Translations by Woodrow Shen

Woodrow Shen has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

17 of 7 results
name={Ethernet port}, description={An Ethernet port is what an Ethernet cable is plugged into when you are using a \gls{wired connection}.}
name={Ethernet port}, description={乙太網路接口(Ethernet port)為使用有線連線\gls{wired connection}時的接口。}
name={\acronym{GUI}}, description={The \acronym{GUI} (which stands for Graphical User Interface) is a type of user interface that allows humans to interact with the computer using graphics and images rather than just text.}
name={\acronym{GUI}}, description={\acronym{GUI} (代表圖形使用者介面(Graphical User Interface),是一種使用者介面,允許人類與電腦使用圖形和圖像,而不僅僅是文字。}
name={Live \acronym{DVD}}, description={A Live \acronym{DVD} allows you to try out an operating system before you actually install it, this is useful for testing your hardware, diagnosing problems and recovering your system.}
name={Live \acronym{DVD}}, description={A Live \acronym{DVD}允許你在實際安裝之前先體驗作業系統,對於你的硬體進行測試、問題診斷和復原系統是有幫助的。}
The term ``Ubuntu'' is a traditional African concept originating from the Bantu languages of southern Africa. \marginnote{People sometimes wonder how to pronounce \emph{Ubuntu}. Each \emph{u} is pronounced the same as in the word \emph{put} except for the last \emph{u} which is pronounced the same as in the word \emph{due}.} It can be described as a way of connecting with others\dash living in a global community where your actions affect all of humanity. Ubuntu is more than just an operating system: it is a community of people coming together voluntarily to collaborate on an international software project that aims to deliver the best possible user experience.
``Ubuntu''一詞來自於非洲南部的班圖語,是非洲傳統的價值觀。\marginnote{人們有時候好奇 \emph{Ubuntu}如何發音。每個 \emph{u}可以讀成和 \emph{put}一樣,除了最後的 \emph{u}是讀成和 \emph{due}一樣。}他代表的意思是一種聯繫方式來與全球各族群生活的其他人,透過你的發起來影響人性。Ubuntu不僅僅是一個作業系統:它更是社群一起自由合作國際軟體專案以呈現最好的用戶經驗。
``Ubuntu''一詞來自於非洲南部的班圖語,是非洲傳統的價值觀。\marginnote{人們有時候好奇 \emph{Ubuntu}如何發音。每個 \emph{u}可以發音成和 \emph{put}一樣,除了最後的 \emph{u}是發音成和 \emph{due}一樣。}他代表的意思是一種聯繫方式來與全球各族群生活的其他人,透過你的發起來影響人性。Ubuntu不僅僅是一個作業系統:它更是社群一起自由合作國際軟體專案以呈現最好的用戶經驗。
Ubuntu was conceived in 2004 by Mark Shuttleworth, a successful South African entrepreneur, and his company \Index[Canonical]{\gls{Canonical}}. \marginnote{To learn more about Canonical, go to \url{}.} Shuttleworth recognized the power of Linux and open source, but was also aware of weaknesses that prevented mainstream use.
Ubuntu由馬克 舍特爾沃斯所創立,是一位南非事業有成的企業家,和他的公司 \Index[Canonical]{\gls{Canonical}}。\marginnote{想了解更多有關Canonical, 可到 \url{}。}他肯定開放原始碼與Linux的影響,但也了解其缺點而無法廣泛受大眾接受與使用。
Shuttleworth set out with clear intentions to address these weaknesses and create a system that was easy to use, completely free (see \chaplink{ch:learning-more} for the complete definition of ``free''), and could compete with other mainstream operating systems. With the \Index{Debian} system as a base, \marginnote{Debian is the Linux operating system that Ubuntu is based upon. For more information visit \url{}.} Shuttleworth began to build Ubuntu. Using his own funds at first, installation \acronym{CD}s were pressed and shipped worldwide at no cost to the recipients. Ubuntu spread quickly, its community grew rapidly, and soon Ubuntu became the most popular Linux \gls{distribution} available.
舍特爾沃斯決心要解決這些缺點,然後建立一個容易上手且自由的作業系統,(請看 \chaplink{ch:learning-more} 對於``free''的完整定義),並能與其他主流的作業系統不相上下。利用 \Index{Debian} 作為基礎,\marginnote{Debian是一套Ubuntu用來作為基底的Linux作業系統,更多資訊請拜訪 \url{}。}舍特爾沃斯開始建立Ubuntu。起初靠他自己的資金,壓好的安裝片 \acronym{CD}以無償方式送到世界各地的玩家。Ubuntu進而迅速廣為流傳,其社群很快地就成長起來,之後不久Ubuntu就成為最受歡迎的Linux作業系統。