find out about the other options
Translated and reviewed by
Paco Molinero
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Software database is broken
La base de datos del software está dañada
Translated and reviewed by
Ricardo Pérez López
Located in
It is impossible to install or remove any software. Please use the package manager "Synaptic" or run "sudo apt-get install -f" in a terminal to fix this issue at first.
Es imposible instalar o desinstalar ningún programa. Use primero el gestor de paquetes «Synaptic» (o ejecute «sudo apt-get install -f» en una terminal), para corregir este problema.
Translated and reviewed by
Paco Molinero
Located in
Could not install the selected language support
No se han podido instalar los componentes lingüísticos seleccionados
Translated and reviewed by
Adolfo Jayme Barrientos
In upstream: |
No se ha podido instalar el soporte para el idioma seleccionado
Suggested by
Ricardo Pérez López
Located in
This is perhaps a bug of this application. Please file a bug report at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/language-selector/+filebug
Esto tal vez se deba a un defecto en la aplicación. Cree un informe de fallo en https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/language-selector/+filebug (en inglés)
Translated and reviewed by
Adolfo Jayme Barrientos
In upstream: |
Esto tal vez se deba a un fallo en la aplicación. Por favor, rellene un informe de fallo en https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/language-selector/+filebug
Suggested by
Ricardo Pérez López
Located in
Could not install the full language support
No se han podido instalar todos los componentes lingüísticos
Translated and reviewed by
Adolfo Jayme Barrientos
In upstream: |
No se ha podido instalar el soporte completo para el idioma
Suggested by
Ricardo Pérez López
Located in
Usually this is related to an error in your software archive or software manager. Check your preferences in Software Sources (click the icon at the very right of the top bar and select "System Settings... -> Software Sources").
Por lo general esto se relaciona con un error en el archivo de software o el gestor de software. Compruebe sus preferencias en orígenes del software (pulse en el icono situado en el extremo derecho de la barra superior y seleccione «Configuración del sistema… → Orígenes del software»).
Translated and reviewed by
Adolfo Jayme Barrientos
Located in
Failed to authorize to install packages.
Fallo al autorizar instalar paquetes.
Translated and reviewed by
Paco Molinero
Located in
The language support is not installed completely
No se han instalado todos los componentes lingüísticos
Translated and reviewed by
Adolfo Jayme Barrientos
Located in
Some translations or writing aids available for your chosen languages are not installed yet. Do you want to install them now?
No están instaladas todas las traducciones o ayudas a la escritura disponibles para los idiomas seleccionados. ¿Quiere instalarlas ahora?
Translated and reviewed by
Adolfo Jayme Barrientos
In upstream: |
No están instaladas todas las traducciones o ayudas a la escritura disponibles para los idiomas seleccionados. ¿Desea instalarlas ahora?
Suggested by
Ricardo Pérez López
Located in