Translations by Jean-Pierre Theron

Jean-Pierre Theron has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

15 of 5 results
This software is subject to license terms included with its documentation. Some is proprietary.
Hierdie sagteware is onderhewig aan die lisensie ingesluit in die dokumentasie. Sekere aspekte van die lisensie is in privaat besit.
Installing third-party drivers requires turning off Secure Boot. To do this, you need to choose a security key now, and enter it when the system restarts.
Installasie van derde-party drywers benodig die afskakel van Sekuur Aanskakel. Om dit te doen, moet jy nou 'n sekuriteit sleutel kies and dit in sleutel wanneer die stelsel herlaai.
UEFI Secure Boot
UEFI Sekuur aanskakel
You have chosen to enable third-party software as part of your install, which for this system includes hardware drivers for graphics and/or wi-fi hardware. Your system also has UEFI Secure Boot enabled. UEFI Secure Boot is not compatible with the use of these third-party drivers.
Jy het gekies om derde-party sagteware toe te laat as deel van jou installasie. Dit sluit in hardeware drywers vir grafiese en/of wi-fi hardware. Jou stelsel laat ook UEFI Sekuur Aanskakel toe. UEFI Sekuur Aanskakel is nie versoenbaar met die gebruik van hierdie derde-party drywers nie.
After installation completes, Ubuntu will assist you in disabling UEFI Secure Boot. To ensure that this change is being made by you as an authorized user, and not by an attacker, you must choose a password now and then use the same password after reboot to confirm the change.
Wanneer die installasie klaar is, sal Ubuntu jou assisteer om UEFI Sekuur Aanskakel af te skakel. Om seker te maak dat hierdie verandering deur jou as die wettige gebruiker, en nie deur 'n aanvaller, gemaak word, word u vereis om nou 'n wagwoord te kies. U moet dan, nadat die stelsel geherlaai het, dieselfde wagwoord gebruik om die verandering te verifieer.