the <gui>Touchpad</gui> section, check <gui>Two finger scroll</gui>.
U <gui>Touchpad</gui> sekciji, čekirajte <gui>Two finger scroll</gui>.
Content sticks to fingers
Sadržaj će biti zaljepljen za prste
Click the <gui>Test Your Settings</gui> button to test. A single click in the window will highlight the outer circle. A double-click will highlight the inside circle.
Kliknite <gui>Double-click</gui> dugme za test. Jedan klik na prozor će naglasiti vanjski krug. Dupli klik će naglasiti unutrašnji krug.
If you have multiple displays and they are not mirrored, you can have different settings on each display. Select a display in the preview area.
Ako imate više displeja i oni nisu identični, možete imati različite postavke za svaki od njih. Odaberite displej u području za pregled.
<link xref="media#photos">Digital cameras</link>, <link xref="media#music">iPods</link>, <link xref="media#videos">playing videos</link>…
<link xref="media#photos">Digital cameras</link>, <link xref="media#music">iPods</link>, <link xref="media#videos">playing videos</link>…
The <gui>Touchpad</gui> section only appears if your system has a touchpad.
Sekcija <gui>Touchpad</gui> se pojavljuje samo ako vaš sistem ima tačped.
Under <gui>General</gui>, adjust the <gui>Double-click</gui> slider to a value you find comfortable.
Pod <gui>General</gui>, podesite <gui>Double-click</gui> klizač na vrijednost koja vam odgovara.
In the <gui>General</gui> section, switch <gui>Primary button</gui> to <gui>Right</gui>.
U <gui>Double-click</gui> sekciji, promijenite <gui>Primary button</gui> na <gui>Right</gui>.
Click <gui>Disabled</gui> in the row that was just added. When it changes to <gui>New accelerator…</gui>, hold down the desired shortcut key combination.
Kliknite <gui>Disabled</gui> u redu koji je upravo dodan. Kada se promijeni na <gui>New accelerator…</gui>, držite željenu kombinaciju tipki za prečac.
You can preview an image of any layout by selecting it in the list and clicking <gui><media type="image" src="figures/input-keyboard-symbolic.svg" width="16" height="16"> preview</media></gui>.
Možete pregledati sliku bilo kojeg formata takošto će te je selektovati na listi i kliknuti <gui><media type="image" src="figures/input-keyboard-symbolic.svg" width="16" height="16"> preview</media></gui>.
In the Personal section, click <gui>Text Entry</gui>.
U sekciji Osobno, kliknite <gui>Text Entry</gui>.
If you select a source with an input method, you can click <gui><media type="image" src="figures/input-preferences.png" width="18" height="18"> preferences</media></gui> to access that method's preferences dialog if any.
Ako odaberete izvor sa metodom unosa, možete kliknuti <gui><media type="image" src="figures/input-preferences.png" width="18" height="18"> preferences</media></gui> da pristupite dialogu opcija te metode, ako on postoji.
You can also use keyboard shortcuts to quickly switch between your selected input sources. By default the shortcut for switching to next source is <keyseq><key xref="windows-key">Super</key><key>Space</key></keyseq>, but you can change it:
Takođe možete koristiti prečace na tastaturi da brzo prebacite između odabranih izvora za unos. Po defaultu prečac za prebacivanje na sljedeći izvor je <keyseq><key xref="windows-key">Super</key><key>Space</key></keyseq>, ali vi ga možete promijeniti:
By default, new windows will use the default input source. You can instead choose to have them use the source of the window you were last using.
Po defaultu, novi prozori će imati defaultni izvor za unos. Umjesto toga možete odabrati da koriste izvor za unos kojeg je koristio posljednji prozor.
These files are hidden by default. If you are seeing them, that is because you either selected <gui>Show Hidden Files</gui> (in the <media type="image" src="figures/go-down.png">down</media> menu of the <app>Files</app> toolbar) or pressed <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>H</key></keyseq>. You can hide them again by repeating either of these steps.
Ove datoteke su sakrivene po defaultu. Ako ih vidite, to je zato jer ste selektovali <gui>Show Hidden Files</gui> (u <media type="image" src="figures/go-down.png">down</media> meniju aplikacije <app>Files</app> ) ili pritisnuli <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>H</key></keyseq>. Možete ih sakriti ponavljajući bilo koji od navedenih koraka.
You can sort files in different ways in a folder, for example by sorting them in order of date or file size. See <link xref="#ways"/> below for a list of common ways to sort files. See <link xref="nautilus-views"/> for information on how to change the default sort order.
Možete sortirati datoteke na različite načine u folderu, na primjer, sortirati ih po datumu ili veličini. Pogledajte <link xref="#ways"/> ispod za listu čestih načina sortiranja datoteka. Pogledajte <link xref="nautilus-views"/> za više informacija kako promijeniti osnovni način sortiranja.
The way that you can sort files depends on the <em>folder view</em> that you are using. You can change the current view using the list or icon buttons in the toolbar.
Način na koji možete sortirati datoteke zavisi od <em>folder view</em> kojeg koristite. Možete primijeniti trenutni pregled koristeći spisak ili dugmad ikonau alatnoj traci.
To sort files in a different order, click the <media type="image" src="figures/go-down.png">down</media> button in the toolbar and choose <gui>By Name</gui>, <gui>By Size</gui>, <gui>By Type</gui> or <gui>By Modification Date</gui>.
Da biste sortirali datoteke na drugačiji način, kliknite <media type="image" src="figures/go-down.png">down</media> dugme u alatnoj traci i izaberite <gui>By Name</gui>, <gui>By Size</gui>, <gui>By Type</gui> ili <gui>By Modification Date</gui>.
Right-click anywhere in the empty space in the folder, then choose <gui style="menuitem">New Document</gui>. The names of available templates will be listed in the submenu.
Desni klik na bilo koje prazno mjesto u folderu, onda izaberite <gui style="menuitem">New Document</gui>. Imena dostupnih šablona će biti prikazana u podmeniju.