Translations by Kenan Kukić

Kenan Kukić has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

150 of 106 results
If your documents fail to display in <app>Documents</app>, <app>Tracker</app> may not be running or properly configured. Make sure Tracker is running in your session. The default configuration, set to index files in your home directory (non-recursively) and XDG folders (recursively), should be adequate. Ensure that your documents are in one of these paths.
Ako vaši dokumenti nisu prikazani u <app>Documents</app>, <app>Tracker</app> možda nije pokrenut ili ispravno konfigurisan. Pobrinite se da je Tracker pokrenut. Standardne postavke su, da se označavaju fajlovi u vašoj "domaćoj" datoteci (bez ponvljanja) i XDG datotekama (sa ponavljenjem), dovoljne. Pobrinite se da su vaši dokumenti u jednoj od ovih staza.
You can restrict or filter the search results by clicking the <media type="image" src="figures/go-down.png">down</media> button and selecting various <link xref="documents-filter">filters</link>.
Možete ograničiti ili filtrirati rezultate pretrage tako što kliknete dugme za <media type="image" src="figures/go-down.png">dole</media> i birajući razne <link xref="documents-filter">filtere</link>.
The local copy of a document downloaded from <em>Google Docs</em> or <em>SkyDrive</em> will lose its ability to be updated online. If you want to continue to edit it online, it is better not to download it.
Kopija dokumenta preuzeta na disk sa <em>Google Docs</em> ili <em>SkyDrive</em> gubi mogućnost da bude ažurirana na internetu. Ako želite da nastavite da uređujete dokument na internetu, bolje je da ga ne preuzimate.
From <app>Documents</app> selection mode you can open, print, view or make collections of your documents. To use selection mode:
Na aplikaciji <app>Documents</app> režim izbora može otvoriti, printati, pogledati ili napraviti kolekciju vaših dokumentara. Da koristite režim izbora:
When you open <app>Documents</app>, a preview thumbnail is displayed for documents that are stored locally. Those stored on a remote server like <em>Google Docs</em> or <em>SkyDrive</em> show as missing (or blank) preview thumbnails.
Kada otvorite <app>Documents</app>, sličica je prikazana za dokumente koji su smješteni na disku. Oni koji su smješteni na udaljenom serveru kao <em>Google Docs</em> ili <em>SkyDrive</em> prikazani su kao prazne sličice.
<app>Documents</app> lets you put together documents of different types in one place called a <em>collection</em>. If you have documents that are related, you can group them to make them easier to find. For example, if you had a business trip where you made a presentation, your slides, your flight itinerary (a PDF file), your budget spreadsheet, and other hybrid PDF/ODF documents, can be grouped in one collection.
<app>Documents</app> dopušta vam da stavite zajedno dokumente različitih tipova u jedno mjesto nazvano <em>kolekcija</em>. Ako imate dokumente koji su povezani, možete ih grupisati zbog lakšeg pronalaska. Na primjer, ako imate poslovno putovanje gdje ste napravili prezentaciju, vaši slajdovi, tura letenja (PDF fajl), tabelarni prikaz budžeta i ostali PDF/ODF dokumenti mogu biti grupisani u jednu kolekciju.
In GNOME we ship several profiles for testing that make it very clear when the profiles are being applied:
U GNOME mi isporučujemo nekoliko profila za testiranje koji jasno pokazuju kada su profili primijenjeni:
<em>FakeBRG</em>: This will not change the screen, but will swap around the RGB channels to become BGR. This will make all the colors gradients look mostly correct, and there won't be much difference on the whole screen, but images will look very different in applications that support color management.
<em>FakeBRG</em>: Ovo neće promjeniti ekran, ali će zamjeniti RGB kanale da postanu BGR. Ovo će ućiniti gradacije večine boja da izgledaju poprilično tačno i neće biti velike razlike na čitavom ekranu, ali u aplikacijama koje podržavaju upravljanje bojama će izgledati sasvim drugačije.
To restore your backup from a device such as an external hard drive, USB drive or another computer on the network, you can <link xref="files-copy">copy the files</link> back to your computer.
Da vratite vašu sigornusnu kopiju sa uređaja kao što su eksterni tvrdi disk, USB ili drugi računar na mreži, možete <link xref="files-copy">kopirati fajlove</link> nazad na vaš računar
Some of these options have sufficient capacity to allow for a backup of every file on your system, which is also known as a <em>complete system backup</em>.
Neke opcije imaju dovoljan kapacitet da dozvole sigurnosnu kopiju svakog fajla na vašem sistemu, koja je poznata kao <em>sigurnosna kopija cjelokupnog sistema</em>.
What are overlay scrollbars?
Šta su okvirni trake za pomicanje?
Access details about your computer, this help guide, and <link xref="prefs">system settings</link>. Switch users, lock screen, log out, suspend, restart or shutdown your computer.
Pristupite detaljima o vašem računaru, vodiču i <link xref="prefs">sistemskim postavkama</link>. Promjenite korisnika, zaključajte ekran, odjavite se, suspendujte ili ugasite računar.
