Translations by Jonathan Lumb

Jonathan Lumb has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

13 of 3 results
<emphasis role="strong">Important security updates:</emphasis> Updates which fix critical security flaws are made available through this source. It is recommended that all users leave this source enabled (it should be enabled by default).
<emphasis role="strong">重要的安全更新:</emphasis>此来源将发布能够解决紧要的软件安全漏洞更新。强烈推荐所有用户都启用此更新来源(默认设置为启用)。
<emphasis role="strong">Recommended updates:</emphasis> Updates which fix serious software problems (which are not security flaws) are made available through this source. Most users will want to leave this source enabled as common and annoying problems are often fixed with these updates.
<emphasis role="strong">推荐的更新:</emphasis>此来源将发布能够解决严重(却不影响安全性)的软件错误更新。大部分用户最好启用此更新来源,将能解决一些常见并令人讨厌的软件错误。
<emphasis role="strong">Unsupported updates:</emphasis> When new versions of popular software are released they are sometimes <quote>back-ported</quote> to an older version of Ubuntu so that users can benefit from new features and fixes for problems. These backports are unsupported, may cause problems when installed and should only be used by people who are in desperate need of a new version of a software package which they know has been backported.
<emphasis role="strong">无支持的更新:</emphasis>当流行软件的新版本被释出时,它们时而被<quote>back-ported</quote>到Ubuntu的旧版本中,以便让用户能够不更新Ubuntu版而享受新的软件功能和错误补丁。这些backports是无支持的,安装后可能会造成问题,只有急需某软件包backport版本的用户才该启用此更新来源。