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1827 of 662 results
Geary displaying a conversation
Translators: A screenshot description.
Geary afișând o conversație
Translated by Dimitri John Ledkov
Located in desktop/
Geary showing the rich text composer
Translators: A screenshot description.
Geary afișând compunătorul de text bogat
Translated by Dimitri John Ledkov
Located in desktop/
Translators: These are desktop search terms. Do not translate semicolons, end line with a semicolon.
Translated by Dimitri John Ledkov
Located in desktop/
Compose Message
Compune un mesaj
Translated by Jeremy Bícha
Located in desktop/
New Window
Fereastră nouă
Translated by Sebastien Bacher
Located in desktop/
Maximize window
Maximizează fereastra
Translated by Dimitri John Ledkov
Located in desktop/org.gnome.Geary.gschema.xml:8
True if the application window is maximized, false otherwise.
Adevărat dacă fereastra aplicației este maximizată, fals în mod contrar.
Translated by Dimitri John Ledkov
Located in desktop/org.gnome.Geary.gschema.xml:9
Width of window
Lățimea ferestrei
Translated by Dimitri John Ledkov
Located in desktop/org.gnome.Geary.gschema.xml:14
The last recorded width of the application window.
Ultima lățime memorată a ferestrei aplicației.
Translated by Dimitri John Ledkov
Located in desktop/org.gnome.Geary.gschema.xml:15
Height of window
Înălțimea ferestrei
Translated by Dimitri John Ledkov
Located in desktop/org.gnome.Geary.gschema.xml:20
1827 of 662 results

This translation is managed by Ubuntu Romanian Quality Assurance, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Dimitri John Ledkov, Florentina Mușat, Jeremy Bícha, Sebastien Bacher, Țugui Dragoș Constantin.