Translatable templates

These Ubuntu translations are managed by Ubuntu Gujarati Translators (ubuntu-l10n-gu).

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150 of 1386 results
Template Name Status Untranslated Need review Changed Total Last Edited By
xulrunner 100.0 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 0 3821 2010-01-06 04:52:36 UTC Arne Goetje
bootloader 100.0 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 29 29 75 2009-07-31 12:15:44 UTC ભાવિન જોષી (Bhavin Joshi)
debian-installer 90.68984856982614 009.31  90.68984856982614% translated  9.310151430173864% untranslated 166 166 7 7 17 17 1783 2009-08-21 13:36:15 UTC ભાવિન જોષી (Bhavin Joshi)
launchpad-integration 100.0 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 0 8 2009-01-09 16:55:45 UTC ભાવિન દોશી
gnome-applets-2.0 100.0 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 38 38 783 2009-04-23 17:57:35 UTC Ankit Patel
gnome-desktop-2.0 100.0 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 0 51 2009-05-10 07:30:09 UTC ભાવિન દોશી
gnome-menus 100.0 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 2 2 56 2009-01-09 16:26:32 UTC ભાવિન દોશી
gnome-session 100.0 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 0 121 2009-05-12 12:35:50 UTC ભાવિન દોશી
gtk+ 99.89969909729187 000.10  99.89969909729187% translated  0.10030090270812438% untranslated 1 1 1 1 0 997 2009-05-12 12:36:06 UTC ભાવિન દોશી
jockey 33.33333333333333 066.67  33.33333333333333% translated  66.66666666666666% untranslated 62 62 0 0 93 2009-08-11 17:52:15 UTC ભાવિન જોષી (Bhavin Joshi)
kdelibs 19.049694856146466 080.95  19.049694856146466% translated  80.95030514385353% untranslated 1857 1857 0 0 2294 2009-11-28 19:56:55 UTC ભાવિન દોશી
libgnomeui-2.0 100.0 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 0 320 2009-05-10 07:31:53 UTC ભાવિન દોશી
libkickermenu-prefmenu 100.0 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 0 3 2009-01-09 16:40:50 UTC ભાવિન દોશી
libkickermenu-remotemenu 100.0 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 0 3 2008-06-19 15:46:38 UTC Mihir
libkickermenu-systemmenu 100.0 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 0 1 2007-05-21 11:45:32 UTC rak3sh
libkonq 100.0 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 0 37 2009-01-09 02:48:53 UTC Kartik Mistry
notification-daemon 50.0 050.00  50.0% translated  50.0% untranslated 14 14 1 1 0 28 2009-07-31 12:26:59 UTC ભાવિન જોષી (Bhavin Joshi)
ubiquity 100.0 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 0 2 2009-05-10 08:53:05 UTC ભાવિન દોશી
fast-user-switch-applet 100.0 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 0 135 2009-06-22 18:50:33 UTC ભાવિન દોશી
gnome-panel 100.0 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 0 630 2009-06-22 18:53:56 UTC ભાવિન દોશી
iso-15924 100.0 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 0 131 2009-01-12 12:17:32 UTC ભાવિન દોશી
iso-3166 100.0 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 0 448 2009-01-09 16:55:34 UTC ભાવિન દોશી
iso-639 100.0 000.00  100.0% translated 0 4 4 0 486 2009-01-13 08:55:35 UTC ભાવિન દોશી
konqueror 91.0377358490566 008.96  91.0377358490566% translated  8.962264150943396% untranslated 38 38 0 0 424 2009-04-09 08:19:19 UTC Kartik Mistry
language-selector 79.06976744186046 020.93  79.06976744186046% translated  20.930232558139537% untranslated 18 18 0 0 86 2009-07-17 11:51:27 UTC Nitesh Mistry
