Translations by Darko Mohar

Darko Mohar has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

150 of 51 results
Click <menuchoice><guimenu>Applications</guimenu><guimenuitem>Ubuntu Software Center</guimenuitem></menuchoice> and search for an application, or select a category and find an application from the list.
Kliknite <menuchoice><guimenu>Programi</guimenu><guimenuitem>Programsko središče ubuntu</guimenuitem></menuchoice> in z iskalnikom poiščite program, ali izberite kategorijo in izberite program iz seznama.
You will be asked to enter your password. Once you have done that the installation will begin, as long as you have a working Internet connection.
Vprašani boste za svoje geslo. Ko ga boste vnesli se bo namestitev začela. Če izgubite omrežno povezavo se bo namestitev prekinila.
The installation usually finishes quickly, but could take a while if you have a slow Internet connection. When it has finished, your new application will be ready to use; most applications can be accessed from the Applications menu.
Namestitev se običajno konča hitro, lahko pa traja dolgo če imate počasno omrežno povezavo. Ko je namestitev končana, je program pripravljen za uporabo; večina aplikacij je dostopnih v meniju Programi.
Select the application and click <guibutton>Remove</guibutton>.
Izberite program in pritisnite <guibutton>Odstrani</guibutton>.
You may be asked to enter your password. After you have done that, the application will be removed. This should not take very long.
Obstaja možnost da boste vprašani za svoje geslo. Ko ga boste vpisali bo vaš program izbrisan. To nebi smelo vzeti preveč časa.
Some applications depend on others being installed in order to work properly. If you try to remove an application which is needed by another application, both of them will be removed. You will be asked to confirm that this is what you want to happen before the applications are removed.
Nekateri programi so za pravilno delovanje odvisni od drugih nameščenih programov. Če poskusite izbrisati program, ki je potreben za delovanje drugega programa, bosta oba izbrisana. Vprašani boste za potrditev, če res želite izbrisati program.
If the application that you want to remove is not available in the <application>Ubuntu Software Center</application>, use Synaptic (<menuchoice><guimenu>System</guimenu><guimenuitem>Administration</guimenuitem><guimenuitem>Synaptic Package Manager</guimenuitem></menuchoice>) to remove it instead.
Če programa, ki ga želite izbrisati ni v <application>Programskem središču Ubuntu</application>, uporabite Synaptic (<menuchoice><guimenu>Sistem</guimenu><guimenuitem>Administracija</guimenuitem><guimenuitem>Upravljalnik paketov Synaptic</guimenuitem></menuchoice>).
Software is available from third-party sources, as well as from the default Ubuntu software repositories. If you want to install software from a third-party software repository, you must add it to the package manager's list of available repositories.
Programi so na voljo tudi iz tretjega vira. Če želite namestiti program iz tretjega vira, ga morate dodati v seznam Upravljalnika paketov.
Only add software repositories from sources that you trust. Third-party software repositories are not checked for security by Ubuntu members, and may contain software which is harmful to your computer.
Dodajte le programske vire, ki jim zaupate. Tretji viri niso preverjeni s strani Ubuntu-ja in morda vsebujejo škodljive programe za vaš računalnik.
Enter the APT line for the extra repository. This should be available from the website of the repository, and should look similar to the following:
Vnesite APT vrstico za dodaten vir. To bi moralo biti na voljo s spletne strani vira in bi moralo biti podobno temu:
deb maverick main
deb maverick main
You will be notified that the information about available software is out-of-date. Click <guibutton>Reload</guibutton>.
Obveščeni boste o podatku, da je program, ki je na voljo zastarel. Kliknite <guibutton>Osveži</guibutton>.
Packages from the new repository should now be available in your package manager.
Paketi z vašega novega vira, bi morali biti na voljo v Upravljalniku paketov.
As a security measure, most software repositories use a GPG key to digitally sign the files they provide. This makes it easy to check that the files have not been tampered with since their creation. In order for your package manager to be able to check this, you need the public key that corresponds to the signatures. The key should be available for download on the repository's website.
Kot varnostni ukrep, večina programskih virov uporablja GPG kluč za digitalni podpis datotek. ki jih ponujajo. To omogoča, da preprosto preverimo ali je bila datoteka spremenjena od njenega nastanka. Da bi bil vaš Upravljalnik paketov sposoben to preveriti, potrebujete javni ključ, ki ustreza podpisom. Ključ bi moral biti na voljo za prenos na spletni strani vira.
<ulink url="">Launchpad</ulink> provides all users with their own Personal Package Archive (PPA) that can be used to build and store Ubuntu packages. In the same way that you can add a normal software repository, you can also add a PPA to the package manager's list of available repositories. PPAs work like normal Ubuntu archives. You can install software in the usual way -- for example, through apt-get or synaptic -- and whenever there's an update Ubuntu will prompt you to install it.
