You need to specify a package or a PID. See --help for more information.
(no translation yet)
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Permission denied
(no translation yet)
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The specified process does not belong to you. Please run this program as the process owner or as root.
(no translation yet)
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The specified process ID does not belong to a program.
(no translation yet)
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Symptom script %s did not determine an affected package
(no translation yet)
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Package %s does not exist
(no translation yet)
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Cannot create report
(no translation yet)
Located in
../apport/ui.py:733 ../apport/ui.py:931 ../apport/ui.py:964
Updating problem report
(no translation yet)
Located in
../apport/ui.py:748 ../apport/ui.py:802 ../apport/ui.py:819
You are not the reporter or subscriber of this problem report, or the report is a duplicate or already closed.

Please create a new report using "apport-bug".
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
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You are not the reporter of this problem report. It is much easier to mark a bug as a duplicate of another than to move your comments and attachments to a new bug.

Subsequently, we recommend that you file a new bug report using "apport-bug" and make a comment in this bug about the one you file.

Do you really want to proceed?
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
(no translation yet)
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