Translations by Adam Collard
Adam Collard has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
331. |
Locking Your Screen
2008-08-10 |
Locking Your Screen
334. |
Lock button
2008-08-10 |
Lock button
340. |
To unlock the screen, move your mouse or press any key, enter your password in the locked screen dialog, then press <keycap>Return</keycap>.
2008-08-10 |
To unlock the screen, move your mouse or press any key, enter your password in the locked screen dialog, then press <keycap>Return</keycap>.
344. |
preference tools
2008-08-10 |
preference tools
370. |
logging out
2008-08-10 |
logging out
378. |
When you end a session, applications with unsaved work will warn you. You can choose to save your work, or cancel the command to log out or shut down.
2008-08-10 |
When you end a session, applications with unsaved work will warn you. You can choose to save your work, or cancel the command to log out or shut down.
379. |
Before you end a session, you might want to save your current settings so that you can restore the session later. In the <link linkend="prefs-sessions"><application>Sessions</application></link> preference tool, you can select an option to automatically save your current settings.
2008-08-10 |
Before you end a session, you might want to save your current settings so that you can restore the session later. In the <link linkend="prefs-sessions"><application>Sessions</application></link> preference tool, you can select an option to automatically save your current settings.
392. |
Using the Panels
2008-08-10 |
Using the Panels
393. |
This chapter describes how to use the panels at the top and bottom of the GNOME Desktop, how to customize the objects that appear on them, and how to add new panels to the desktop.
2008-08-10 |
This chapter describes how to use the panels at the top and bottom of the GNOME Desktop, how to customise the objects that appear on them, and how to add new panels to the desktop.
394. |
2008-08-10 |
395. |
2008-08-10 |
396. |
A panel is an area in the GNOME Desktop where you have access to certain actions and information, no matter what the state of your application windows. For example, in the default GNOME panels, you can launch applications, see the date and time, control the system sound volume, and more.
2008-08-10 |
A panel is an area in the GNOME Desktop where you have access to certain actions and information, no matter what the state of your application windows. For example, in the default GNOME panels, you can launch applications, see the date and time, control the system sound volume, and more.
397. |
You can customize panels to your liking. You can change their behavior and appearance, and you can add or remove objects from your panels. You can create multiple panels, and choose different properties, objects, and backgrounds for each panel. You can also hide panels.
2008-08-10 |
You can customise panels to your liking. You can change their behaviour and appearance, and you can add or remove objects from your panels. You can create multiple panels, and choose different properties, objects, and backgrounds for each panel. You can also hide panels.
398. |
By default, the GNOME Desktop contains a panel at the top edge of the screen, and a panel at the bottom edge of the screen. The following sections describe these panels.
2008-08-10 |
By default, the GNOME Desktop contains a panel at the top edge of the screen, and a panel at the bottom edge of the screen. The following sections describe these panels.
400. |
top edge panel
2008-08-10 |
top edge panel
401. |
By default, the top edge panel contains the following objects:
2008-08-10 |
By default, the top edge panel contains the following objects:
402. |
Your distribution of GNOME may have altered this default setup.
2008-08-10 |
Your distribution of GNOME may have altered this default setup.
403. |
<application>Menu Bar</application> applet
2008-08-10 |
<application>Menu Bar</application> applet
407. |
<application>Notification Area</application> applet
2008-08-10 |
<application>Notification Area</application> applet
408. |
Displays icons from other applications that may require your attention, or that you may want to access without switching from your current application window. For more on this, see <xref linkend="panels-notification-area"/>.
2008-08-10 |
Displays icons from other applications that may require your attention, or that you may want to access without switching from your current application window. For more on this, see <xref linkend="panels-notification-area"/>.
409. |
Until an application adds an icon to the notification area, only a narrow bar is visible.
2008-08-11 |
Until an application adds an icon to the notification area, only a narrow bar is visible.
