Translations by Copied by Zanata

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Usage: nmcli connection add { ARGUMENTS | help } ARGUMENTS := COMMON_OPTIONS TYPE_SPECIFIC_OPTIONS SLAVE_OPTIONS IP_OPTIONS [-- ([+|-]<setting>.<property> <value>)+] COMMON_OPTIONS: type <type> ifname <interface name> | "*" [con-name <connection name>] [autoconnect yes|no] [save yes|no] [master <master (ifname, or connection UUID or name)>] [slave-type <master connection type>] TYPE_SPECIFIC_OPTIONS: ethernet: [mac <MAC address>] [cloned-mac <cloned MAC address>] [mtu <MTU>] wifi: ssid <SSID> [mac <MAC address>] [cloned-mac <cloned MAC address>] [mtu <MTU>] [mode infrastructure|ap|adhoc] wimax: [mac <MAC address>] [nsp <NSP>] pppoe: username <PPPoE username> [password <PPPoE password>] [service <PPPoE service name>] [mtu <MTU>] [mac <MAC address>] gsm: apn <APN> [user <username>] [password <password>] cdma: [user <username>] [password <password>] infiniband: [mac <MAC address>] [mtu <MTU>] [transport-mode datagram | connected] [parent <ifname>] [p-key <IPoIB P_Key>] bluetooth: [addr <bluetooth address>] [bt-type panu|nap|dun-gsm|dun-cdma] vlan: dev <parent device (connection UUID, ifname, or MAC)> id <VLAN ID> [flags <VLAN flags>] [ingress <ingress priority mapping>] [egress <egress priority mapping>] [mtu <MTU>] bond: [mode balance-rr (0) | active-backup (1) | balance-xor (2) | broadcast (3) | 802.3ad (4) | balance-tlb (5) | balance-alb (6)] [primary <ifname>] [miimon <num>] [downdelay <num>] [updelay <num>] [arp-interval <num>] [arp-ip-target <num>] [lacp-rate slow (0) | fast (1)] bond-slave: master <master (ifname, or connection UUID or name)> team: [config <file>|<raw JSON data>] team-slave: master <master (ifname, or connection UUID or name)> [config <file>|<raw JSON data>] bridge: [stp yes|no] [priority <num>] [forward-delay <2-30>] [hello-time <1-10>] [max-age <6-40>] [ageing-time <0-1000000>] [multicast-snooping yes|no] [mac <MAC address>] bridge-slave: master <master (ifname, or connection UUID or name)> [priority <0-63>] [path-cost <1-65535>] [hairpin yes|no] vpn: vpn-type vpnc|openvpn|pptp|openconnect|openswan|libreswan|ssh|l2tp|iodine|... [user <username>] olpc-mesh: ssid <SSID> [channel <1-13>] [dhcp-anycast <MAC address>] adsl: username <username> protocol pppoa|pppoe|ipoatm [password <password>] [encapsulation vcmux|llc] tun: mode tun|tap [owner <UID>] [group <GID>] [pi yes|no] [vnet-hdr yes|no] [multi-queue yes|no] ip-tunnel: mode ipip|gre|sit|isatap|vti|ip6ip6|ipip6|ip6gre|vti6 remote <remote endpoint IP> [local <local endpoint IP>] [dev <parent device (ifname or connection UUID)>] macsec: dev <parent device (connection UUID, ifname, or MAC)> mode <psk|eap> [cak <key> ckn <key>] [encrypt yes|no] [port 1-65534] macvlan: dev <parent device (connection UUID, ifname, or MAC)> mode vepa|bridge|private|passthru|source [tap yes|no] vxlan: id <VXLAN ID> remote <IP of multicast group or remote address> [local <source IP>] [dev <parent device (ifname or connection UUID)>] [source-port-min <0-65535>] [source-port-max <0-65535>] [destination-port <0-65535>] wpan: [short-addr <0x0000-0xffff>] [pan-id <0x0000-0xffff>] [page <default|0-31>] [channel <default|0-26>] [mac <MAC address>] 6lowpan: dev <parent device (connection UUID, ifname, or MAC)> dummy: SLAVE_OPTIONS: bridge: [priority <0-63>] [path-cost <1-65535>] [hairpin yes|no] team: [config <file>|<raw JSON data>] IP_OPTIONS: [ip4 <IPv4 address>] [gw4 <IPv4 gateway>] [ip6 <IPv6 address>] [gw6 <IPv6 gateway>]
