Translations related to Samed Beyribey

Last translation activity by Samed Beyribey was .


These are the translations that Samed Beyribey last worked on:

LottaNZB 0.5 series
LottaNZB trunk series
Bilbo Blogger 1.x series
LottaNZB trunk series
emesene 1.0.x series
LottaNZB 0.6 series
LottaNZB 0.5 series
PulseAudio Mixer Applet trunk series
LottaNZB 0.6 series
Deluge develop series

Translation Groups

Samed Beyribey is a member of the following translation groups:
Translation group Language Translation guidelines
Haguichi Translators Turkish,110.0.html
Ubuntu Translators Turkish,110.0.html