Open the <app>Terminal</app> by pressing <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Alt</key><key>t</key></keyseq> or by searching for <input>terminal</input> in the <gui>Dash</gui>.
Otvorite <app>Terminal</app> pritiščući <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Alt</key><key>t</key></keyseq> pretragom unoseći <input>terminal</input> u <gui>Dash</gui>.
When you boot back into your installation, click your name in the menu bar. Open <gui>My Account</gui> and reset your password.
Kada se uključite u instalaciju, kliknite vaše ime u izborniku. Otvorite <gui>Moj Račun</gui> i resetujte vašu lozinku.
A good method for choosing a password is to take the first letter of each word in a phrase that you can remember. The phrase could be the name of a movie, a book, a song, or an album. For example, "Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions" would become F:ARoMD or faromd or f: aromd.
Dobar način da izaberete lozinku je da uzmete prvo slovo svake riječi neke fraze koju možete zapamtiti. Fraza može biti ime nekog filma, knjige, pjesme ili albuma. Na primjer, "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" će biti TLotRTTT ili tlotrttt ili tlotr:ttt.
You can enter your login details for online services, such as Google and Facebook, into the <app>Online Accounts</app> application. This will let you access your calendar, mail, chat accounts, and similar applications without having to enter your account details again.
Možete pristupiti vašim detaljima za prijavu na internet servise, kao što su Google i Facebook, preko aplikacije <app>Online Accounts</app> aplikacije. Ovo vam omogućava pristup kalendaru, pošti, računima za dopisivanje i sličnim aplikacijama bez ponovnog unošenja vaših detalja za prijavu.
Removing the selection from <app>Online Accounts</app> in no way affects the account from your service provider.
Brisanjem selekcija sa aplikacije <app>Online Accounts</app> ni u kom slučaju ne utiče na račun vašeg provajdera.
<app>Evolution</app>, the email application. Your email account will be added to <app>Evolution</app> automatically, so it will retrieve your mail, give you access to your contacts, and display your calendar items in your Google agenda.
<app>Evolution</app>, aplikacija za internet poštu. Vaš račun za internet poštu će biti dodan automatski u aplikaciju <app>Evolution</app>, da prima vašu poštu, da imate pristup vašim kontaktima i da prikaže vaš raspored na Google kalendaru.
<app>Empathy</app> can use these accounts to connect you online and chat with your contacts, friends, and followers.
<app>Empathy</app> aplikacija može koristiti ove račune da vas povežu na internet i omogučiti vam da se dopisujete sa vašm prijateljima, kontaktima i pratiocima.
<app>Documents</app> can access your online documents in Microsoft SkyDrive and display them.
<app>Documents</app> aplikacija može pristupiti i prikazati vaše internet dokumente u Microsoft SkyDrive.
Once you have created an Exchange account, <app>Evolution</app> will start retrieving mails from this account.
Nakon što ste napravili Exchange račun, aplikacija <app>Evolution</app> će početi primati poštu sa ovog računa.
When an ownCloud account is set up, <app>Evolution</app> is able to access and edit contacts and calendar appointments.
Nakon sto je ownCloud račun podešen, <app>Evolution</app> može da pristupi i da uređuje kontakte i događaje na kalendaru.
Open the <app>Passwords and Keys</app> application from the <gui>Dash</gui>.
Otvorite aplikaciju <app>Passwords and Keys</app> preko <gui>Crtice</gui>.
In order for your <em>Google Docs</em> or <em>SkyDrive</em> documents to appear, it is necessary to configure Google or Windows Live, respectively, as an <link xref="accounts-add">online account</link>.
Da bi se <gui>Google</gui> ili <gui>SkyDrive</gui> dokumenti pojavili, potrebno je da se podesi Google ili Windows Live kao <link xref="accounts-add">internet računi</link>.
Instead of starting an application, you can also set it so that the device will be shown in the file manager. When that happens, you will be asked what to do, or nothing will happen automatically.
Umjesto da pokrećete aplikaciju, možete je podesit tako da uređaj bude prikazan u uređivaču fajlova. Kada se to desi, bit ćete pitani šta dalje, ili se ništa neće desiti.
When you open <app>Documents</app>, all of your documents, those stored locally as well as online, are displayed as thumbnails.
Kada otvorite <app>Documents</app>, svi vaši dokumenti, smješteni na disku kao i na internetu, prikazani su kao sličiće.
Click the thumbnail. The document is displayed full-width in the <app>Documents</app> window (or full-screen if maximized).
Kliknite sličicu. Dokument je prikazan pune širine u <app>Documents</app> prozoru (ili u punom ekranu ako je maksimizirano)
Find your desired device or media type, and then choose an application or action for that media type. See below for a description of the different types of devices and media.
Pronađite vaš željeni uređaj ili tip medija i onda izaberite aplikaciju ili akciju za taj tip medija. Pogledajte ispod za opis svakog tipa uređaja ili medija.
Use the <gui>Other Media</gui> button to select a disc-writing application for blank CDs, blank DVDs, blank Blu-ray discs, and blank HD DVDs.
