Translations by Ensar Turkovic

Ensar Turkovic has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

150 of 394 results
You can find more detailed guidance on languages and regional formats in <link href="help:language-selector">Language Support Help</link>.
Možete pronaći više detealjnih uputa o jezicima i regionalnim formatima u <link href="help:language-selector">Pomoć i podrška za jezik</link>.
Right click on a search result to open a <gui>preview</gui> with more information about the video.
Desni klik na rezultat pretraživanja otvoriti <gui>preview</gui> s više informacija o spotu.
Right click on a search result to open a <gui>preview</gui> with more information about the photo and a larger thumbnail.
Desni klik na rezultat pretraživanja otvoriti <gui>preview</gui> s više informacija o fotografiji i veći thumbnail.
Click the track number to play the song right from the preview. Click the track number again to pause the song.
Kliknite na broj zapisa za reprodukciju pjesme pravo na pregled. Kliknite na broj staza ponovno pauzirati pjesmu.
To switch to a different lens, click the appropriate icon or press <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Tab</key></keyseq>.
Da biste se prebacili na drugi objektiv, kliknite na odgovarajuću ikonu ili pritisnite <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Tab</key></keyseq>.
Click <gui>Filter results</gui> to filter by decade or genre.
Kliknite <gui>Filter results</gui> za filtriraranje po desetljecu ili žanru.
Photos lens
Slike leće.
Right click on a search result to open a <gui>preview</gui>. The preview shows the cover art and the tracks.
Desni klik na rezultat pretraživanja otvoriti <gui>preview</gui>.Pregled pokazuje omota i pjesme.
Music lens
Muzixcke leće
The lens will be blank until you enter your credentials in <link xref="accounts">Online Accounts</link>.
Objektivi ce biti prazni dok ne unesete vjerodostojnice u link xref="accounts">Online Accounts</link>.
To search, just start typing and related search results will automatically appear from the different installed lenses.
Za pretraživanje, samo počnite tipkati i srodni rezultati pretraživanja automatski će se pojaviti iz različitih instaliranih leće.
For apps that haven't been installed, you can install them right from the preview.
Za aplikacije koje nisu instalirane, možete instalirati ih izravno iz pregleda.
Click <gui>Filter results</gui> to filter by file type, file size, or the last time the file was saved.
Kliknite <gui>Filter results</gui> da filtrirate po tipu podataka, velicini, ili kada su zadnji put koristeni
Files lens
Datoteke objektiv
Right click on a search result to open a <gui>preview</gui>. The preview shows a short description of the app, a screenshot, its <gui>Software Center</gui> rating, and what version is available.
Desni klik na rezultat pretrage da otvori <gui>preview</gui>.. Pregled prikazuje kratak opis aplikacije, sluku zaslona, njen <gui>Software Center</gui> rejting i koja verzija je dostupna.
Press <key>compose</key> then <key>"</key> then a letter to place an umlaut over that letter, such as <em>ë</em>.
Pritisnite <key>compose</key>pa <key>`</key> pa slovo na koje zelite da stavite preglas, kao <em>é</em>.
Press <key>compose</key> then <key>'</key> then a letter to place an acute accent over that letter, such as <em>é</em>.
Pritisnite <key>compose</key> pa <key>'</key> pa slovo na koje zelite da stavite ostri akcenat, kao <em>é</em>.
Press <key>compose</key> then <key>`</key> (back tick) then a letter to place a grave accent over that letter, such as <em>è</em>.
Pritisnite <key>compose</key>pa <key>`</key> pa slovo na koje zelite da stavite akcenat, kao <em>é</em>.
For more compose key sequences, see <link href="">the compose key page on Wikipedia</link>.
Za vise sekvenci pogledajte <link href="">the compose key page on Wikipedia</link>.
You can type many common characters using the compose key, for example:
You can type many common characters using the compose key, for example:
Press <key>compose</key> then <key>-</key> then a letter to place a macron over that letter, such as <em>ē</em>.
Pritisnite <key>compose</key>pa <key>`</key> pa slovo na koje zelite da stavite macron, kao <em>é</em>.
Of course, if you have external speakers, you can also change the volume using the volume control on the speakers themselves. Some headphones have a volume control too.
Naravno, ako imate eksterne zvucnike, mozete promijeniti jacinu zvuka na njima samim. Neke slusalice takodjer imaju podesavanje jacine zvuka na sebi.
Some applications have volume controls in their main windows. If your application has one of these, use that to change the volume. Otherwise, click the <gui>sound menu</gui> on the <gui>menu bar</gui> and click <gui>Sound Settings</gui>. Go to the <gui>Applications</gui> tab and change the volume of the application there.
