Translations by mrAshley

mrAshley has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

13 of 3 results
man intro(1)
man intro(1)
"Under Linux there are GUIs (graphical user interfaces), where you can point and click and drag, and hopefully get work done without first reading lots of documentation. The traditional Unix environment is a CLI (command line interface), where you type commands to tell the computer what to do. That is faster and more powerful, but requires finding out what the commands are." -- from <placeholder-1/>
"Under Linux there are GUIs (graphical user interfaces), where you can point and click and drag, and hopefully get work done without first reading lots of documentation. The traditional Unix environment is a CLI (command line interface), where you type commands to tell the computer what to do. That is faster and more powerful, but requires finding out what the commands are." -- from <placeholder-1/>
<emphasis role="strong">Note that Linux is case sensitive.</emphasis> User, user, and USER are all different to Linux.
<emphasis role="strong">Note that Linux is case sensitive.</emphasis> User, user, and USER are all different to Linux.