libgnome-2.0 100.0 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 0 281 2009-03-07 13:31:09 UTC Sweta Kothari
libkickermenu-kdeprint 100.0 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 0 6 2009-01-09 16:41:04 UTC ભાવિન દોશી
libkickermenu-konsole 100.0 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 0 5 2009-01-10 08:22:08 UTC ભાવિન દોશી
libkickermenu-recentdocs 100.0 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 0 2 2009-01-09 16:40:41 UTC ભાવિન દોશી
libkickermenu-tom 95.83333333333334 004.17  95.83333333333334% translated  4.166666666666666% untranslated 1 1 0 0 24 2009-08-06 09:20:11 UTC ભાવિન દોશી
metacity 99.75786924939467 000.24  99.75786924939467% translated  0.24213075060532688% untranslated 1 1 0 0 413 2009-05-10 07:33:00 UTC ભાવિન દોશી
nm-applet 95.78947368421052 004.21  95.78947368421052% translated  4.2105263157894735% untranslated 16 16 2 2 6 6 380 2010-01-13 17:03:15 UTC Ankit Patel
python-apt 1.4925373134328357 098.51  1.4925373134328357% translated  98.50746268656717% untranslated 66 66 0 0 67 2009-07-01 13:25:28 UTC ભાવિન જોષી (Bhavin Joshi)
restricted-manager 4.838709677419355 095.16  4.838709677419355% translated  95.16129032258065% untranslated 59 59 0 0 62 2008-11-20 00:36:17 UTC Jignesh Borad
synaptic 15.384615384615385 084.62  15.384615384615385% translated  84.61538461538461% untranslated 594 594 0 0 702 2009-11-27 09:00:08 UTC ભાવિન દોશી
update-manager 5.3731343283582085 094.63  5.3731343283582085% translated  94.6268656716418% untranslated 317 317 0 0 335 2009-03-28 12:59:57 UTC ભાવિન દોશી
update-notifier 11.29032258064516 088.71  11.29032258064516% translated  88.70967741935483% untranslated 55 55 1 1 0 62 2009-09-09 06:16:29 UTC bhadresh
yelp 100.0 000.00  100.0% translated 0 1 1 0 370 2009-06-22 18:27:46 UTC ભાવિન દોશી
gnome-control-center-2.0 98.11542991755006 001.88  98.11542991755006% translated  1.884570082449941% untranslated 16 16 0 2 2 849 2009-04-13 10:38:53 UTC Ankit Patel
deskbar-applet 100.0 000.00  100.0% translated 0 1 1 0 355 2009-03-18 23:01:26 UTC Ankit Patel
gnome-power-manager 100.0 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 0 460 2009-05-10 07:29:12 UTC ભાવિન દોશી
gnome-screensaver 100.0 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 0 154 2010-03-08 14:50:39 UTC Sweta Kothari
gnome-system-tools 100.0 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 0 412 2009-06-24 02:05:32 UTC ભાવિન દોશી
libgksu 0.0 100.00  100.0% untranslated 61 61 0 0 61 2009-06-08 16:10:09 UTC
libgksuui1.0 100.0 000.00  100.0% translated 0 0 0 6 2009-01-09 16:55:58 UTC ભાવિન દોશી
software-properties 30.612244897959183 069.39  30.612244897959183% translated  69.38775510204081% untranslated 68 68 0 0 98 2009-01-10 08:46:52 UTC ભાવિન દોશી
coreutils 7.674236491777604 092.33  7.674236491777604% translated  92.3257635082224% untranslated 1179 1179 0 0 1277 2009-01-12 13:29:07 UTC ભાવિન દોશી
debconf 9.859154929577464 090.14  9.859154929577464% translated  90.14084507042254% untranslated 64 64 0 0 71 2008-11-17 19:34:32 UTC Jignesh Borad
gksu 0.0 100.00  100.0% untranslated 37 37 0 0 37
about-kubuntu 22.666666666666664 077.33  22.666666666666664% translated  77.33333333333333% untranslated 58 58 0 1 1 75 2009-11-29 06:40:24 UTC ભાવિન દોશી
Overall statistics: 073.74  26.255545135269674% translated  73.74445486473033% untranslated 268140 792 250 363607
150 of 1386 results
Key to this table: “Unchanged” means Translated
and “untranslated” means just that, Untranslated