<ulink url="">Launchpad</ulink> zagotovi vsakemu uporabnika njegov lasten Osebni arhiv paketov (PPA), ki je lahko uporabljen za izgradnjo Ubuntu paketa. Na enak način, kot lahko dodate programski vir, lahko dodate tudi PPA v Upravljalnik paketov kot vir, ki je na voljo. PPA deluje kot običajen Ubuntu arhiv. Program lahko namestite po navadni poti -- za primer, lahko uporabite apt-get ali Synaptic -- in kadarkoli so na voljo podobitve o katerih vas bo Ubuntu obestil.
The APT line for the PPA can be found on the PPA overview page on Launchpad, and should look similar to the following:
APT vrstica za PPA je lahko najdena na PPA pregledni strani na Launchpadu, in bi morala izgleda podobno kot naslednje:
deb<emphasis>user</emphasis>/ppa/<emphasis>ppa-name</emphasis> maverick main
deb<emphasis>user</emphasis>/ppa/<emphasis>ppa-name</emphasis> maverick main
As a security measure, all PPAs use a unique GPG key to digitally sign the packages that they provide. This makes it easy to check that the packages have not been tampered with since Launchpad built them and to be sure that you are downloading from the PPA that you want. In order for your package manager to be able to check this, you need the public key that corresponds to the signatures. The key should be available for download on the PPA overview page on Launchpad. Until you add the PPA's key to your system, you will see warnings that you are downloading from an untrusted source.
Kot varnostni ukrep, večina programskih virov uporablja GPG kluč za digitalni podpis datotek. ki jih ponujajo. To omogoča, da preprosto preverimo, da paketi niso bili spremenje od takrat, ko jih je Launchpad zgradil. Prepičajte se da prenašate pakete z željenega PPA. . Da bi bil vaš Upravljalnik paketov sposoben to preveriti, potrebujete javni ključ, ki ustreza podpisom. Ključ bi moral biti na voljo za prenos s pregledne strani na Launchpadu. Ko dodate PPA ključe na vaš sistem, boste videli opozorila, ko prenašate pakete iz nepreverjenega vira.
The key used to sign a PPA is listed on the PPA overview page. Instructions on how to add the key can be found in <xref linkend="adding-repos"/>.
Ključ, uporabljen za podpis PPA je zabeležen na PPA pregledni strani. Navodila, kako dodati ključ lahko najdete v <xref linkend="adding-repos"/>.
Additional information about adding a PPA repository can be found on <ulink url="">Launchpad</ulink>.
Dodatne informacije o dodajanju PPA vira lahko najdete na <ulink url="">Launchpadu</ulink>.
Installing software packages without an Internet connection
Nameščanje programskih paketov brez omrežne povezave
If you are not connected to the Internet, you can use a CD containing package files to install applications on your computer. The Ubuntu installation CD can be used for this purpose, and other CDs with different packages are available as well. Additionally, the program <application>APTonCD</application> can automatically backup installed packages on your system, and create CDs with the contents of various repositories on them.
Če nimate omrežne povezave lahko uporabite CD, ki vsebuje pakete za nameščanje programa na računalnik. Ubuntu namestitveni CD je lahko uporabljen za ta namen, ali kateri drugi CD, ki vsebuje pakete. Program <application>APTonCD</application> lahko samodejno naredi varnostno kopijo paketov na vašem računalniku in naredi CD z vsebino različnih virov.
Installing packages using the Ubuntu installation CD
Nameščanje paketov z uporabo Ubuntu namestitvenega CD-ja
If the packages are not listed, it may be because the CD is not listed as a package repository (the CD should be listed as a repository by default). To add the CD as a package repository, follow the instructions in <xref linkend="repository-cds"/>, below.
Če paketi niso na seznamu, je to morda zato, ker CD ni na seznamu virov (CD bi moral biti privzet na seznamu virov). Za dodajanje CDja k virom sledi navodilom v <xref linkend="repository-cds"/>, spodaj.
Enabling other CDs that can be used to install packages
Omogočanje drugih CD-jev je lahko uporabljeno za nameščanje paketov
To enable Synaptic and other package managers to install software from CDs which contain packages:
Da bi omogočili Synaptic in druge Upravljalnike paketov za namestitev programov iz CD-ja, ki vsebuje pakete:
Click <menuchoice><guimenu>System</guimenu><guimenuitem>Administration</guimenuitem><guimenuitem>Software Sources</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.
