autopkgtest: Automatic testing for packages
autopkgtest[nbsp] : tests automatiques pour les paquets
Translated by
Sylvie Gallet
Reviewed by
Pierre Slamich
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The `DEP 8 specification <DEP8_>`_ defines how automatic testing can very easily be integrated into packages. To integrate a test into a package, all you need to do is:
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add a file called ``debian/tests/control`` which specifies the requirements for the testbed,
ajoutez un fichier appelé ``debian/tests/control`` qui spécifie les exigences pour le banc d'essai,
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Reviewed by
Pierre Slamich
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add the tests in ``debian/tests/``.
ajoutez les tests dans ``debian/tests/``.
Translated by
Sylvie Gallet
Reviewed by
Pierre Slamich
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Testbed requirements
Exigences du banc d'essai
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Pierre Slamich
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In ``debian/tests/control`` you specify what to expect from the testbed. So for example you list all the required packages for the tests, if the testbed gets broken during the build or if ``root`` permissions are required. The `DEP 8 specification <DEP8_>`_ lists all available options.
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Below we are having a look at the ``glib2.0`` source package. In a very simple case the file would look like this::
Ci-dessous, nous voyons un aperçu du paquet source ``glib2.0``. Dans un cas très simple, le fichier devrait ressembler à ceci::
Translated by
Sylvie Gallet
Reviewed by
Pierre Slamich
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For the test in ``debian/tests/build`` this would ensure that the packages ``libglib2.0-dev`` and ``build-essential`` are installed.
Pour le test dans ``debian/tests/build``, cela permettrait de s'assurer que les paquets ``libglib2.0-dev`` et ``build-essential`` sont installés.
Translated by
Sylvie Gallet
Reviewed by
Pierre Slamich
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You can use ``@`` in the ``Depends`` line to indicate that you want all the packages installed which are built by the source package in question.
Vous pouvez utiliser ``@`` de la ligne ``Depends`` pour indiquer que vous souhaitez tous les paquets installés construits par la paquet source en question.
Translated by
Sylvie Gallet
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The actual tests
Les tests réels
Translated by
Sylvie Gallet
Reviewed by
gisele perreault
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