Translations by Alex Semyonov
Alex Semyonov has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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~ |
Create a compressed archive with the selected objects
2009-07-17 |
Создать сжатый архив выбранных объектов
~ |
2009-07-17 |
59. |
2009-07-17 |
84. |
Extract the contents of the archives in the archive folder and quit the program
2009-07-17 |
Извлечь содержимое архивов в архивную папку и закрыть программу
138. |
_Show the Files
2009-07-17 |
_Показать файлы
215. |
2009-07-17 |
258. |
2009-07-17 |
Имя _файла: