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4857 of 607 results
Show notifications for new mail
Arată notificările pentru emailurile noi
Translated by Dimitri John Ledkov
Located in desktop/org.gnome.Geary.gschema.xml:88
True to show notification bubbles.
Adevărat pentru a arăta bule de notificare.
Translated by Dimitri John Ledkov
Located in desktop/org.gnome.Geary.gschema.xml:89
Notify of new mail at startup
Notifică despre emailuri noi la pornire
Translated by Dimitri John Ledkov
Located in desktop/org.gnome.Geary.gschema.xml:66
True to notify of new mail at startup.
Adevărat pentru a notifica despre noile emailuri la pornire.
Translated by Dimitri John Ledkov
Located in desktop/org.gnome.Geary.gschema.xml:67
Ask when opening an attachment
Întreabă când se deschide un atașament
Translated by Dimitri John Ledkov
Located in desktop/org.gnome.Geary.gschema.xml:78
True to ask when opening an attachment.
Adevărat pentru a întreba la deschiderea unui fișier atașat.
Translated by Dimitri John Ledkov
Located in desktop/org.gnome.Geary.gschema.xml:79
Whether to compose emails in HTML
Dacă să se compună email-uri în HTML
Translated by Dimitri John Ledkov
Located in desktop/org.gnome.Geary.gschema.xml:84
True to compose emails in HTML; false for plain text.
Adevărat pentru a compune email-uri În HTML; fals pentru text simplu.
Translated by Dimitri John Ledkov
Located in desktop/org.gnome.Geary.gschema.xml:85
Advisory strategy for full-text searching
Strategie consultativă pentru căutarea în întreg textul
Translated by Dimitri John Ledkov
Located in desktop/org.gnome.Geary.gschema.xml:90
Acceptable values are “exact”, “conservative”, “aggressive”, and “horizon”.
Valorile acceptabile sunt „exact”, „conservative”, „aggressive” și „horizon”.
Translated by Dimitri John Ledkov
Located in desktop/org.gnome.Geary.gschema.xml:91
4857 of 607 results

This translation is managed by Ubuntu Romanian Quality Assurance, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Dimitri John Ledkov, Florentina Mușat, Jeremy Bícha, Sebastien Bacher.