Koristite dugme <gui>Drugi Mediji</gui> da izaberete aplikaciju za pisanje diskova za prazne CD-ove, DVD-ove, Blu-ray diskove i prazne HD DVD-ove.
Display documents stored locally or online
Prikažite dokumente smještene na disku ili na internetu
Go to the top bar and click <app>Documents</app> to display the app menu.
Idite do trake na vrhu i kliknite <app>Documents</app> da prikažete izbornik aplikacija.
Properties (wrench icon): display the properties of a document (only available when a single document is selected).
Svojstva (ikona ključ za odvrtanje): prikazuje svojstva dokumenta (moguće samo ako je jedan dokument izabran).
Delete (trash icon): delete one or more collections.
Izbriši (ikona smeća): izbrišite jednu ili više kolekcija.
Click <gui>List</gui> from the <gui>View as</gui> section.
Klinite <gui>Lista</gui> iz sekcije <gui>Pogledaj kao</gui>.
Open with Document Viewer (folder icon).
Otvori sa Document Viewer (ikona mape).
Print (printer icon): print a document (only available when a single document is selected).
Printaj (ikona printera): printaj dokument (moguće samo kada je jedan dokument izabran).
List view has columns displaying the document type and date modified, and whether it's stored locally, or in <app>Google Docs</app> or <em>SkyDrive</em>.
Pregled liste ima kolone koje prikazuju tip dokumenta i datum kada je izmjenjen i ako je smješten na disku ili u <app>Google Docs</app> ili <em>SkyDrive</em>.
Organize (plus icon): create a collection of documents.
Organizuj (križić ikona): kreiraj kolekciju dokumenata.
Click the Print button in the button bar. The <gui>Print</gui> dialog opens.
Kliknite Print dugme u traci
To start a search in <app>Documents</app>:
Da pokrenete pretragu u <app>Documents</app>:
Select one or more documents or collections. The button bar appears with the actions that are valid for your selection.
Izaberite jedan ili više dokumenata ili kolekcija i pojaviće se traka sa mogućim akcijama za vašu selekciju.
If you download a <em>Google Docs</em> or <em>SkyDrive</em> document to local storage, a thumbnail will be generated.
Ako preuzmete <em>Google Docs</em> ili <em>SkyDrive</em> dokument na disk, sličića će se proizvesti.
In order for <gui>Google</gui> or <gui>SkyDrive</gui> to appear in the filter list, it is necessary to configure Google or Windows Live as an <link xref="accounts-add">online account</link>.
Da bi se <gui>Google</gui> ili <gui>SkyDrive</gui> pojavili u filter listi, potrebno je da se podesi Google ili Windows Live kao <link xref="accounts-add">internet računi</link>.
Click the <media type="image" src="figures/go-down.png">down</media> button next to the <link xref="documents-search">search</link> bar to limit the scope of the search in these categories:
Kliknite dugme <media type="image" src="figures/go-down.png">dole</media> pored trake <link xref="documents-search">traži</link> da smanjite obim pretrage u ovim kategorijama:
<app>Documents</app> displays PDF, DVI, XPS, PostScript and the formats supported by <app>Document Viewer</app> (Evince), <app>Microsoft Office</app>, <app>LibreOffice</app> and <app>Google Docs</app>.
<app>Documents</app> prikazuje PDF, DVI, XPS, PostScript i formate podržane sa <app>Document Viewer</app> (Evince), <app>Microsoft Office</app>, <app>LibreOffice</app> i <app>Google Docs</app>.
When a document is created, it comes with <em>metadata</em>. <app>Documents</app> displays the following metadata for each document:
Kada je dokument kreiran, dolazi sa <em>metapodatcima</em>. <app>Documents</app> prikazuje sljedeće metapodatke za svaki dokument:
<app>Files</app> does not currently offer any mechanism to add privacy to a document. You may be able to do this from the application you used to create the document (e.g. <app>LibreOffice</app> or <app>Adobe Acrobat </app>).
<app>Files</app> trenutno ne podržava mehanizam za dodavanje privatnosti na dokumente. Možda možete to učiniti preko aplikacije koju ste koristili za kreiranje tog dokumenta (npr. <app>LibreOffice</app> ili <app>Adobe Acrobat </app>).
<app>Documents</app> is a GNOME application that lets you display, organize, and print the documents on your computer or those created remotely using <em>Google Docs</em> or <em>SkyDrive</em>.
<app>Documents</app> je GNOME aplikacija koja vam omogućava da prikažete, organizujete i printate dokumente na vašem računaru ili kreirane izdaleka koristeći <em>Google Docs</em> ili <em>SkyDrive</em>.
Click the Trash button in the button bar. The collection will be deleted, leaving the original documents.
Kliknite dugme za Smeće u traci za tipke. Kolekcije će biti izbrisane, ostavljajući originalne dokumente.
Open the <app>Disks</app> application from the <gui>Activities</gui> overview.
Otvorite <app>Disks</app> aplikaciju iz pregleda <gui>Aktivnosti</gui>.