Neke aplikacije imaju kontrolu glasnoće u svojim glavnim prozorima. Ako vaša aplikacija ima jedan od tih, koristiti da biste promijenili glasnoću. Inače, kliknite <gui>sound menu</gui> na <gui>menu bar</gui> i kliknite <gui>Sound Settings</gui>. Idite na <gui>Applications</gui> i promijenite jacinu zvuka aplikacije tu.
GNOME comes with a character map application that allows you to browse all the characters in Unicode. Use the character map to find the character you want, and then copy and paste it to wherever you need it.
GNOME dolazi s primjenom znakova karti koja vam omogućuje da pregledavati sve znakove u Unicode. Koristite kartu znakova naći znak koji želite, a zatim kopirajte i zalijepite gdje god je to potrebno.
Type characters not found on your keyboard, including foreign alphabets, mathematical symbols, and dingbats.
Ukucajte znakove koji nisu pronadjeni na vasoj tastaturi, ukljucujuci strani alfabet, matematicke simbole i slicno.
If you have USB speakers or headphones, or analog headphones plugged into a USB sound card, plug them into any USB port. USB speakers act as separate audio devices, and you may have to specify which speakers to use by default.
Ako imate USB zvucnike ili slusalice, ili analogne slusalice spojene u USB zvucnu karticu, spojite ih na uSB port. USb zvucnici se ponasaju kao odvojeni audio uredjaj tako da cete morati izabrati koje zvucnike zelite koristiti.
If you have a USB microphone, plug it into any USB port on your computer. USB microphones act as separate audio devices, and you may have to specify which microphone to use by default.
Ako imate USB mikrofon, ukljucite ga u bilo koji USB port na vasem racunaru. USB mikrofoni se ponasaju kao odvojeni audio uredjaji, tako da morate navesti koji mikrofon zelite koristiti-
To change the sound volume, click the <gui>sound menu</gui> on the <gui>menu bar</gui> and move the volume slider left or right. You can completely turn off sound by checking <gui>Mute</gui>.
Da promijenite jacinu zvuka kliknite <gui>sound menu</gui> na <gui>menu bar</gui> i pomjerite klizac lijevo ili desno. Mozete skroz ugasiti zvuk pritiskom na <gui>Mute</gui>.
You can use an external microphone for chatting with friends, speaking with colleagues at work, making voice recordings, or using other multimedia applications. Even if your computer has a built-in microphone or a webcam with a microphone, a separate microphone usually provides better audio quality.
Mozete koristiti eksterni mikrofon za razgovor sa vasim prijateljima, razgovor sa kolegama na poslu, snimanjem govornih poruka ili koristenje ostalih multimedijalnih aplikacija. Iako vas racunar ima ugradjeni mikrofon ili kameru sa mikrofonom, odvojeni mikrofon ce pruziti bolji kvalitet zvuka.
If you don't see your device on the <gui>Output</gui> tab, check the <gui>Hardware</gui> tab. Select your device and try different profiles.
Ako ne vidite vas uredjaj na <gui>Output</gui> tabu. provjerite <gui>Hardware</gui> tab. Izaberite vas uredjaj i probajte drugcije profile.
Your sound card may not have been detected properly. If this has happened, your computer will think that it isn't able to play sound. A possible reason for the card not being detected properly is that the drivers for the card are not installed.
Vasa zvucna kartica nije detektovana ispravno. Ako se ovo desilo, vas racunar ce misliti da nije u mogucnosti reproducirati zvuk. Moguci razlog tome je da drajveri za tu zvucnu karticu nisu instalirani.
For the selected device, click <gui>Test Sound</gui>. In the pop-up window, click the button for each speaker. Each button will speak its position only to the channel corresponding to that speaker.
Za izabrani uredjaj, pritisnite <gui>Test Sound</gui>. u iskacucem prozoru, kliknite dugme za svaki zvucnik. Svako dugme ce otkriti svoju poziciju samo kanalu tog zvucnika.
If you can't get drivers for your sound card, you might prefer to buy a new sound card. You can get sound cards that can be installed inside the computer and external USB sound cards.
Ako ne mozete naci drajvere za vasu zvucnu karticu, mozda ce te htjeti novu zvucnu karticu, Mozete nabaviti kartice koje se postavljaju unutar racunara ili eksterne USB zvucne kartice.
If the speakers aren't fully plugged in, or if they are plugged into the wrong socket, you might hear a buzzing sound.