用法:nmcli connection add {ARGUMENTS |幫助} ARGUMENTS:= COMMON_OPTIONS TYPE_SPECIFIC_OPTIONS SLAVE_OPTIONS IP_OPTIONS [ - ([+ | - ]]<setting>。<property> <value>)+] COMMON_OPTIONS:類型 <type>IFNAME <interface name> | “*”[con-name <connection name>] [autoconnect yes | no] [save yes | no] [master <master (ifname, or connection UUID or name)>] [奴隸型 <master connection type>] TYPE_SPECIFIC_OPTIONS:以太網:[mac <MAC address>] [克隆 - mac <cloned MAC address>] [mtu <MTU>] wifi:ssid <SSID>[蘋果電腦 <MAC address>] [克隆 - mac <cloned MAC address>] [mtu <MTU>] [模式基礎設施| ap | adhoc] wimax:[mac <MAC address>] [nsp <NSP>] pppoe:用戶名 <PPPoE username>[密碼 <PPPoE password>] [服務 <PPPoE service name>] [mtu <MTU>] [蘋果電腦 <MAC address>] gsm:apn <APN>[用戶 <username>] [密碼 <password>] cdma:[用戶 <username>] [密碼 <password>infiniband:[mac <MAC address>] [mtu <MTU>] [傳輸模式數據報|連接] [父母 <ifname>] [p鍵 <IPoIB P_Key>]藍牙:[addr <bluetooth address>] [bt-type panu | nap | dun-gsm | dun-cdma] vlan:dev <parent device (connection UUID, ifname, or MAC)>ID <VLAN ID>[標誌 <VLAN flags>] [進入 <ingress priority mapping>] [出口 <egress priority mapping>] [mtu <MTU>] bond:[mode balance-rr(0)| active-backup(1)| balance-xor(2)|廣播(3)| 802.3ad(4)| balance-tlb(5)| balance-alb(6)] [primary <ifname>] [米蒙 <num>] [downdelay <num>] [updelay <num>] [arp-interval <num>] [arp-ip-target <num>] [lacp-rate slow(0)| fast(1)] bond-slave:master <master (ifname, or connection UUID or name)>團隊:[config <file>|<raw JSON data>] team-slave:master <master (ifname, or connection UUID or name)>[配置 <file>|<raw JSON data>] bridge:[stp yes | no] [優先級 <num>] [前進延遲 <2-30>] [你好時間 <1-10>] [max-age <6-40>] [老化時間 <0-1000000>] [multicast-snooping yes | no] [mac <MAC address>] bridge-slave:master <master (ifname, or connection UUID or name)>[優先 <0-63>] [路徑成本 <1-65535>] [髮夾是|否] vpn:vpn-type vpnc | openvpn | pptp | openconnect | openswan | libreswan | ssh | l2tp |碘| ... [用戶 <username>] olpc-mesh:ssid <SSID>[渠道 <1-13>] [dhcp-anycast <MAC address>] adsl:用戶名 <username>協議pppoa | pppoe | ipoatm [密碼 <password>] [encapsulation vcmux | llc] tun:mode tun | tap [owner <UID>] [組 <GID>] [pi yes | no] [vnet-hdr yes | no] [多隊列是|否] ip-tunnel:模式ipip | gre | sit | isatap | vti | ip6ip6 | ipip6 | ip6gre | vti6 remote <remote endpoint IP>[本地 <local endpoint IP>] [dev <parent device (ifname or connection UUID)>] macsec:dev <parent device (connection UUID, ifname, or MAC)>模式 <psk|eap>[CAK <key> CKN <key>] [加密是|否] [端口1-65534] macvlan:dev <parent device (connection UUID, ifname, or MAC)>mode vepa | bridge | private | passthru | source [tap yes | no] vxlan:id <VXLAN ID>遠程 <IP of multicast group or remote address>[本地 <source IP>] [dev <parent device (ifname or connection UUID)>]
A string sent to the DHCP server to identify the local machine which the DHCP server may use to customize the DHCP lease and options. When the property is a hex string ('aa:bb:cc') it is interpreted as a binary client ID, in which case the first byte is assumed to be the 'type' field as per RFC 2132 section 9.14 and the remaining bytes may be an hardware address (e.g. '01:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx' where 1 is the Ethernet ARP type and the rest is a MAC address). If the property is not a hex string it is considered as a non-hardware-address client ID and the 'type' field is set to 0. The special values "mac" and "perm-mac" are supported, which use the current or permanent MAC address of the device to generate a client identifier with type ethernet (01). Currently, these options only work for ethernet type of links. The special value "duid" generates a RFC4361-compliant client identifier based on a hash of the interface name as IAID and /etc/machine-id. The special value "stable" is supported to generate a type 0 client identifier based on the stable-id (see connection.stable-id) and a per-host key. If you set the stable-id, you may want to include the "${DEVICE}" or "${MAC}" specifier to get a per-device key. If unset, a globally configured default is used. If still unset, the default depends on the DHCP plugin.