Kliknite <menuchoice><guimenu>Sistem</guimenu><guimenuitem>Administracija</guimenuitem><guimenuitem>Programski viri</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.
Select <guilabel>Other Software</guilabel> and click on the <guibutton>Add CD-ROM</guibutton> button.
Izberite <guilabel>Drugo programje</guilabel> in kliknite na gumb <guibutton>Dodaj CD-ROM</guibutton>.
The packages should then be listed. To have Synaptic only list packages from the CD, click the <guibutton>Origin</guibutton> button on the lower left corner of the Synaptic window and then find the name of the CD in the list in the upper left corner the window.
Paketi bi morali biti na seznamu. Da bi Synaptic beležil le pakete iz CD-ja, kliknite gumb <guibutton>Izhodišče</guibutton> v spodnjem levem kotu okna Synaptic in nato poiščite ime CD-ja na seznamu v zgornjem levem kotu okna.
Using APTonCD to install packages
Uporaba APTonCD za namestitev paketov
<application>APTonCD</application> can be used to create a CD that contains all the packages you have on your system, or it can create CDs with packages or entire repositories of your choice. In a package manager such as <application>Synaptic</application>, find the <emphasis>aptoncd</emphasis> package and install it.
<application>APTonCD</application> je lahko uporabljen za izdelavo CD-ja, ki vsebuje vse pakete, ki jih imate na svojem sistemu, ali pa naredi CD z vsemi viri po vaši izbiri. V Upravljalniku paketov kot je <application>Synaptic</application>, poiščite paket <emphasis>aptoncd</emphasis> in ga namestite.
Further documentation on APTonCD can be found on its website, <ulink url=""></ulink>
Dodatno dokumentacijo o APTonCD lahko najdete na njeni spletni strani, <ulink url=""></ulink>
What is restricted and non-free software?
Kaj je omejena in plačjiva programska oprema?
Most of the software available for Ubuntu is free, open-source software. This software is free for anyone to install and use, and people can modify the software and redistribute it if they like. Ubuntu is built from this type of software.
Večina programske opreme na voljo za Ubuntu je brezplačna in odprtokodna. Ta programska oprema je brezplačna za vsakogar, tako za namestitev, kot za uporabo. Lahko ga spreminjate in urejate po vaših željah. Ubuntu je zgrajen iz take programske opreme.
<emphasis role="strong">Non-free software</emphasis> is software which is not freely redistributable or modifiable. This makes it difficult for the Ubuntu developers to improve the software and correct problems, so it is normally recommended that you use <ulink url=""> free software</ulink> instead.
<emphasis role="strong">Plačjiva programska oprema</emphasis> je programje, ki ni prosto razširljivo in spremenljivo. To otežuje Ubuntu razvijalcem izboljšanje programa in reševanje težav. Priporočamo vam, da uporabljate <ulink url="">Brezplačno programsko opremo</ulink>.
<emphasis role="strong">Restricted software</emphasis> is software which has restrictions on its use, preventing it from being classed as free software. Non-free software is a type of restricted software, where the restrictions are due to the software having a non-free license. Other reasons for software being classed as restricted include legal issues (use of some types of software is illegal in some countries) and patent issues (some software requires a patent license to be used legally).
<emphasis role="strong">Omejena programska oprema</emphasis> je programje, ki ima omejitev dostopa na njeno uporabo, kar prepreči, da bi jo uvrstili med brezplačno programsko opremo. Plačjiva programska oprema je vrsta omejene programske opreme.
In some cases, restricted software is the only option. Such cases include software for the playback of certain audio and video formats, some fonts and <ulink type="help" url="ghelp:hardware#jockey">drivers for some graphics cards</ulink>.
V nekaterih primerih je omejitev programske opreme edina možnost. Taki primeri vključujejo programsko opremo za predvajanje nekaterih avdio in video formatih, nekatere pisave in <ulink type="help" url="ghelp:hardware#jockey">gonilniki za nekatere grafične kartice</ulink>.
You should be warned by the package manager when you try to install restricted software. If the restricted software cannot be used legally in your country then there is little you can do; you should not install the software. If the software is restricted simply because it is non-free, you may choose to use it (for example, in the case of graphics card drivers). Be aware that most restricted software is not supported in Ubuntu, and problems with such software often cannot be corrected by Ubuntu developers.
Upravljalnik paketov bi vas moram opozoriti, ko poskušate namestiti omejeno programsko opremo. Če omejena programska oprema ne more biti uporabljena legalno v vaši državi je nekaj malega kar lahko naredite; ne smete namestiti programske opreme. Če je programska oprema omejena ker je plačljiva, boste morda izbrali, da jo uporabite (za primer, gonilnik za grafično kartico). Zavedajte se da večina omejene programske opreme ni podprta v Ubuntu in problem ne more biti odpravljen s strani Ubuntu razvijalcev.
