Monitor Resolution Settings has detected that the virtual resolution must be set in your configuration file in order to apply your settings.

Would you like Screen Resolution to set the virtual resolution for you? (Recommended)
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
مانيٽر تصويرماپ جي ترتيبن جاچ ڪري ٻڌايو آهي ته خيالي تصويرماپ ترتيبون لاڳو ڪرڻ لاءِ توهان تي لازم آهي ته اُهي ترتيبن واري فائل ۾ جوڙي رکيل هجن.

ڇا اسڪرين تصويرماپ اوهان لاءِ خيالي تصويرماپ مقرر ڪري؟ (پسنديده حالت)
Translated and reviewed by
Ahmed Ali
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Could not connect to Monitor Resolution Settings DBUS service.
مانيٽر تصويرماپ ترتيبن جي سروس DBUS سان جڙي نه سگهيا آهيون.
Translated and reviewed by
Ahmed Ali
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Please log out and log back in again. You will then be able to use Monitor Resolution Settings to setup your monitors
لاگ آئوٽ ٿي وري ٻيهر داخل ٿي ڏسو. تنهنکان پوءِ ئي توهان مانيٽر تصويرماپ ترتيبون استعمال ڪري پنهنجا مانيٽرَ ترتيب ڏئي سگهو ٿا.
Translated and reviewed by
Ahmed Ali
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Monitor Resolution Settings can't apply your settings.
مانيٽر تصويرماپ ترتيبون اوهان جو ڏنل ترتيبون لاڳو نٿيون ڪري سگهن.
Translated and reviewed by
Ahmed Ali
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Monitor Resolution Settings
مانيٽر تصويرماپ ترتيبون
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Ahmed Ali
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Change Screen Resolution Configuration
اسڪرين تصويرماپ ترتيبون بدلايو
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Ahmed Ali
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Changing the Screen Resolution configuration requires privileges.
اسڪرين تصويرماپ جو ترتيبون بدلائڻ لاءِ اوليتون مليل هجڻ گهرجن.
Translated and reviewed by
Ahmed Ali
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Change the effect of Ctrl+Alt+Backspace
Ctrl+Alt+Backspace جو اثر بدلايو
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Ahmed Ali
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Changing the effect of Ctrl+Alt+Backspace requires privileges.
Ctrl+Alt+Backspace جو اثر بدلائڻ لاءِ اوليتون مليل هجڻ گهرجن.
Translated and reviewed by
Ahmed Ali
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Enable or disable the NVIDIA GPU with PRIME
اي ويڊيا جي پي يو کي پرائيم سان فعل ۽ غير فعل ڪريو
Translated and reviewed by
Aziz Mangrio
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