發送到DHCP服務器的字符串,用於標識DHCP服務器可用於自定義DHCP租約和選項的本地計算機。當屬性是十六進製字符串('aa:bb:cc')時,它被解釋為二進制客戶端ID,在這種情況下,根據RFC 2132第9.14節假設第一個字節是'type'字段,其餘字節可以是硬件地址(例如'01:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx',其中1是以太網ARP類型,其餘是MAC地址)。如果屬性不是十六進製字符串,則將其視為非硬件地址客戶端ID,並將“type”字段設置為0.支持特殊值“mac”和“perm-mac”,它們使用當前值或設備的永久MAC地址,以生成類型為ethernet(01)的客戶端標識符。目前,這些選項僅適用於以太網類型的鏈接。支持特殊值“stable”以基於stable-id(請參閱connection.stable-id)和每主機密鑰生成類型0客戶端標識符。如果未設置,則使用全局配置的默認值。如果仍未設置,則重複使用上次租約中的client-id。
Array of virtual function descriptors. Each VF descriptor is a dictionary mapping attribute names to GVariant values. The 'index' entry is mandatory for each VF. When represented as string a VF is in the form: "INDEX [ATTR=VALUE[ ATTR=VALUE]...]". for example: "2 mac=00:11:22:33:44:55 spoof-check=true". Multiple VFs can be specified using a comma as separator. Currently the following attributes are supported: mac, spoof-check, trust, min-tx-rate, max-tx-rate, vlans. The "vlans" attribute is represented as a semicolon-separated list of VLAN descriptors, where each descriptor has the form "ID[.PRIORITY[.PROTO]]". PROTO can be either 'q' for 802.1Q (the default) or 'ad' for 802.1ad.
虛函數描述符的數組。每個VF描述符都是將屬性名稱映射到GVariant值的字典。每個VF都必須輸入'index'條目。當表示為字符串時,VF的格式為:“INDEX [ATTR = VALUE [ATTR = VALUE] ...]”。例如:“2 mac = 00:11:22:33:44:55 spoof-check = true”。 “vlans”屬性表示為以半色分隔的VLAN描述符列表,其中每個描述符的格式為“ID [.PRIORITY [.PROTO]]”。 PROTO可以是802.1Q(默認值)的“q”或802.1ad的“ad”。
When "method" is set to "auto" and this property to TRUE, automatically configured nameservers and search domains are ignored and only nameservers and search domains specified in the "dns" and "dns-search" properties, if any, are used.
Array of DNS search domains. Domains starting with a tilde ('~') are considered 'routing' domains and are used only to decide the interface over which a query must be forwarded; they are not used to complete unqualified host names.
一組DNS搜索域。以波浪號開頭的域名('~') are considered 'routing' domains and are used only to decide the interface over which a query must be forwarded; they are not used to complete unqualified host names.
