Translations by Ante Karamatić
Ante Karamatić has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
1. |
0 KB
2008-03-22 |
0 KB
2. |
1 KB
2007-06-02 |
1 KB
3. |
%.0f KB
2007-06-02 |
%.0f KB
4. |
%.1f MB
2007-06-02 |
%.1f MB
5. |
Server for %s
2007-06-02 |
Poslužitelj za %s
6. |
Main server
2007-06-02 |
Glavni poslužitelj
7. |
Custom servers
2007-06-02 |
Osobni poslužitelji
12. |
Remove package in bad state
Remove packages in bad state
2008-02-18 | ||
22. |
It was not possible to authenticate some packages. This may be a transient network problem. You may want to try again later. See below for a list of unauthenticated packages.
2006-05-13 |
Nije bilo moguće identificirati neke pakete. Ovo bi mogao biti privremeni problem sa mrežom i trebali biste kasnije pokušati ponovo. Pogledajte popis neidentificiranih paketa.
31. |
Unable to get exclusive lock
2008-01-12 | ||
32. |
This usually means that another package management application (like apt-get or aptitude) already running. Please close that application first.
2008-03-22 |
Ovo obično znači da je neka drugi program za upravljanje paketima već pokrenut (npr. apt-get ili aptitude). Molim, prvo zatvorite taj program.
2008-01-12 | ||
37. |
Starting additional sshd
2007-03-14 |
Pokreni dodatni sshd
40. |
Can not upgrade
2008-03-22 |
Nadogradnja nije moguća
46. |
Your python install is corrupted. Please fix the '/usr/bin/python' symlink.
2007-12-04 | ||
47. |
Package 'debsig-verify' is installed
2008-04-02 | ||
48. |
The upgrade can not continue with that package installed.
Please remove it with synaptic or 'apt-get remove debsig-verify' first and run the upgrade again.
2008-04-02 | ||
49. |
Include latest updates from the Internet?
2008-01-12 | ||
57. |
Upgrading the repository information resulted in a invalid file. Please report this as a bug.
2006-05-14 |
Nadogradnja podataka repozitorija je rezultirala neispravnom datotekom. Molim, prijavite ovo kao bug.
60. |
Package in inconsistent state
Packages in inconsistent state
2008-02-18 | ||
66. |
Calculating the changes
2008-03-22 |
Analiza promjena
70. |
Could not download the upgrades
2006-05-14 |
Nisam mogao preuzeti nadogradnje
82. |
Required depends is not installed
2008-01-12 | ||
83. |
The required dependency '%s' is not installed.
2007-12-04 | ||
113. |
Use the given path to search for a cdrom with upgradable packages
2008-01-12 | ||
114. |
Use frontend. Currently available:
DistUpgradeViewText, DistUpgradeViewGtk, DistUpgradeViewKDE
2007-12-04 | ||
120. |
Fetching is complete
2006-09-06 |
Preuzimanje je završeno
123. |
Fetching file %li of %li
2006-09-06 |
Preuzimam datoteku %li od %li
153. |
Remove %s
2008-03-22 |
Ukloni %s
179. |
You have to download a total of %s.
2006-09-06 |
Morate preuzeti ukupno %s.
183. |
Reboot required
2006-05-14 |
Potrebno je ponovno pokretanje računala
184. |
The upgrade is finished and a reboot is required. Do you want to do this now?
2006-05-14 |
Nadogradnja je završena i potrebno je ponovo pokrenuti računalo. Želite li to učiniti sada?
186. |
This is most likely a bug in the upgrade tool. Please report it as a bug
2006-05-14 |
Ovo je najvjerovatnije greška u alatu za nadogradnju. Molim, prijavite ovo kao bug
189. |
Failed to fetch
2006-05-14 |
Preuzimanje nije uspjelo
190. |
Fetching the upgrade failed. There may be a network problem.
2006-05-14 |
Preuzimanje nadogradnje nije uspjelo. Vjerovatno je problem u mreži.
191. |
Authentication failed
2006-05-14 |
Autorizacija nije uspjela
192. |
Authenticating the upgrade failed. There may be a problem with the network or with the server.
2006-05-14 |
Autorizacija nadogradnje nije uspjela. Vjerovatno je problem u mreži ili sa poslužiteljem.
194. |
Extracting the upgrade failed. There may be a problem with the network or with the server.
2006-05-14 |
Raspakiravanje nadogradnje nije uspjelo. Vjerovatno je problem u mreži ili na poslužitelju.
201. |
2008-01-12 | ||
206. |
2008-01-12 | ||
207. |
2008-01-12 | ||
208. |
2008-01-12 | ||
214. |
To finish the upgrade, a restart is required.
If you select 'y' the system will be restarted.
2008-02-06 | ||
216. |
<b><big>Cancel the running upgrade?</big></b>
The system could be in an unusable state if you cancel the upgrade. You are strongly adviced to resume the upgrade.
2006-05-14 |
<b><big>Prekinuti nadogradnju u tijeku?</big></b>
Sistem bi mogao biti u neupotrebljivom stanju ako prekinete nadogradnju. Preporuka je da nastavite nadogradnju.
227. |
2006-05-14 |
228. |
_Report Bug
2006-05-14 |
_Prijavi bug
230. |
_Start Upgrade
2006-10-16 |
_Pokreni nadogradnju
260. |
It is unknown when the package information was updated last. Please try clicking on the 'Check' button to update the information.
2008-02-18 | ||
264. |
The package information was last updated less than one hour ago.
2008-01-12 | ||
282. |
(Size: %s)
2006-09-11 |
(Veličina: %s)