410. |
<application>Clock</application> applet
2008-08-11 |
<application>Clock</application> applet
412. |
<application>Volume Control</application> applet
2008-08-11 |
<application>Volume Control</application> applet
416. |
Bottom Edge Panel
2008-08-11 |
Bottom Edge Panel
417. |
bottom edge panel
2008-08-11 |
bottom edge panel
418. |
By default, the bottom edge panel contains the following objects:
2008-08-11 |
By default, the bottom edge panel contains the following objects:
419. |
default contents
2008-08-11 |
default contents
420. |
<guibutton>Show Desktop</guibutton> button
2008-08-11 |
<guibutton>Show Desktop</guibutton> button
422. |
<application>Window List</application> applet
2008-08-11 |
<application>Window List</application> applet
424. |
<application>Workspace Switcher</application> applet
2008-08-11 |
<application>Workspace Switcher</application> applet
425. |
Enables you to switch between your workspaces. For more on workspaces, see <xref linkend="overview-workspaces"/>.
2008-08-11 |
Enables you to switch between your workspaces. For more on workspaces, see <xref linkend="overview-workspaces"/>.
426. |
Managing Panels
2008-08-11 |
Managing Panels
428. |
The following sections describe how to manage your panels.
2008-08-11 |
The following sections describe how to manage your panels.
430. |
Moving a Panel
2008-08-11 |
Moving a Panel
431. |
2008-08-11 |
433. |
A panel that is not set to expand to the full width of the screen can be dragged away from the edge of the screen and placed anywhere. See <xref linkend="panel-properties"/> for details on how to set a panel's expand property.
2008-08-11 |
A panel that is not set to expand to the full width of the screen can be dragged away from the edge of the screen and placed anywhere. See <xref linkend="panel-properties"/> for details on how to set a panel's expand property.
435. |
modifying properties
2008-08-11 |
modifying properties
436. |
You can change the properties of each panel, such as the position of the panel, the hide behavior, and the visual appearance.
2008-08-11 |
You can change the properties of each panel, such as the position of the panel, the hide behavior, and the visual appearance.
437. |
To modify the properties of a panel, right-click on a vacant space on the panel, then choose <guimenuitem>Properties</guimenuitem>. The <guilabel>Panel Properties</guilabel> dialog contains two tabbed sections, <guilabel>General</guilabel> and <guilabel>Background</guilabel>.
2008-08-11 |
To modify the properties of a panel, right-click on a vacant space on the panel, then choose <guimenuitem>Properties</guimenuitem>. The <guilabel>Panel Properties</guilabel> dialogue contains two tabbed sections, <guilabel>General</guilabel> and <guilabel>Background</guilabel>.
2008-08-11 |
To modify the properties of a panel, right-click on a vacant space on the panel, then choose <guimenuitem>Properties</guimenuitem>. The <guilabel>Panel Properties</guilabel> dialog contains two tabbed sections, <guilabel>General</guilabel> and <guilabel>Background</guilabel>.
438. |
General Properties Tab
2008-08-11 |
General Properties Tab
439. |
In the <guilabel>General</guilabel> tab, you can modify panel size, position, and hiding properties. The following table describes the dialog elements on the <guilabel>General</guilabel> tabbed section:
2008-08-11 |
In the <guilabel>General</guilabel> tab, you can modify panel size, position, and hiding properties. The following table describes the dialogue elements on the <guilabel>General</guilabel> tabbed section:
2008-08-11 |
In the <guilabel>General</guilabel> tab, you can modify panel size, position, and hiding properties. The following table describes the dialog elements on the <guilabel>General</guilabel> tabbed section:
440. |
Dialog Element
2008-08-11 |
Dialogue Element
2008-08-11 |
Dialog Element
443. |
Select the position of the panel on your screen. Click on the required position for the panel.
2008-08-11 |
Select the position of the panel on your screen. Click on the required position for the panel.
445. |
Use the spin box to specify the size of the panel.
2008-08-11 |
Use the spin box to specify the size of the panel.
447. |
By default, a panel expands to the full length of the edge of the screen where it is located. A panel that does not expand can be moved away from the screen edges to any part of the screen.
2008-08-11 |
By default, a panel expands to the full length of the edge of the screen where it is located. A panel that does not expand can be moved away from the screen edges to any part of the screen.
450. |
Show hide buttons
2008-08-11 |
Show hide buttons
451. |
Select this option to display hide buttons at each end of your panel. Clicking on a hide button moves the panel lenthways, hiding it off-screen except for the hide button at the opposite end. Click this hide button to restore the panel to being fully visible.
2008-08-11 |
Select this option to display hide buttons at each end of your panel. Clicking on a hide button moves the panel lenthways, hiding it off-screen except for the hide button at the opposite end. Click this hide button to restore the panel to being fully visible.