Usage: nmcli device modify { ARGUMENTS | --help } ARGUMENTS := <ifname> ([+|-]<setting>.<property> <value>)+ Modify one or more properties currently active on the device without modifying the connection profile. The changes have immediate effect. For multi-valued properties you can use optional '+' or '-' prefix to the property name. The '+' sign allows appending items instead of overwriting the whole value. The '-' sign allows removing selected items instead of the whole value. Examples: nmcli dev mod em1 ipv4.method manual ipv4.addr "," nmcli dev mod em1 +ipv4.dns nmcli dev mod em1 -ipv4.dns 1 nmcli dev mod em1 -ipv6.addr "abbe::cafe/56"
用法:nmcli設備修改{ARGUMENTS | --help} ARGUMENTS:= <ifname> ([+ | - ]<setting>。<property> <value>)+修改設備上當前活動的一個或多個屬性,而不修改連接配置文件。這些變化立即生效。對於多值屬性,您可以對屬性名稱使用可選的“+”或“ - ”前綴。 “+”符號允許附加項而不是覆蓋整個值。 “ - ”符號允許刪除所選項而不是整個值。示例:nmcli dev mod em1 ipv4.method manual ipv4.addr“ / 24,”nmcli dev mod em1 + ipv4.dns nmcli dev mod em1 -ipv4.dns 1 nmcli dev mod em1 -ipv6.addr“abbe :: cafe / 56”
remove [<value>|<index>|<option name>] :: delete the value Removes the property value. For single-valued properties, this sets the property back to its default value. For container-type properties, this removes all the values of that property, or you can specify an argument to remove just a single item or option. The argument is either a value or index of the item to remove, or an option name (for properties with named options). Examples: nmcli ipv4.dns> remove nmcli ipv4.dns> remove 2 nmcli bond.options> remove downdelay
去掉 [<value>|<index>|<option name>] ::刪除值刪除屬性值。對於單值屬性,這會將屬性設置回其默認值。對於容器類型屬性,這將刪除該屬性的所有值,或者您可以指定一個參數以僅刪除單個項目或選項。參數是要刪除的項的值或索引,或者是選項名稱(對於具有命名選項的屬性)。示例:nmcli ipv4.dns>刪除8.8.8.8 nmcli ipv4.dns>刪除2 nmcli bond.options>刪除downdelay
The number of retries for the authentication. Zero means to try indefinitely; -1 means to use a global default. If the global default is not set, the authentication retries for 3 times before failing the connection. Currently this only applies to 802-1x authentication.
身份驗證的重試次數。零意味著無限期地嘗試; -1表示使用全局默認值。如果未設置全局默認值,則在連接失敗之前,身份驗證將重試3次。目前,這僅適用於802-1x身份驗證。
List of connection UUIDs that should be activated when the base connection itself is activated. Currently only VPN connections are supported.
Tunnel flags. Currently the following values are supported: NM_IP_TUNNEL_FLAG_IP6_IGN_ENCAP_LIMIT (0x1), NM_IP_TUNNEL_FLAG_IP6_USE_ORIG_TCLASS (0x2), NM_IP_TUNNEL_FLAG_IP6_USE_ORIG_FLOWLABEL (0x4), NM_IP_TUNNEL_FLAG_IP6_MIP6_DEV (0x8), NM_IP_TUNNEL_FLAG_IP6_RCV_DSCP_COPY (0x10), NM_IP_TUNNEL_FLAG_IP6_USE_ORIG_FWMARK (0x20). They are valid only for IPv6 tunnels.
The InfiniBand P_Key to use for this device. A value of -1 means to use the default P_Key (aka "the P_Key at index 0"). Otherwise it is a 16-bit unsigned integer, whose high bit is set if it is a "full membership" P_Key.
用於此設備的InfiniBand P_Key。值-1表示使用默認P_Key(也稱為“索引0處的P_Key”)。否則它是一個16位無符號整數,如果它是“完全成員資格”P_Key,則其高位被置位。
Usage: nmcli agent { COMMAND | help } COMMAND := { secret | polkit | all }
用法:nmcli agent {COMMAND |幫助}命令:= {secret | polkit |全部}
Usage: nmcli agent secret { help } Runs nmcli as NetworkManager secret agent. When NetworkManager requires a password it asks registered agents for it. This command keeps nmcli running and if a password is required asks the user for it.
用法:nmcli agent secret {help}運行nmcli作為NetworkManager秘密代理。當NetworkManager需要密碼時,它會向註冊代理詢問密碼。此命令使nmcli保持運行,如果需要密碼則詢問用戶。
Usage: nmcli agent polkit { help } Registers nmcli as a polkit action for the user session. When a polkit daemon requires an authorization, nmcli asks the user and gives the response back to polkit.
用法:nmcli agent polkit {help}將nmcli註冊為用戶會話的polkit操作。當polkit守護程序需要授權時,nmcli會詢問用戶並將響應返回給polkit。
Usage: nmcli agent all { help } Runs nmcli as both NetworkManager secret and a polkit agent.
