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Language Status Untranslated Need review Changed Last Edited By
Afrikaans 064.25  35.748792270531396% translated  64.25120772946859% untranslated 266 266 0 0 2023-11-08 05:58:03 UTC
Albanian 098.07  1.932367149758454% translated  98.06763285024155% untranslated 406 406 0 0 2017-11-26 03:43:27 UTC
Belarusian 100.00  100.0% untranslated 414 414 0 0 2020-05-03 17:04:59 UTC
Bosnian 094.20  5.797101449275362% translated  94.20289855072464% untranslated 390 390 0 0 2018-04-15 16:52:32 UTC Demir Tokalić
Brazilian Portuguese 032.85  67.14975845410628% translated  32.850241545893724% untranslated 136 136 0 0 2022-04-02 02:52:51 UTC Mauro Carvalho Chehab
Catalan 093.72  6.280193236714976% translated  93.71980676328504% untranslated 388 388 0 0 2019-02-22 17:37:12 UTC Robert Antoni Buj Gelonch
Cherokee 100.00  100.0% untranslated 414 414 0 0
Dakota 100.00  100.0% untranslated 414 414 0 0
English (United Kingdom) 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 0 2022-03-27 00:07:30 UTC Anthony Harrington
Finnish 097.83  2.1739130434782608% translated  97.82608695652173% untranslated 405 405 0 0 2019-04-06 21:33:45 UTC Ari Ervasti
French 090.10  9.903381642512077% translated  90.09661835748793% untranslated 373 373 0 1 1 2020-11-15 11:58:07 UTC Jean-Marc
German 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 8 8 2022-03-18 14:59:03 UTC schuko24
Hawaiian 100.00  100.0% untranslated 414 414 0 0
Inuktitut 100.00  100.0% untranslated 414 414 0 0
Italian 081.40  18.59903381642512% translated  81.40096618357488% untranslated 337 337 0 0 2024-04-12 07:29:24 UTC
Kabyle 098.31  1.6908212560386473% translated  98.30917874396135% untranslated 407 407 0 0 2020-04-27 20:46:36 UTC tasutlelli17
Kurdish 095.41  4.5893719806763285% translated  95.41062801932367% untranslated 395 395 0 0 2017-09-19 20:36:38 UTC Rokar ✌
Lakota 100.00  100.0% untranslated 414 414 0 0
Louisiana French 100.00  100.0% untranslated 414 414 0 0
Occitan (post 1500) 098.79  1.2077294685990339% translated  98.79227053140096% untranslated 409 409 0 0 2017-09-22 08:49:16 UTC Cédric VALMARY (Tot en...
Ojibwe 100.00  100.0% untranslated 414 414 0 0
Pennsylvania German 100.00  100.0% untranslated 414 414 0 0
Polish 100.00  100.0% untranslated 414 414 114 114 0 2017-12-01 16:31:20 UTC
Portuguese 075.85  24.154589371980677% translated  75.84541062801932% untranslated 314 314 0 0 2021-08-12 13:59:28 UTC JL
Romanian 100.00  100.0% untranslated 414 414 3 3 0 2020-08-28 22:13:45 UTC
Russian 088.16  11.83574879227053% translated  88.16425120772948% untranslated 365 365 2 2 0 2020-08-30 11:41:38 UTC Eugene Roskin
Sindhi 099.76  0.24154589371980675% translated  99.7584541062802% untranslated 413 413 0 0 2018-11-08 07:19:22 UTC Aziz Mangrio
Slovak 100.00  100.0% untranslated 414 414 5 5 0 2017-11-01 20:40:47 UTC
Spanish 086.71  13.285024154589372% translated  86.71497584541062% untranslated 359 359 246 246 0 2018-05-13 07:22:16 UTC David Resendiz
Swedish 100.00  100.0% untranslated 414 414 4 4 0 2021-08-19 20:05:14 UTC
Tibetan 100.00  100.0% untranslated 414 414 0 0 2019-12-12 01:00:22 UTC
Tlingit 100.00  100.0% untranslated 414 414 0 0
Ukrainian 000.24  99.7584541062802% translated  0.24154589371980675% untranslated 1 1 0 0 2022-04-02 02:52:55 UTC Copied by Zanata
Yiddish 100.00  100.0% untranslated 414 414 0 0
Key to this table: “Unchanged” means Translated
and “untranslated” means just that, Untranslated