Translations by Erraticus Motus

Erraticus Motus has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

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@FUNCTION=CUM_BIV_NORM_DIST @SYNTAX=CUM_BIV_NORM_DIST(a,b,rho) @DESCRIPTION=CUM_BIV_NORM_DIST calculates the cumulative bivariate normal distribution from parameters a, b & rho. The return value is the probability that two random variables with correlation @rho are respectively each less than @a and @b. @EXAMPLES= @SEEALSO=NORMDIST,NORMSDIST,NORMSINV
@FUNCTION=CUM_BIV_NORM_DIST @SYNTAX=CUM_BIV_NORM_DIST(a,b,rho) @DESCRIPTION=CUM_BIV_NORM_DIST calcula la distribució acumulada bivariada normal a partir dels paràmetres a, b i rho El valor que retorna és la probabilitat de que dos variables amb la correlació @rho siguen cadascuna menor que @a i @b @EXAMPLES= @SEEALSO=NORMDIST,NORMSDIST,NORMSINV