用法:nmcli agent all {help}運行nmcli作為NetworkManager機密和polkit代理。
nmcli successfully registered as a NetworkManager's secret agent.
nmcli successfully registered as a polkit agent.
Warning: password for '%s' not given in 'passwd-file' and nmcli cannot ask without '--ask' option.
警告:'密碼'%s' 未在'passwd-file'中給出,並且nmcli不能在沒有'--ask'選項的情況下詢問。
Error: argument '%s' not understood. Try passing --help instead.
錯誤:參數'%s' 不明白。嘗試傳遞--help代替。
Error: missing argument. Try passing --help.
Usage: nmcli connection { COMMAND | help } COMMAND := { show | up | down | add | modify | clone | edit | delete | monitor | reload | load | import | export } show [--active] [--order <order spec>] show [--active] [id | uuid | path | apath] <ID> ... up [[id | uuid | path] <ID>] [ifname <ifname>] [ap <BSSID>] [passwd-file <file with passwords>] down [id | uuid | path | apath] <ID> ... add COMMON_OPTIONS TYPE_SPECIFIC_OPTIONS SLAVE_OPTIONS IP_OPTIONS [-- ([+|-]<setting>.<property> <value>)+] modify [--temporary] [id | uuid | path] <ID> ([+|-]<setting>.<property> <value>)+ clone [--temporary] [id | uuid | path ] <ID> <new name> edit [id | uuid | path] <ID> edit [type <new_con_type>] [con-name <new_con_name>] delete [id | uuid | path] <ID> monitor [id | uuid | path] <ID> ... reload load <filename> [ <filename>... ] import [--temporary] type <type> file <file to import> export [id | uuid | path] <ID> [<output file>]
用法:nmcli connection {COMMAND |幫助} COMMAND:= {show | up |下來|添加|修改|克隆|編輯|刪除|監視器|重裝|加載|進口| export} show [--active] [ - order <order spec>] show [--active] [id | uuid |路徑|一條路徑] <ID> ...... [[id | uuid |路徑] <ID>] [ifname <ifname>] [ap <BSSID>] [passwd文件 <file with passwords>]下來[id | uuid |路徑|一條路徑] <ID> ...添加COMMON_OPTIONS TYPE_SPECIFIC_OPTIONS SLAVE_OPTIONS IP_OPTIONS [ - ([+ | - ]]<setting>。<property> <value>)+]修改[--temporary] [id | uuid |路徑] <ID> ([+ | - ]<setting>。<property> <value>)+ clone [--temporary] [id | uuid |路徑] <ID> <new name>編輯[id | uuid |路徑] <ID>編輯[類型 <new_con_type>] [con-name <new_con_name>]刪除[id | uuid |路徑] <ID>監視[id | uuid |路徑] <ID> ......重裝負荷 <filename> [ <filename>...] import [--temporary]類型 <type> 文件 <file to import>export [id | uuid |路徑] <ID> [<output file>]
Usage: nmcli connection show { ARGUMENTS | help } ARGUMENTS := [--active] [--order <order spec>] List in-memory and on-disk connection profiles, some of which may also be active if a device is using that connection profile. Without a parameter, all profiles are listed. When --active option is specified, only the active profiles are shown. --order allows custom connection ordering (see manual page). ARGUMENTS := [--active] [id | uuid | path | apath] <ID> ... Show details for specified connections. By default, both static configuration and active connection data are displayed. It is possible to filter the output using global '--fields' option. Refer to the manual page for more information. When --active option is specified, only the active profiles are taken into account. Use global --show-secrets option to reveal associated secrets as well.
用法:nmcli連接顯示{ARGUMENTS |幫助} ARGUMENTS:= [--active] [ - order <order spec>列出內存和磁盤上的連接配置文件,如果設備使用該連接配置文件,其中一些配置文件也可能處於活動狀態。如果沒有參數,則列出所有配置文件。指定--active選項時,僅顯示活動的配置文件。 --order允許自定義連接排序(參見手冊頁)。 ARGUMENTS:= [ - active] [id | uuid |路徑|一條路徑] <ID> ...顯示指定連接的詳細信息。默認情況下,將顯示靜態配置和活動連接數據。可以使用全局'--fields'選項過濾輸出。有關更多信息,請參閱手冊頁。如果指定了--active選項,則僅考慮活動配置文件。使用全局--show-secrets選項來顯示相關的秘密。
Usage: nmcli connection clone { ARGUMENTS | help } ARGUMENTS := [--temporary] [id | uuid | path] <ID> <new name> Clone an existing connection profile. The newly created connection will be the exact copy of the <ID>, except the uuid property (will be generated) and id (provided as <new name> argument).
