Translations by Adam Collard
Adam Collard has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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2. |
Cannot close standard input
2008-10-05 |
Cannot close standard input
9. |
Symbolic link %s is part of a loop in the directory hierarchy; we have already visited the directory to which it points.
2008-10-05 |
Symbolic link %s is part of a loop in the directory hierarchy; we have already visited the directory to which it points.
10. |
File system loop detected; %s is part of the same file system loop as %s.
2008-10-05 |
File system loop detected; %s is part of the same file system loop as %s.
12. |
cannot search %s
2008-10-05 |
cannot search %s
16. |
cannot stat current directory
2008-10-05 |
cannot stat current directory
20. |
%s%s changed during execution of %s (old device number %ld, new device number %ld, file system type is %s) [ref %ld]
2008-10-05 |
%s%s changed during execution of %s (old device number %ld, new device number %ld, file system type is %s) [ref %ld]
21. |
%s%s changed during execution of %s (old inode number %<PRIuMAX>, new inode number %<PRIuMAX>, file system type is %s) [ref %ld]
2008-10-05 |
%s%s changed during execution of %s (old inode number %<PRIuMAX>, new inode number %<PRIuMAX>, file system type is %s) [ref %ld]
23. |
Failed to safely change directory into %s
2008-10-05 |
Failed to safely change directory into %s
24. |
Filesystem loop detected; %s has the same device number and inode as a directory which is %d level higher in the file system hierarchy
Filesystem loop detected; %s has the same device number and inode as a directory which is %d levels higher in the file system hierarchy
2008-10-05 |
Filesystem loop detected; %s has the same device number and inode as a directory which is %d level higher in the file system hierarchy
Filesystem loop detected; %s has the same device number and inode as a directory which is %d levels higher in the file system hierarchy
2008-10-05 |
Filesystem loop detected; %s has the same device number and inode as a directory which is %d level higher in the file system hierarchy
30. |
%s is not the name of an existing group and it does not look like a numeric group ID because it has the unexpected suffix %s
2008-10-05 |
%s is not the name of an existing group and it does not look like a numeric group ID because it has the unexpected suffix %s
31. |
%s is not the name of an existing group
2008-10-05 |
%s is not the name of an existing group
32. |
argument to -group is empty, but should be a group name
2008-10-05 |
argument to -group is empty, but should be a group name
35. |
Expected a positive decimal integer argument to %s, but got %s
2008-10-05 |
Expected a positive decimal integer argument to %s, but got %s
36. |
This system does not provide a way to find the birth time of a file.
2008-10-05 |
This system does not provide a way to find the birth time of a file.
38. |
I cannot figure out how to interpret %s as a date or time
2008-10-05 |
I cannot figure out how to interpret %s as a date or time
39. |
Cannot obtain birth time of file %s
2008-10-05 |
Cannot obtain birth time of file %s
41. |
invalid mode %s
2008-10-05 |
invalid mode %s
42. |
warning: you have specified a mode pattern %s (which is equivalent to /000). The meaning of -perm /000 has now been changed to be consistent with -perm -000; that is, while it used to match no files, it now matches all files.
2008-10-05 |
warning: you have specified a mode pattern %s (which is equivalent to /000). The meaning of -perm /000 has now been changed to be consistent with -perm -000; that is, while it used to match no files, it now matches all files.
47. |
The -show-control-chars option takes a single argument which must be 'literal' or 'safe'
2008-10-05 |
The -show-control-chars option takes a single argument which must be 'literal' or 'safe'
48. |
Invalid argument %s to -used
2008-10-05 |
Invalid argument %s to -used
63. |
The relative path %s is included in the PATH environment variable, which is insecure in combination with the %s action of find. Please remove that entry from $PATH
2008-10-05 |
The relative path %s is included in the PATH environment variable, which is insecure in combination with the %s action of find. Please remove that entry from $PATH
69. |
arithmetic overflow when trying to calculate the end of today
2008-10-05 |
arithmetic overflow when trying to calculate the end of today
70. |
standard error
2008-10-05 |
standard error
71. |
standard output
2008-10-05 |
standard output
72. |
cannot delete %s
2008-10-05 |
cannot delete %s
80. |
error: the format directive `%%%c' is reserved for future use
2008-10-05 |
error: the format directive `%%%c' is reserved for future use
84. |
invalid expression; you have used a binary operator '%s' with nothing before it.
2008-10-05 |
invalid expression; you have used a binary operator '%s' with nothing before it.
85. |
expected an expression between '%s' and ')'
2008-10-05 |
expected an expression between '%s' and ')'
86. |
expected an expression after '%s'
2008-10-05 |
expected an expression after '%s'
89. |
invalid expression; empty parentheses are not allowed.
2008-10-05 |
invalid expression; empty parentheses are not allowed.
96. |
unknown predicate `%s'
2008-10-05 |
unknown predicate `%s'
100. |
you have too many ')'
2008-10-05 |
you have too many ')'
101. |
unexpected extra predicate '%s'
2008-10-05 |
unexpected extra predicate '%s'