Monitor Resolution Settings has detected that the virtual resolution must be set in your configuration file in order to apply your settings.

Would you like Screen Resolution to set the virtual resolution for you? (Recommended)
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Pengatur Resolusi Monitor mendeteksi bahwa resolusi virtual perlu ada di berkas konfigurasi anda agar dapat menerapkan perubahan pengaturan yang anda lakukan.

Apakah anda ingin Resolusi Layar menetapkan resolusi virtual? (Disarankan)
Translated by
Waluyo Adi Siswanto
Reviewed by
Arief Setiadi Wibowo
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Could not connect to Monitor Resolution Settings DBUS service.
Tidak dapat terhubung dengan Pengaturan Resolusi Monitor servis DBUS.
Translated and reviewed by
Arief Setiadi Wibowo
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Please log out and log back in again. You will then be able to use Monitor Resolution Settings to setup your monitors
Mohon log out dahulu kemudian log in lagi. Anda akan dapat menggunakan perubahan Pengaturan Resolusi Monitor pada monitor anda
Translated by
Waluyo Adi Siswanto
Reviewed by
Arief Setiadi Wibowo
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Monitor Resolution Settings can't apply your settings.
Pengaturan Resolusi Monitor tidak dapat menerapkan pengaturan Anda.
Translated by
Fajar Yoseph Chandra
Reviewed by
Arief Setiadi Wibowo
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Monitor Resolution Settings
Pengaturan Resolusi Monitor
Translated and reviewed by
Arief Setiadi Wibowo
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Change Screen Resolution Configuration
Ubah Konfigurasi Resolusi Monitor
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Arief Setiadi Wibowo
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Changing the Screen Resolution configuration requires privileges.
Untuk merubah konfigurasi resolusi layar hanya bisa dilakukan bagi yang mempunyai hak
Translated by
Waluyo Adi Siswanto
Reviewed by
Arief Setiadi Wibowo
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Change the effect of Ctrl+Alt+Backspace
Ubah efek dari Ctrl+Alt+Backspace
Translated by
Fajar Yoseph Chandra
Reviewed by
Arief Setiadi Wibowo
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Changing the effect of Ctrl+Alt+Backspace requires privileges.
Untuk merubah pengaruh Ctrl+Alt+Backspace hanya bisa dilakukan bagi yang mempunyai hak
Translated by
Waluyo Adi Siswanto
Reviewed by
Arief Setiadi Wibowo
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Enable or disable the NVIDIA GPU with PRIME
Fungsikan atau matikan GPU NVIDIA dengan PRIME
Translated and reviewed by
Andika Triwidada
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