用法:nmcli連接克隆{ARGUMENTS |幫助} ARGUMENTS:= [--temporary] [id | uuid |路徑] <ID> <new name>克隆現有連接配置文件。新創建的連接將是該文件的精確副本 <ID>, ,除了uuid屬性(將生成)和id(提供為 <new name> 參數)。
Usage: nmcli connection import { ARGUMENTS | help } ARGUMENTS := [--temporary] type <type> file <file to import> Import an external/foreign configuration as a NetworkManager connection profile. The type of the input file is specified by type option. Only VPN configurations are supported at the moment. The configuration is imported by NetworkManager VPN plugins.
用法:nmcli連接導入{ARGUMENTS |幫助} ARGUMENTS:= [--temporary]類型 <type> 文件 <file to import>將外部/外部配置導入為NetworkManager連接配置文件。輸入文件的類型由type選項指定。目前僅支持VPN配置。配置由NetworkManager VPN插件導入。
incorrect string '%s' of '--order' option
字符串錯誤'%s' ' - order'選項
incorrect item '%s' in '--order' option
錯誤的項目'%s' 在' - order'選項中
No connection specified
%s argument is missing
%s 爭論缺失
unknown connection '%s'
Connection successfully activated (%s) (D-Bus active path: %s)
連接成功激活(%s) (D-Bus活動路徑: %s)
Error: Timeout expired (%d seconds)
錯誤:超時已過期(%d 秒)
Warning: master='%s' doesn't refer to any existing profile.
警告:master ='%s' 沒有引用任何現有的個人資料。
Error: 'bt-type': '%s' not valid; use [%s, %s, %s (%s), %s].
錯誤:'bt-type':'%s' 無效;使用 [%s, %s, %s (%s), %s].
Warning: There is another connection with the name '%1$s'. Reference the connection by its uuid '%2$s'
Warning: There are %3$u other connections with the name '%1$s'. Reference the connection by its uuid '%2$s'
警告:還有另一個名稱為'的連接%1$s'. 通過其uuid引用連接'%2$s'
You can specify this option more than once. Press <Enter> when you're done.
您可以多次指定此選項。按 <Enter> 當你完成了。
save [persistent|temporary] :: save the connection Sends the connection profile to NetworkManager that either will save it persistently, or will only keep it in memory. 'save' without an argument means 'save persistent'. Note that once you save the profile persistently those settings are saved across reboot or restart. Subsequent changes can also be temporary or persistent, but any temporary changes will not persist across reboot or restart. If you want to fully remove the persistent connection, the connection profile must be deleted.
save [persistent | temporary] :: save the connection將連接配置文件發送到NetworkManager,它將永久保存,或者只保留在內存中。沒有參數的'save'意味著'保存持久'。請注意,一旦您持久保存配置文件,這些設置將在重新啟動或重新啟動時保存。後續更改也可以是臨時更改或持久更改,但任何臨時更改都不會在重新引導或重新啟動時保留。如果要完全刪除持久連接,則必須刪除連接配置文件。
The error cannot be fixed automatically.
You may try running 'verify fix' to fix errors.
Error: only one of 'id', 'filename', uuid, or 'path' can be provided.
Type 'print' to show all the connection properties.
%s (%s) cloned as %s (%s).
%s (%s) 克隆為 %s (%s).
Error: %s.
Warning: 'type' already specified, ignoring extra one.
Warning: 'file' already specified, ignoring extra one.
<invisible> | %s
<invisible> | %s
Usage: nmcli device set { ARGUMENTS | help } ARGUMENTS := DEVICE { PROPERTY [ PROPERTY ... ] } DEVICE := [ifname] <ifname> PROPERTY := { autoconnect { yes | no } | { managed { yes | no } Modify device properties.
