Translations by Pierre Sassoulas

Pierre Sassoulas has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

16 of 6 results
Applications are available in two formats: snap packages and Debian packages. An application available as a snap package is from now on referred to as a <em>snap</em>. Some applications are available in both formats. In such a case in <app>Ubuntu Software</app> the snap will be listed first.
Les applications sont disponibles dans deux formats: Packages debian et packages snap (universels). Une application disponible en tant que package universel sera nommée <em>snap</em>. Certaines applications sont disponibles en deux formats. Si c'est le cas, dans <app>Ubuntu Software</app> le snap sera listé en premier.
The <app>flashplugin-installer</app> package provides the NPAPI plug-in for Firefox. <link href="apt:flashplugin-installer">Install the package</link> and restart your browser.
Le package <app>flashplugin-installer</app> fournit le plugin NPAPI pour Firefox. <link href="apt:flashplugin-installer">Installez ce package </link> et redémarrez votre navigateur.
Open <app>Startup Disk Creator</app> via the <em>Activities</em> search bar.
Ouvrez <app>Créateur de Disque de démarrage</app> à travers la barre de recherche des <em>Activités</em>.
Open <app>Synaptic</app> via the <em>Activities</em> search bar. You will need to enter your password in the <gui>Authenticate</gui> window.
Ouvrez <app>Synaptic</app> via la barre de recherche <em>Activities</em>. Vous devrez entrer votre mot de passe dans la fenêtre d'<gui>Authenticate</gui>.
<link href="apt:numlockx">Install</link> the <em>numlockx</em> package.
<link href="apt:numlockx">Installez</link> le package <em>numlockx</em>.
Open a terminal window by pressing <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Alt</key><key>T</key></keyseq>.
Ouvrez une ligne de commande en appuyant sur <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>Alt</key><key>T</key></keyseq>.