Translations by ricardovs

ricardovs has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

13 of 3 results
fakeroot not found, either install the fakeroot package, specify a command with the -r option, or run this as root
fakeroot no encontrado, instale el paquete fakeroot, especifique un comando con la opción -r, o ejecute esto como root
$ORIGIN is used in RPATH of %s and the corresponding directory could not be identified due to lack of DEBIAN sub-directory in the root of package's build tree
$ORIGIN es usado en RPATH de %s y el correspondiente directorio no pudo ser identificado debido a la falta del subdirectorio DEBIAN en la raíz del árbol de construcción del paquete
.orig.tar name %s is not <package>_<upstreamversion>.orig.tar (wanted %s)
nombre .orig.tar %s no es <package>_<upstreamversion>.orig.tar (deseado %s)