Translations by BEnjamin Šehić

BEnjamin Šehić has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

117 of 17 results
This is free software; see the GNU General Public License version 2 or later for copying conditions. There is NO warranty.
Ovo je besplatni software; pogledajte GNU Opću Javnu Licencu verzija 2 ili noviju za uslove kopiranja. NE POSTOJI garancija.
Commands: --get <flag> output the requested flag to stdout. --origin <flag> output the origin of the flag to stdout: value is one of vendor, system, user, env. --query-features <area> output the status of features for the given area. --list output a list of the flags supported by the current vendor. --export=(sh|make|cmdline|configure) output something convenient to import the compilation flags in a shell script, in make, or in a command line. --dump output all compilation flags with their values --status print a synopsis with all parameters affecting the behaviour of dpkg-buildflags and the resulting flags and their origin. --help show this help message. --version show the version.
Komande: --get <flag> Ispišite traženi flag na stdout(standardni izlazni uređaj). --origin <flag> Ispišite porijeklo flag-a na stdout: vrijednost je jedna od prodavač, sistem, kotisnik, env. --query-features <area> Ispiši status svojstava zadate oblasti. --list Ispišite listu flag-ova zadani od strane trenutnog prodavača. --export=(sh|make|cmdline|configure) Ispišite nešto pogodno kako bi kako bi uvezli flag-ove u skriptu školjke, u "napravi", ili komandnom linijom. --dump Ispiši sve kompilacijske flag-ove sa njihovim vrijednostima. --status Isprintajte sinapsu sa svim parametrima koji utiču na ponašanje dpkg-buildflags i rezultirajućih flag-ova i njihovim porijeklom. --help Prikaži ovu poruku za pomoć. --version Prikaži verziju.
source distribution
source distribucija
failed to sign .dsc and .changes file
Neuspješna prijava .dsc i .changes datoteku
failed to sign .changes file
Neuspješna prijava .changes datoteku
not signing UNRELEASED build; use --force-sign to override
Ne orijavljuje se UNRELEASED build; use --force-prijavu za obaranje
Options: -A ignore Build-Depends-Arch and Build-Conflicts-Arch. -B ignore Build-Depends-Indep and Build-Conflicts-Indep. -d build-deps use given string as build dependencies instead of retrieving them from control file -c build-conf use given string for build conflicts instead of retrieving them from control file -a arch assume given host architecture -P profiles assume given build profiles (comma-separated list) --admindir=<directory> change the administrative directory. -?, --help show this help message. --version show the version.
Opcije: -A ignoriraj Build-Depends-Arch i Build-Conflicts-Arch. -B ignoriraj Build-Depends-Indep i Build-Conflicts-Indep. -d build-deps koristi zadani string kao build dependencies umjesto čitanja sa kontrolne datoteke -c build-conf koristi zadani string za build konflikt umjesto čitanja sa kontrolne datoteke -a arch pretpostavi zadanu host arhitekturu -P profili pretpostavljaju zadane build profile (lista razdvojena zarezom) --admindir=<directory> Promijeni administrativni direktorij. -?, --help Prikažu ovo poruku za pomoć. --version Prikaži verziju.
Options: -p<package> print control file for package. -c<control-file> get control info from this file. -l<changelog-file> get per-version info from this file. -F<changelog-format> force changelog format. -v<force-version> set version of binary package. -f<files-list-file> write files here instead of debian/files. -P<package-build-dir> temporary build dir instead of debian/tmp. -n<filename> assume the package filename will be <filename>. -O[<file>] write to stdout (or <file>), not .../DEBIAN/control. -is, -ip, -isp, -ips deprecated, ignored for compatibility. -D<field>=<value> override or add a field and value. -U<field> remove a field. -V<name>=<value> set a substitution variable. -T<substvars-file> read variables here, not debian/substvars. -?, --help show this help message. --version show the version.
Opcije: -p<package> printaj kontrolno polje za pakete. -c<control-file> daj kontrol info ove datoteke. -l<changelog-file> daj info predverzije ove datoteke. -F<changelog-format> forsiraj changelog format. -v<force-version> postavi verziju binarnih paketa. -f<files-list-file> piši datoteke ovdje umjesto debian/files. -P<package-build-dir> privremeni build dir umjesto debian/tmp. -n<filename>pretpostavi da će ime paketa biti <filename>. -O[<file>] ispiši na stdout (ili <file>), ne .../DEBIAN/control. -is, -ip, -isp, -ips deprecated, ignoriraj radi kompatibilnosti. -D<field>=<value> nadglasaj ili dodaj polje i vrijednost. -U<field> ukloni polje. -V<name>=<value> postavi zamjensku varijablu. -T<substvars-file> čitaj varijable ovdje, ne debian/substvars. -?, --help prikaži ovu poruku za pomoć. --version prikaži ovu verziju.
can't read directory %s: %s
direktorij %s: %s se ne može čitati
Dpkg::Shlibs::Objdump couldn't parse %s
Dpkg::Shlibs::Objdump nemoguće raščlaniti %s
needs at least three arguments
potrebno minimalno 3 argumenta
file arguments need to exist
argumenti fajla moraju postojati
Options: -l<changelog-file> get per-version info from this file. -F<changelog-format> force changelog format. -L<libdir> look for changelog parsers in <libdir>. -S, --show-field <field> show the values for <field>. -?, --help show this help message. --version show the version.
Options: -l<changelog-file> daj info predverzije. -F<changelog-format> forsiraj changelog format. -L<libdir> potraži changelog rastavljače u <libdir>. -S, --show-field <field> prikaži vrijednosti za <field>. -?, --help prikaži ovu poruku za pomoć. --version prikaži verziju.
unconditional maintainer override for %s
unconditional maintainer nadglasavanje za %s
binary dir %s not found
binary dir %s nije nađena
override file %s not found
override datoteka %s nije nađena
couldn't open %s for reading
%s se nije moglo otvoriti radi čitanja