用法:nmcli設備集{ARGUMENTS |幫助} ARGUMENTS:= DEVICE {PROPERTY [PROPERTY ...]}設備:= [ifname] <ifname> PROPERTY:= {autoconnect {yes |沒有} | {managed {yes | no}修改設備屬性。
Usage: nmcli device wifi { ARGUMENTS | help } Perform operation on Wi-Fi devices. ARGUMENTS := [list [ifname <ifname>] [bssid <BSSID>] [--rescan yes|no|auto]] List available Wi-Fi access points. The 'ifname' and 'bssid' options can be used to list APs for a particular interface, or with a specific BSSID. The --rescan flag tells whether a new Wi-Fi scan should be triggered. ARGUMENTS := connect <(B)SSID> [password <password>] [wep-key-type key|phrase] [ifname <ifname>] [bssid <BSSID>] [name <name>] [private yes|no] [hidden yes|no] Connect to a Wi-Fi network specified by SSID or BSSID. The command finds a matching connection or creates one and then activates it on a device. This is a command-line counterpart of clicking an SSID in a GUI client. If a connection for the network already exists, it is possible to bring up the existing profile as follows: nmcli con up id <name>. Note that only open, WEP and WPA-PSK networks are supported if no previous connection exists. It is also assumed that IP configuration is obtained via DHCP. ARGUMENTS := hotspot [ifname <ifname>] [con-name <name>] [ssid <SSID>] [band a|bg] [channel <channel>] [password <password>] Create a Wi-Fi hotspot. Use 'connection down' or 'device disconnect' to stop the hotspot. Parameters of the hotspot can be influenced by the optional parameters: ifname - Wi-Fi device to use con-name - name of the created hotspot connection profile ssid - SSID of the hotspot band - Wi-Fi band to use channel - Wi-Fi channel to use password - password to use for the hotspot ARGUMENTS := rescan [ifname <ifname>] [[ssid <SSID to scan>] ...] Request that NetworkManager immediately re-scan for available access points. NetworkManager scans Wi-Fi networks periodically, but in some cases it might be useful to start scanning manually. 'ssid' allows scanning for a specific SSID, which is useful for APs with hidden SSIDs. More 'ssid' parameters can be given. Note that this command does not show the APs, use 'nmcli device wifi list' for that.
用法:nmcli device wifi {ARGUMENTS |幫助}在Wi-Fi設備上執行操作。 ARGUMENTS:= [list [ifname <ifname>] [bssid <BSSID>]]列出可用的Wi-Fi接入點。 'ifname'和'bssid'選項可用於列出特定接口的AP或特定的BSSID。 ARGUMENTS:=連接 <(B)SSID> [密碼 <password>] [wep-key-type key | phrase] [ifname <ifname>] [bssid <BSSID>] [名稱 <name>] [private yes | no] [hidden yes | no]連接到SSID或BSSID指定的Wi-Fi網絡。該命令創建一個新連接,然後在設備上激活它。這是在GUI客戶端中單擊SSID的命令行對應物。該命令始終創建新連接,因此它主要用於連接到新的Wi-Fi網絡。如果已存在網絡連接,則最好按如下方式顯示現有配置文件:nmcli con up id <name>。請注意,目前僅支持開放,WEP和WPA-PSK網絡。還假設通過DHCP獲得IP配置。 ARGUMENTS:= hotspot [ifname <ifname>] [con-name <name>] [ssid <SSID>] [band a | bg] [頻道 <channel>] [密碼 <password>]創建一個Wi-Fi熱點。使用'connection down'或'device disconnect'來停止熱點。熱點的參數可能受可選參數的影響:ifname - 要使用con-name的Wi-Fi設備 - 創建的熱點連接配置文件的名稱ssid - 熱點頻段的SSID - 使用頻道的Wi-Fi頻段 - Wi-Fi通道使用密碼 - 用於熱點的密碼ARGUMENTS:= rescan [ifname <ifname>] [[ssid <SSID to scan>] ...]請求NetworkManager立即重新掃描可用的接入點。 NetworkManager定期掃描Wi-Fi網絡,但在某些情況下,手動開始掃描可能很有用。 'ssid'允許掃描特定的SSID,這對於具有隱藏SSID的AP非常有用。可以給出更多'ssid'參數。請注意,此命令不顯示AP,請使用“nmcli device wifi list”。
Warning: argument '%s' is duplicated.
警告:參數'%s' 是重複的。
No interface specified