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110 of 65 results
Welcome to Debian
Tag: title
Velkomin í Debian
Translated and reviewed by Baldur
Located in welcome.xml:4
This chapter provides an overview of the Debian Project and &debian;. If you already know about the Debian Project's history and the &debian; distribution, feel free to skip to the next chapter.
Tag: para
Þessi kafli fer yfir Debian verkefnið og &debian;. Ef þú þekkir þegar til sögu Debian verkefnisins og &debian; dreifingarinnar getur þú sleppt næsta kafla.
Translated and reviewed by Baldur
Located in welcome.xml:5
What is Debian?
Tag: title
Hvað er Debian?
Translated and reviewed by Baldur Þór Sveinsson
Located in welcome.xml:19
Debian is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to developing free software and promoting the ideals of the Free Software community. The Debian Project began in 1993, when Ian Murdock issued an open invitation to software developers to contribute to a complete and coherent software distribution based on the relatively new Linux kernel. That relatively small band of dedicated enthusiasts, originally funded by the <ulink url="&url-fsf;">Free Software Foundation</ulink> and influenced by the <ulink url="&url-gnu-intro;">GNU</ulink> philosophy, has grown over the years into an organization of around &num-of-debian-developers; <firstterm>Debian Developers</firstterm>.
Tag: para
Debian er samstarf sjálfboðaliða sem er umhugaðð um að búa til frían hugbúnað og kynna hugmyndafræði samfélags um frían hugbúnað. Debian verkefnið byrjaði 1993 þegar Ian Murdock sendi út boð til forritara um að taka þátt í að ljúka og húgbúnaðar pakka sem grundvallaður væri á tiltölulega nýjum Linux kjarna. Þessi tiltölulega fámennti hópur forritara upphaflega stofnað af <ulink url="&url-fsf;">Free Software Foundation</ulink> með áhrifum frá <ulink url="&url-gnu-intro;">GNU</ulink>
Translated and reviewed by Baldur Þór Sveinsson
Located in welcome.xml:20
Debian Developers are involved in a variety of activities, including <ulink url="&url-debian-home;">Web</ulink> and <ulink url="&url-debian-ftp;">FTP</ulink> site administration, graphic design, legal analysis of software licenses, writing documentation, and, of course, maintaining software packages.
Tag: para
Debian hönnuðurnir taka þátt í mismunandi verkefnum svo sem <ulink url="&url-debian-home;">vef</ulink> og viðhaldi <ulink url="&url-debian-ftp;">FTP</ulink> vefþjóns, útlits hönnun, lögfræðilegum atriðum hugbúnaðar leyfa, skrifa leiðbeiningar og auðvitað halda utanum hugbðunaðar pakkana.
Translated and reviewed by Baldur Þór Sveinsson
Located in welcome.xml:35
In the interest of communicating our philosophy and attracting developers who believe in the principles that Debian stands for, the Debian Project has published a number of documents that outline our values and serve as guides to what it means to be a Debian Developer:
Tag: para
Í þágu þess að koma á framfæri skoðun okkar og til að fá fleiri forritara sem eru á sömu skoðun og við þá hefur Debian gefið út mikið af skjölum sem sýna framá gildi Debian og þjóna sem leiðbeiningar sem sýna þvað það er að vera Debian forritari.
Translated and reviewed by Baldur Þór Sveinsson
Located in welcome.xml:44
The <ulink url="&url-social-contract;">Debian Social Contract</ulink> is a statement of Debian's commitments to the Free Software Community. Anyone who agrees to abide to the Social Contract may become a <ulink url="&url-new-maintainer;">maintainer</ulink>. Any maintainer can introduce new software into Debian &mdash; provided that the software meets our criteria for being free, and the package follows our quality standards.
Tag: para
<ulink url="&url-social-contract;">Debian Social Contract</ulink> er yfirlýsing Debian samfélagsins um hollustu við "Free Software" samfélagið. Hver sá sem að samþykkir að fara eftir þessum samningi getur orðið <ulink url="&url-new-maintainer;">umsjónarmaður</ulink>. Hver umsjónarmaður getur komið með nýjan hugbúnað inn í Debian &mdash; að því gefnu að hugbúnaðurinn uppfylli kröfur okkar um að vera ókeypis og hann stenst gæðakröfur okkar.
Translated and reviewed by Baldur Þór Sveinsson
Located in welcome.xml:52
The <ulink url="&url-dfsg;">Debian Free Software Guidelines</ulink> are a clear and concise statement of Debian's criteria for free software. The DFSG is a very influential document in the Free Software Movement, and was the foundation of the <ulink url="&url-osd;">The Open Source Definition</ulink>.
Tag: para
<ulink url="&url-dfsg;">Debian leiðbeiningar um ókeypis hugbúnað</ulink> eru skýrar og hnitmiðaðar upplýsingar um Debian hugmyndir um ókeypis hugúnað. Debian leiðbeiningarnar eru áhrifaríkt skjal í samfélagi um ókeypis hugbúnað og voru The DFSG is a very influential document in the Free Software Movement, and was the undirstaða að <ulink url="&url-osd;">The Open Source Definition</ulink>.
Translated and reviewed by Baldur Þór Sveinsson
Located in welcome.xml:64
The <ulink url="&url-debian-policy;">Debian Policy Manual</ulink> is an extensive specification of the Debian Project's standards of quality.
Tag: para
<ulink url="&url-debian-policy;">Debian stefnu handbók</ulink> er með nákvæmar upplýsingar um gæðastaðla Debian verka.
Translated and reviewed by Baldur Þór Sveinsson
Located in welcome.xml:74
Debian developers are also involved in a number of other projects; some specific to Debian, others involving some or all of the Linux community. Some examples include:
Tag: para
Debian forritarar taka líka þátt í fjölda annarra verkefna sem sum eru sérstaklega fyrir Debian en önnur fyrir alla í Linux samfélaginu. Nokkur dæmi:
Translated and reviewed by Baldur Þór Sveinsson
Located in welcome.xml:82
110 of 65 results

This translation is managed by Íslenska UBUNTU þýðingarteymið - Icelandic Translators, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Baldur, Baldur Þór Sveinsson, Baldur Þór Sveinsson.