Sometimes it is difficult to determine why a particular software package is restricted. If this is the case, seek advice on the <ulink url="">Ubuntu Forums</ulink>. If you are still unable to determine why a package is restricted, err on the side of caution and do not install it; it may be illegal to use it in your country.
Včasih je težko ugotoviti zakaj je programska oprema omejena. Če ne veste zakaj je programska oprema omejena se ona njej posvetujte na <ulink url="">Ubuntu Forumu</ulink>. Če še vedno ne morete ugotoviti zakaj je paket omejen ga ne namestite; lahko je ilegalen v vaši državi.
Overview of the default Ubuntu software repositories
Pregled privzetega skladišča Ubuntu programske opreme.
When you install software on Ubuntu, the package manager automatically downloads the required software packages from a <emphasis>software repository</emphasis>, a location on the Internet which stores collections of packages ready to be downloaded.
Ko namestite programsko opremo na Ubuntu, Upravljalnik paketov samodejno prenese zahtevane programske pakete iz <emphasis>skladišča programske opreme</emphasis>, lokacije na internetu, ki shranjuje zbirko paketov, pripravljene za prenos.
There are thousands of programs available to install on Ubuntu. These programs are stored in software repositories and are made freely available for all Ubuntu users. This makes it very easy to install new programs, and it is also very secure because each program you install is built specially for Ubuntu and checked before it is allowed into the repositories.
Obstaja na tisoče programov na voljo za namestitev na Ubuntu. Ti programi so shranjeni v skladišču programske opreme in so prosto na voljo za vse Ubuntu uporabnike. To vam omogoča preprosto namestitev novih programov in tudi varno, saj je vsak program varnostno pregledan, preden se ga doda v skadišče.
The standard Ubuntu Install CD contains some software from the <emphasis>Main</emphasis> and <emphasis>Restricted</emphasis> categories.
Privzet Ubuntu namestitveni CD vsebuje nakatero programsko opremo iz <emphasis>Glavne</emphasis> in <emphasis>Omejene</emphasis> skupine.
If your system is connected to the Internet, many more software programs are made available for installation. For example, the <quote>Universe</quote> and <quote>Multiverse</quote> repositories are only available over the Internet.
Če je vaš sistem priključen na omrežno povezavo, je na voljo veliko manj programske opreme za nemstitev. za primer, <quote>Universe</quote> in <quote>Multiverse</quote> skladišča so na voljo le preko interneta.
The <emphasis>Multiverse</emphasis> repository contains software which has been classified as <emphasis>non-free</emphasis>. This software may not be permitted in some jurisdictions. When installing each package from this repository, you should verify that the laws of your country permit you to use it. Also, this software may not include security updates.
<emphasis>Multiverse</emphasis> skladišče vsebuje programsko opremo, ki je bila označena kot <emphasis>plačjiva</emphasis>. Ta programska oprema ni dovoljena v nekaterih državah. Pred namestitvijo se prepričajte, da vam zakoni v vaši državi dovoljujejo uporabo. Ta programska oprema mogoče ne vsebuje varnostnih posodobitev.
Update repositories
Skladišče posodobitev.
The Update Manager automatically finds software updates for your computer when they are available. It regularly gathers information on potential updates from a number of online update sources.
Upravljalnik posodobitev samodejno poišče posodobitve za vaš računalnik, ko so na voljo. Upravljalnik posodobitev radno zbira informacije o posodobitvah iz številnih spletnih virov.
If you click <menuchoice><guimenu>System</guimenu><guimenuitem>Administration</guimenuitem><guimenuitem>Software Sources</guimenuitem></menuchoice> and select the <guilabel>Updates</guilabel> tab, you will notice that four update sources are available. An explanation for each of these is provided below:
Če kliknete <menuchoice><guimenu>Sistem</guimenu><guimenuitem>Administracija</guimenuitem><guimenuitem>Programski viri</guimenuitem></menuchoice> in izberete zavihek <guilabel>Posodobitve</guilabel>, boste opazili, da so na voljo 4 posodobitve. Razlaga za vsako posebaj je napisana spodaj:
<emphasis role="strong">Important security updates:</emphasis> Updates which fix critical security flaws are made available through this source. It is recommended that all users leave this source enabled (it should be enabled by default).
<emphasis role="strong">Pomembne varnostne posodobitve:</emphasis> Posodobitve, ki določajo kritične pomanjkljivosti varnosti so na voljo preko tega vira. Priporočeno je da vsi uporabniki pustijo ta vir omogočen.