Translations by Kenan Kukić

Kenan Kukić has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

13 of 3 results
This guide gives you a tour of Ubuntu desktop features, answers your computer-related questions, and provides tips on using your computer effectively.
Ovaj vodić vam omogućava razgledanje Ubuntu značajki radne površine, odgovara na vaša pitanja koja su vezana za računare i daje vam savjete kako da koristite vaš računar efikasnije.
Related items are linked together. "See Also" links at the bottom of some pages direct you to related topics.
Srodni predmeti su povezani zajedno. "Pogledaj takođe" linkove na dnu nekih stranica da vas odvedu do srodnih tema.
Some applications depend on other applications to work properly. If you try to remove an application that is needed by another application, both will be removed. You will be asked to confirm whether you want this to happen before the applications are removed.
Neke aplikacije zavise od drugih aplikacija da rade normalno. Ako pokušate izbrisati aplikaciju koja je potrebna drugoj aplikaciji, obje će biti izbrisane. Prije nego što budu izbrisane morate tu akciju potvrditi.