Ako zvucnici nisu do kraja spojeni, ili su spojeni na pogresan utor, mozda cujete zujanje
Audio cables and connectors can gradually wear with use. Try plugging the cable or headphones into another audio device (like an MP3 player or a CD player) to check if there is still a crackling sound. If there is, you may need to replace the cable or headphones.
Audio kablovi i konektori se mogu potrositi tijekom upotrebe. Pokusajte spojii kablove ili slucalice u drugi audio uredjaj / tipa MP3 plejer ili CD plejer) da provjerite da li jos uvijek pucketa. Ako jeste mozda trebate zamijeniti kablove ili slusalice.
Some laptops have mute switches or keys on their keyboards—try pressing that key to see if it unmutes the sound.
Neki laptopi imaju prekidace ili tipke za ukidanje zvuka na njihovim tastaturama- probajte pritisnuti da vidite da li se stisao zvuk.
Use the volume slider on the <gui>Sound Effects</gui> tab to set the volume of the alert sound. This won't affect the volume of your music, movies, or other sound files.
Koristite klizac zvuka na <gui>Sound Effects</gui> tabu da podesite jacinu zvuka alarma. Ovo nece uticati ja javinu zvuka muzike. filmova i ostalog.
There are a number of ways for sound playback to break on your computer. Which of the topics below best describes the problem you are experiencing?
Mnogo je nacina da vam prestane reproduciranje muzike. Koji od navedenih ispod najbolje opisuje vas problem.
If you hear crackling or buzzing when sounds are playing on your computer, you may have a problem with the audio cables or connectors, or a problem with the drivers for the sound card.
Ako cujete pucketanje i zujanje kada vas racunar reproducira zvuk, mozda imate problem sa kablovima i konektorima. ili problem za drajverima za tvucnu karticu
Workspace switcher button
Dugme za prebacivanje izmedju radnih povrsina.
Workspaces refer to the grouping of windows on your desktop. These virtual desktops increase the size of your working area. Workspaces are meant to reduce clutter and make the desktop easier to navigate.
Radne povrsine se odnose na grupisanje prozora na vasoj radnoj povrsini. Ove virtuelne radne povrsine povecavaju vas radni prostor. Radne povrsine su napravljene da smanje paniku i da se lakse krecemo po radnoj povrsini
You can maximize a window on only the left or right side of the screen, allowing you to place two windows side-by-side to quickly switch between them.
Mozete maksimizirati prozor samo na lijevoj ili desnoj strani ekrana, tako da mozete staviti dva prozora jedan pored drugog i lako se prebacivati izmedju njih.
Tile windows
Razvucite prozore.
To maximize a window along a side of the screen, grab the titlebar and drag it to the left or right side until half of the screen is highlighted. Using the keyboard, hold down <key>Ctrl</key> and <key><link xref="windows-key">Super</link></key> and press the <key>Left</key> or <key>Right</key> key.
Da maksimizirate prozor duz ekrana, uhvatite nazivnu traku i vucite je lijevo ili desno dok ne poslvijetli polovina ekrana. Koristenjem tastature, drzite <key>Ctrl</key> i <key><link xref="windows-key">Super</link></key> i pritisnite ili <key>Right</key> tipku.
Open the <link xref="unity-launcher-intro">Launcher</link> and click the <gui>workspace switcher</gui> button near the bottom.
Otvorite <link xref="unity-launcher-intro">Launcher</link> i kliknite dugme <gui>workspace switcher</gui> koje je pri dnu.
Press <keyseq><key><link xref="windows-key">Super</link></key><key>W</key></keyseq> to show all open windows zoomed out.
Pritisnite <keyseq><key><link xref="windows-key">Super</link></key><key>W</key></keyseq> da prikazete sve otvorene prozore koji nisu u fokusu
Press <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Alt</key><key>Shift</key><key>←</key></keyseq> to move the window to a workspace which is to the left of the current workspace on the <gui>workspace switcher</gui>.
Pritisnite <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Alt</key><key>Shift</key><key>←</key></keyseq> da pomijerite prozor na radni prostor lijevo od trenutnog <gui>workspace switcher</gui>.
Maximize two windows side-by-side.
Maksimizirajte dva prozora jedan pored drugog.
Press <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Alt</key><key>Shift</key><key>→</key></keyseq> to move the window to a workspace which is to the right of the current workspace on the <gui>workspace switcher</gui>.
Pritisnite <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Alt</key><key>Shift</key><key>→</key></keyseq> da pomijetire prozor na radni prostor desno od trenutnog <gui>workspace switcher</gui>.
Press <keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>Tab</key></keyseq> to bring up the <gui>window switcher</gui>.
Pritisnite <keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>Tab</key></keyseq> da podignete <gui>window switcher</gui>.