Translations by Anthony Harrington

Anthony Harrington has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

12 of 2 results
The B<unity> program can be used to start the Unity shell as a compiz module, and to specify how to handle logging, debugging, as well as how to deal with the user's profile.
The B<unity> program can be used to start the Unity shell as a Compiz module, and to specify how to handle logging and debugging, as well as how to deal with the user's profile.
Runs unity under debugging (using GDB or another debugger tool) to help tracking issues. Should only be used on request from a developper following a bug report.
Runs unity under debugging (using GDB or another debugger tool) to help tracking issues. Should only be used on request from a developer following a bug report.