Translations by Bruce Cowan

Bruce Cowan has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

12 of 2 results
A copy of the license is available here: <ulink type="help" url="help:/kubuntu/ccbysa.html">Creative Commons ShareAlike License</ulink>.
A copy of the licence is available here: <ulink type="help" url="help:/kubuntu/ccbysa.html">Creative Commons ShareAlike Licence</ulink>.
<application>Five or More</application> is the GNOME port of the once popular <trademark>Windows</trademark> game called <emphasis>Color Lines</emphasis>. The objective is to align, as often as possible, five or more objects of the same color causing them to disappear.
<application>Five or More</application> is the GNOME port of the once popular <trademark>Windows</trademark> game called <emphasis>Colour Lines</emphasis>. The objective is to align, as often as possible, five or more objects of the same colour causing them to disappear.