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108117 of 120 results
Authentication is required to modify a color profile
Auðkenningar er krafist til að breyta litasniði
Translated by Sveinn í Felli
Located in ../policy/
Install system color profiles
- Normal users require admin authentication to install files system
wide to apply color profiles for sessions that have not explicitly
chosen profiles to apply.
- This should not be set to 'yes' as unprivileged users could then
set a profile set to all-white or all-black and thus make the
other sessions unusable.

Setja upp litasnið kerfis
Translated by Sveinn í Felli
Located in ../policy/
Authentication is required to install the color profile for all users
Auðkenningar er krafist til að setja litasniðið upp fyrir alla notendur
Translated by Sveinn í Felli
Located in ../policy/
Inhibit color profile selection
- Normal users should not have to authenticate to profile

(no translation yet)
Located in ../policy/
Authentication is required to disable profile matching for a device
(no translation yet)
Located in ../policy/
Use color sensor
- Normal users should not have to authenticate to use the
colorimeter device.

Nota litmæli
Translated by Sveinn í Felli
Located in ../policy/
Authentication is required to use the color sensor
(no translation yet)
Located in ../policy/
Show debugging information for all files
TRANSLATORS: turn on all debugging
Sýna villuleitarupplýsingar fyrir allar skrár
Translated by Sveinn í Felli
Located in ../src/cd-debug.c:112
Debugging Options
Translated by Sveinn í Felli
Located in ../src/cd-debug.c:170
Show debugging options
Birta aflúsunarvalkosti
Translated by Sveinn í Felli
Located in ../src/cd-debug.c:171
108117 of 120 results

This translation is managed by Íslenska UBUNTU þýðingarteymið - Icelandic Translators, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Richard Hughes, Sveinn í Felli.